10 Unique Marketing Strategy Examples

With so many well-known and successful companies around the world, one can not help but wonder, what do they all do so well? How is it that they continue to reach new heights and pass new milestones all the time? Well, every brand has a hint of its personality in its marketing strategies. That is what helps companies gain more and more attention. With that being said, in this blog, we are going to explore unique marketing strategy examples of 10 companies. That will allow us to better understand their ongoing success as well as gain ideas for when we wish to establish our companies.

10 Unique Marketing Strategy Examples
10 Unique Marketing Strategy Examples

GoPro utilizes Leverage User-Generated Content.

GoPro employs User Generated Content (UGC) to promote its YouTube channel. Go Pro has the most significant part of its top-performing YouTube recordings on its channel as UGC substance.

GoPro creates UGC through its GoPro grants program, which produced 130K site visits in 2019. This program includes a few content challenges that remunerate contenders with gear, presentation, and cash. The program gives out $1M a year to beat content makers in addition to grants.

GoPro grants are continuous challenges to tap into its community and supply a relentless stream of quality substance.

GoPro utilizes substance submitted to advance the grants on its social media channels, making a positive criticism circle of UGC and promoting the creation of more UGC.

The biggest cash motivation challenge is the GoPro Million Dollar Challenge, which co-launches nearby GoPro’s most recent camera dispatch each year. It is implied to empower the buy of the most current GoPro and the creation of quality substance.

Contenders have three months to film and yield substance that adjusts to the challenge rules, such as crude clips as it were, no music, and 100% GoPro HERO9 Dark film.

After the Million Dollar Challenge, GoPro makes a highlight reel including all of the winning recordings. In the final challenge, GoPro had 42K clips submitted, and 45 makers parted the million-dollar prize.

Looking at the YTD regular YouTube post cadence, GoPro posts 4x more regularly monthly than its competitive set. This is typically significantly due to its UGC procedure, which permits GoPro to distribute more frequently.

Frito-Lay mostly thinks about standing out and being fun and original.

We all will concur that PepsiCo may be a showcasing powerhouse. Frito-Lay is one of their verticals that incorporates an item portfolio comprising Doritos, Lay’s, and Cheetos.

Have you noted how Lay’s comes up with imaginative flavors (gyro and truffle fries, flame-broiled cheese and tomato soup, etc.)? They crowd-source modern tastes through a perpetual challenge called “Do Us a Flavor.”

They welcome clients to yield flavors and fixings they would like Lay’s to create. They choose the three best flavors and provide colossal cash compensation to the winning participants.

Their “Turn Up the Flavour” challenge was brought about in three limited-time flavors propelled by three sorts of music, Hip Bounce, Pop, and Shake.

Agreeing with Lay’s, “The sensorial encounter of each ‘Turn Up the Flavor’ chip enhance points to grant fans the same sensorial encounter of tuning in to each class of music.”

To make the challenge more well known, Lay’s joined up with music singer Beba Rexha. She made a subject melody for the campaign, Right Here, Right Presently. In return, Lay’s included a unique code on the modern chips bundles, which let buyers open Beba’s modern tracks.

Frito Lay makes clients feel esteemed by counting them within the vital decision-making preparation.

Bounty’s strategy is always to shock its audience in a good way.

Paper towel brand Bounty employs guerrilla-promoting methods to shock individuals. In short, guerrilla promoting implies unforeseen ways of putting your brand before individuals. Bounty put up life-sized “spills” in active downtown zones of New York.

The heart of a fantastic guerrilla-promoting campaign is cleverness. By one means or another, in an unguarded minute, a brand oversees to talk to its target in an unforeseen way. Now and then, that shows how well the brand knows an audience’s biases or needs.

An excellent campaign frequently uncovers itself in stages, seizing the audience by shock at that point, continuously clueing you in.

By requiring a small interpretation, the campaign draws audiences in to lock in more profoundly – at that point boosts the chances that prospects will share the same startling involvement with others.

Coca-Cola always takes consequences into account.

Coca Cola Marketing Strategy

The Coca-Cola Company is a well-known refreshment company; its most prevalent drink is Coke. The latter is a carbonated soft drink.

The company, as of now, confronted a part of the objection concerning the severe well-being impacts of this drink that contains tall sums of sugar that can lead to fatness, among other well-being issues.

As a beverage company, it must be water unbiased or diminish the impacts of its water impressions.

In spite of the fact that Coca-Cola may be a huge company, they also focus on making a positive distinction within the nearby communities they work. They work with neighborhood accomplices and support their employees’ dynamic association.

They have been utilizing nearby associations and providing work-related learning and mentorships with their instruction centers. The company is additionally advancing a culture of well-being by strengthening and empowering individuals to live emphatically. They aim for world-class wellbeing and security benchmarks and a zero mishap working environment.

Most of the company’s items depend on the environment. That is why they are exceptionally dynamic regarding the security of the domain. They have a run of associations to ensure and upgrade the atmosphere by reusing, water effectiveness, lessening carbon outflows, and cleaning up litter.

Coca-Cola emphasized that all of its representatives must make time to volunteer in their community since it is the correct thing to do. They have arranged to contribute a rate of their benefit to charities and community causes. This CSR program of Coca-Cola will assist the representatives in upgrading their abilities and gaining more encounters while building a stronger future for another era.

My fix Cycles constantly retargets its audience.

All marketers will concur on one thing. Today’s web clients have brief consideration ranges. Between informing apps, window exchanging, and “real world” obligations, it’s nearly inconceivable to induce clients to center on one thing.

Retargeting is like a moment’s chance at converting misplaced clients. You can use it to enact torpid clients or upsell to existing clients. It is usually done by sending strategically-timed alarms through SMS, emails, advertisements, and pop-ups to targets.

Canadian cycle brand My fix Cycles employs retargeting brilliantly.

Re-targeting existing cinema goers (and those who fizzled to total past ticket exchanges online) is a simple & beneficial way to offer cinema tickets. Cinemas should incorporate re-marketing and up-sell/cross-sell campaigns in their promotion strategy.

An online campaign to distinguish and reach new cinemagoers at first may not be promptly beneficial. Still, once those potential audience members are known, it gets less costly to retarget them – consequent retargeting campaigns (built around video clips) provide a higher transformation rate.

So the long-term benefits of building such an audience database must be considered when surveying the esteem and fetched of a beginning focusing on the campaign.

Taco Bell’s unique strategy is to be present with where its customers are at.

Taco Bell Strategy

Taco Bell dares to alter its branding technique and attempt something modern permanently. As the world advances with new realistic plan patterns, changing societal rules, and overhauled innovation, their company symbol ought to grow to reflect those times.

It would not make sense to utilize the same symbol they used amid their humble beginnings, not when so much has changed for the quick nourishment juggernaut.

Taco Bell appears to be mindful that its target market is those between 18 to 34 years old who adores a taco or two or three when it is late at night, and they are coming home from a concert or bar.

Keeping up with the times, Taco Bell knows this statistic is additionally seeking out veggie lover alternatives on the menu. This is often why they have included superior choices for those late-night snackers, like bean burritos and veggie bowls.

Aside from all that, Taco Bell dares to be distinctive and to do striking things that offer to the millennials they need to target.

In 2019, Taco Bell’s pop-up inn sold out of reservations. These brave showcasing stunts are what offer assistance in Taco Bell winning the youthful swarm time and time once more.

Their advertisements regularly highlight the “in the crowd,” getting a charge out of their dinner within the stopping parcel, whereas the sky is dull and starry.

Their brand is cheeky and self-aware, so much so that amid Super Bowl XLVII, they presented a commercial with a bunch of rowdy, elderly society partying within the late night stopping part. It was a self-aware wink that their target market can be not solely millennials but anybody that needs an excellent taco supreme.

Warby Parker monetizes its brand story.

Warby Parker was established with a mission. The eyewear company needed to offer premium-quality glasses at reasonable costs. They are the typical person’s reply to Gucci and Armani. But, they do not fair offer glasses; they adapt their brand story.

Their site’s History page speaks about how the brand proprietors had less than 20/20 vision but could not bear to purchase glasses. They made the brand break the restraining infrastructure of high-end brands and give quality glasses at low costs. That is a persuading story of a veritable brand championing a great cause.

They give a pair to the poor for each pair of glasses they offer. In this way, they include clients in their brand story. Individuals feel great that they are related to a compassionate brand.

Warby Parker does not give up on sharing its brand identity. Clients like to lock in a human brand instead of a faceless substance.

Heineken’s unique strategy is that it usually seeks sponsorship of sports games.

Heineken Marketing Strategy

The well-known beer brand, Heineken, centers its advertisement campaigns on millennial guys, who are their key demographic. They target men curious about sports by supporting occasions like the UEFA Champions Association.

UEFA Champions League support Heineken has said it closely observes talks about a breakaway European soccer ‘super league. Twelve of Europe’s driving soccer clubs revealed an arrangement to set up a new mainland competition sorted out around a plan of mid-week diversions.

The proposition, which has started calls for the 12 clubs to be shot out from their national associations, may debilitate the UEFA Champions League’s position as the driving European club soccer competition. Heineken, which has supported the Champions League since 1994, told just-drinks nowadays that “as a long-time supporter of UCL, they are taking after the Super League dialogs closely.”

Vogue deeply considers its loyalty programs.

Vogue Australia propelled Fashion VIP, a super-charged devotion program that rewards steadfast clients with numerous advantages.

Through client loyalty programs, luxury brands have the choice to assemble critical information around their clients.

This has gotten to be more noteworthy presently that massive tech stages like Apple and Google and browsers like Firefox are blocking third-party treats.

Privacy could be a huge issue. Retailers allow their loyalty programs a popular title. But in the end, it is a way to explore the oceans of GDPR and other administrative impacts and a component to urge shopper assent to associated with them.

Numerous luxury fashion brands do not offer devotion programs. That is despite the fact that they may compensate their most elevated investing clients with solicitations to design appears and a committed concierge service.

It is a top-down approach and has long been constrained to a small audience for a long time.

In a digitized world, brands perceive they got to step up.

Last but not least, World Wildlife Fund For Nature (WWF), considers creativity above everything else. 

WWF’s advertisement campaigns are continuously exceptionally imaginative. Within the “24 Hours within the Life of WWF” campaign, the association posted an intelligently outline on Twitter. 

On that day, at whatever point anyone from WWF posted anything on Twitter, a smaller than expected post showed up on the outline pinpointing the person’s topographical location. 

The point was to highlight the worldwide reach of WWF and the kind of work they attempt in different parts of the globe. To advance the thought, WWF advanced a custom hashtag #wwf24.

Their #EndangeredEmoji campaign changed over tweets into gifts each time their custom emojis were utilized in a post. The fund-raising campaign was based on the basis that 17 of the creatures included in a standard emoji set to drop within the imperiled bracket. So, each time an individual utilizes an emoji, the truth that the animal is imperiled hits home.

WWF considers creatively coming up with thoughts that have not been investigated sometime recently. This way, its substance can stand out within the immersed social space.

And that concludes the “10 Unique Marketing Strategy Examples” blog. We made sure to introduce different outstanding strategies of well-known brands to give a vague idea about their relevance and success. To read more blogs like this, make sure to visit main page, where we constantly come up with new content. 

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