6 Unique Target Market Examples.
We are all used to define our target market considering demographics, age, family size, income level. What does it give us? Of course no specific information about their lifestyle, preferences. What they love. Why they should buy our product. With demographics, cities, villages, ages, income levels we can not decide what kind of people like our products. What are their specific characteristics?

So, in reality, we need to look upon people’s lifestyle, motivations, and not Geographical fact. And also we should look upon interactions, attitudes and not the race, income level, and family size. Garrison group shows us many types of target markets (these are the specific type of people, who have the same interests and attitudes to life).
In the blog post, we are going to discuss several people segments, about their interest, and attitudes. Here are the 6 examples of customer characters.
Fullfillers, ( Traget market, Customer Character) age 30-50. The Famous example is Hillary Clinton.

Overall description (lifestyle, attitudes, values) .
The specific segment is career and business devoted people. They want to fulfill their ambitions and be the first whatever they do. They want to climb the career leader, seeking new challenges and risks. Fulfillers are not family oriented, the family should adopt their priorities. One thing that is important to them is the recognition of their skills and results from family, different circles.
Fulfillers have an active social life, they go to theatres, cinemas, places where they can be seen. They want to be considered as progressifs as new technologies and new trends interest them very much.
Cafes, pubs, dancing places are their favorite places, where they can meet their friends also restaurants are their favorite places to have dinner or lunch. They travel a lot and go for at least 2 or 3 countries in a year and are active travelers, go to cities, trying out new foods and drinks. The do sports according to a season, skiing in winter, sailing in summer.
How do they buy? How do they consume media?

There is a huge variety of brands that they use and the brands are mainly premium ones and pay extra for quality products. Fulfillers are likely to buy in an impulsive way, very fast and like trying aout new brands and products. Moreover, they would spend their leisure time in the shopping center and buy just for fun, for improving mood.
Fulfillers read a lot about finances, entertainment, sports. Technology interests them a lot, topics about it, motorcycles and cars. Caring about Health and going to the gym and sports activities are important issues in their life. They use the Internet for their first information source. Apps for booking, banking, purchasing, various discussions are very useful to them. They watch Tv only for specific shows or football matches or news programs.
Hedonists (target market, customer character) age 16 -30. A Famous example of Hedonists is Jack Sparrow.

Overall description (lifestyle, attitudes, values).
Hedonists have fun every day, as much as possible. They like active life and also do an eccentric things, like dancing a lot in parties or doing a strange thing in front of people. Moreover, Hedonists are very outgoing, they party a lot with huge teams, also invite them for a beer and chips.
They are people who change a lot. They change friends, workplaces, partners, tend to have short relationships. They like everything new, new friends, new products and tend to buy them immediately. Enjoy being in tune with the latest fashion in order to stand out in a crowd and for being liked from peers and family.
They like to control at work and money is their main motivation to work. The point of drinking is to get drunk, women’s place is at home, real men do not cry, Mucho attitude rules in their life. Hedonists are people who live a life of parties, hanging out all the time. Pubs, bars, cafes cinemas are their preferable places. They also keen on watching the latest movies. Computer games and lotteries are their gaming preferences. Drag racings and motor shows are the events which they participate all the time.
How do they buy? How do they consume media?

Here, we see that mainstream brands are dominant as they do not have enough money to pay for expensive ones. But somehow they can afford authentic goods as it improves their image. They are typically impulsive purchasers and do not plan their buyings, preferring to shop in smaller stores.
Hedonists are not so active when it comes to media usage, and use it mainly for entertainment purpose. Also, they do not read articles entirely, just particles, to have general information about the latest news. Cars sports, men’s titles are their preferences in reading. Do not watch Tv much, only some mainstream programs or reality shows. They use the internet mainly for interactions with friends, visiting dating sites or looking for parties. Like buying something on the web as its very convenient.
Traditionalists (target market, customer character) age 30-50. A famous example ( The actor Harrison Ford).

Overall description (lifestyle, attitude , values).
Traditionalists keen to guide and lead their families throughout all their life, not pursuing big goals in a career. Focusing on raising children, doing everyday duties. Stability is what they long for, preventing any obstacles that can bother them. They like to guide family members, then requiring the outcomes. They dress well and have a good taste but they are not fashionable and do not spend much on clothing. Their homes should be cozy and neat, also they care about what the family eats. Working with a team, believing in heir work, recognition from colleagues is a need while working.
Traditionalists like to have leisure time with their family, going to familiar places to relax, also they like to spend peaceful evenings at home. They are not interested in arts or foreign cultures and do not read a lot, instead, they want their kids to read books.
How do they buy? How do they consume media?

Traditionalists like all kind of shopping, oriented on practical thinking, buying for comfort, not for a look and like spending money, sometimes in a spontaneous way. They like trying new brands, new products, not fixing on the same brand. Their mind is for quantity over quality, and buy cheaper products but sometimes keen on buying premium ones for kids. Special offers are what they like as they are bargain hunter by nature.
Traditionalists read magazines, news about their hobbies, furnishing, recipes of dishes. National news is very interesting to them and also topics about star gossiping. They do not use the internet a lot, only for emailing and job searching. They use Tv for their first entertainment source, turning on every time they enter the home.
Peacocks (target market, customer character) age 18-30. A famous example, Jennifer Lopez.

Overall description (lifestyle, attitude, values).
Peacocks are a self-focused segment, always trying to stand out in a crowd. All they want is to be noticed for their looks, people they have around, the clothes they wear. Confidence is what they want and like to be perceived as a very confident personality. A lot of them say that want to have their business someday. They want to succeed in everything and do not admit their failures as success is very important to them. Only doing activities where they can really shine. Peacocks try to be on top of their career, where they can gain recognition they realy feel they deserve. They want to lead and also be a type of a leader who commands. Money is a symbol of success and thinks that people look up to that.
For leisure activities, peacocks prefer going to the gym a few times in a week. They like going to bars and restaurants where they can be noticed also preferring Vip places. They like meeting friends who would admit who they are. Also, like prestigious cars which will show their high status.
How do they buy? How they use media?

Peacocks buy brands in order to stand out and the prestigious ones which fit their personality, they are flashy. The income level of Peackocks is not so high, so they try to buy reduced priced goods. Once they find a brand they like, they stick to it. They are trendy and follow all kind of news in fashion. They measure they trendiness with the images on latest music video clips or Tv shows.
Tv is their main Media source of entertainment and information. They watch less educational and informational programs. They use the internet for more entertainment and communicating than as an informational mean, also searching for a social event on web.
Independents (target market, customer character) age 55+. A famous example of Independent is (Miranda from Demon Wears Prada).

Overall description (lifestyle, attitude, values).
Independents live a life full of enjoyment, a life they dreamed all the time. They are an intelligent segment, visit museums, exhibitions, enjoying concerts. They are very self-focused, and do not care much about family, do not help them in everyday tasks. On the contrary, they are very busy with friends, career and enjoyment. They have reached a good level of career, and enjoy being successful and on top as it gives them a sense of control. They are people who are really socially active, inviting friends their places, dining out in restaurants. Doing exercises to look fit, gym, aerobics, swimming.
How do they buy? Who they use media?

They like spending a lot on clothing and are spontaneous buyers. Do not plan shopping activities. They like premium brands and pay more for quality. Always try new brands and also like listening to experts’ opinions.
They use the Internet a lot as it is their first mean of information. They also prefer printed media. Indipendents have a wide range of curiosities, from finances to sports, from fashion to computing. They always turn on TV for background entertainment and watch specific Tv programs. Always listen to music on the radio while driving.
Sharers. (target market, customer character) age 30 – 55. Overall description (lifestyle, attitude, values). A famous example of a sharer character is Shania Twain.

Sharers try to have moments of full enjoyment all the time. Risks, challenges, any kind of changes interest them a lot. They fill their ordinary life with different types of enjoyment. Do their duties for family,everyday shopping or just visiting malls. They have a low budget and do not buy a lot, but if they see what they really like, would have it definitely, no matter it is cheap or not. They have a good career and measure success with money.
Sharers like cooking and want their family to eat healthy. They like spending time at home, cooking, having duties in the kitchen. They dress fashionably, also go to the gym and do regular exercises. Like knowing a lot about star gossiping, fashion trends. Buying high-end products to stand out in a town.
They like spending leisure time at home, fixing things, gardening, creating. Watching different movies, also read detective books for escaping the reality. Sometimes they go out cafes, fast food places, wine bars. They do not go abroad much, do not travel a lot, instead like shopping with friends and family.
How do they buy? How do they use media?

They like using premium brands and buy some as soon as they can afford it. Trying new brands just for curiosity and fun. Like shopping, doing it whenever possible. Just visiting a shopping center can bring joy and fulfillment to them. The family is an important part of their decision-making process.
Media helps them to escape to another world. They desired the world. They read a lot about the lifestyle, celebrity topics, society, politics, and economy are also their favorite topics. They watch Tv a lot, different kind of programs which will help them to escape to another world. Operas ballets, theatres. Use the internet a little, as it gives them a few advantages.
Try to define who is your customer. Not by his age or where he/she works or such kind of dimensions. Try to define your customer by his/her behavior, lifestyle;e. attitudes, values. People are different, they have different values. And segmentation is based on the values they pursue. They have the same tension points. Touching these points would bring success to your business.