Balancers’ Buyer Persona
Let’s take a look at Balancers’ insights and features.

Balancers are open, positive and ambitious people who always try to get the most out of everything. Their vivid idea is how they always try to balance their lives, how it causes them to feel constantly guilty. When they work, they feel guilty for not spending time at home with their family.
When they are with their family, they feel guilty that work projects are incomplete. When they are with their friends, they feel guilty for spending little time with their loved ones. This causes a lot of tension in their lives, they always try to balance these 3 components of life: Work, Family, Friends.
Family is very important for Balancers. They are concerned about their well-being, because if they don’t work, they won’t be able to provide for their family and welfare. They strive to create a stable family life, and believe that every person should get married only if he is in love.
As parents, their approaches to important decisions are very tolerant and long-term. They always understand their children and establish quite good friendships with them. They are more inclusive people than exclusive.
Balancers like to pursue challenges, and are open to new things. They are looking for shades that life has to offer. Although they are looking for new things, they value the security and stability created in their lives at the moment.
Almost all Balancers say that everyone should always be faithful to themselves. They have gone through many things, they don’t want to deceive themselves or others. Honesty and being real are good ways to move forward.
Balancers are popular and well-established people. They have a prosperous and happy family. These people are leaders at work, active in the company. They are always useful to everyone around them.
Balancers keep in touch with everyone and help them if there is an opportunity. They are constantly haunted by guilt that they haven’t achieved something, haven’t done it, have neglected their family, or have failed in work for a certain period of time.
They can be often seen in changing moods. There may be a little self-inconfidence that they have done something wrong. Balancers always need to be thanked for their usefulness, to be encouraged to do everything right.
Balancers are schematic people, in life or at work, always ready to buy tools that will make their lives easier. They like to do things with one click, not to suffer too much.
For example, mobile banking, online shopping, and LinkedIn premium products are created for these people. They love to master, to collect useful information. For accurate information, they are accustomed to turning to experts in the field. This is a quick way to get info.

Balancers have higher education, are smart and informed. From school they were excellent, they studied in the most advanced educational institutions. Basically, they can be considered a good manager, because it is in their essence to keep a balance, and I think that is one of the best qualities of a manager.
They mainly study for a Master’s degree in one of the top 50 universities in the world, from where their wide international acquaintance comes. Being a fairly well-educated, broad-minded intellectual, Balancers believe in the power of thought, they want to continue to develop during their career, based on new knowledge.
They are generally open-minded and curious, so their hunger for knowledge is perfectly in line with their personality.
Balancers are leaders in the workplace, they are very enthusiastic people. They keep relations with all colleagues and, if there is an opportunity, try to provide services to them. They always want people to be grateful for their benefits.
This can be a huge incentive for them to make sure they are doing the right thing for colleagues or employees under their leadership.
For Balancers, the job is more than a long-term career, it is more than just a way to keep family. They are ambitious, striving for more in life than just surviving. They want to reach the peak of their careers, but not at all costs.
They realize that this requires great sacrifices from their family. They try to find a balance so that everyone is satisfied, while at the same time staying true to their life goals.
They prefer to work in companies that have a more social consciousness and create some value for society. It is in line with their modern view of business, their role as parents.

When shopping, Balancers give preference to well-known brands, they are even willing to pay extra for a good brand. If you can get them to your store, then half the work is done, they will definitely buy something.
They are very active and analytical customers in all spheres, preferring the easy way of trading, which takes the least time from them.
Balancers make quick decisions, as they aren’t afraid of making mistakes. They don’t get annoyed so much when they make a mistake, they look for new solutions. These people are The most active non-cash, online shoppers.
The message prepared for the given client must be precise, making life easier for the care. It is necessary to offer messages that, for example, can make them a better spouse, or a better friend, or an easier way to live.
For example Tesla is the car of their dreams, because it is trendy, it’s a brand, it has a beautiful design, it is comfortable, it is electric, it doesn’t pollute the environment.
It is worth using an online platform when targeting this customer. They are always active in social Networks, more so on LinkedIn, and are constantly writing articles and comments about this or that phenomenon. Balancers like to use any tool online to make life easier. They are very active users of ebay and Amazon sites.
During the negotiation, they mainly act as listeners, information collectors and questionnaires. They are very attentive to any offer made to them, study it in detail, compare it with other offers, give a positive or negative answer.
They are customers who are very kind and appreciate that you have suffered for them to prepare an offer, even if it is inferior to the competitor’s offer in quality or price, they will still respect your work and they will buy a small amount from you for experience.
If they come to negotiate, then you will have some result. If not, they wouldn’t spend time, even if the result was small. Feedback is very easy. Always responds quickly to calls and emails.
Their main fear is disturbing the balance. Family, friends and work are the main components of their lives. These three must always be in balance.
Balancers are mainly attracted to Magician, Caregiver, Hero archetype brands. Ruler, Outlaw brands aren’t so interesting for them.
If you are not aware of brand archetypes, you can read more HERE.
Let’s bring examples of some brands that they prefer and are considered loyal buyers of those brands.
And what is the reason that Balancers like and use the above-mentioned brands? As they are mainly Magician or Hero archetype brands, which with their messaging and promises fully correspond to the motivations and preferences of the Balancers.
For instance let’s take a look at a brief description of the Tesla brand personality to better understand what it is all about.
What is the archetype of the Tesla brand? It is clear that the archetype of this brand is Magician, studying the communications or advertising campaigns of this brand, we can see that it has the following slogan: “To accelerate the advent of sustainable transport “, which contains a word -” To accelerate “, which is a very direct touch of the inner insights of Balancers.
Tesla also has the phrase “Falcon wings”. When you look closely at the appearance of the Tesla model X, it looks like a bird, it is a car that can fly.
Thus, the vision positions its brand under a clear Magician archetype, and its Buyer Persona, which as we understand is Balancers, promises that the electric car is just the beginning, waiting for the flying cars in the near future.
Let’s watch one of the commercials.
We suggest you also consider the example of Radisson Blu, which is under the Hero brand archetype.
Famous Balancers: Justin Trudeau, Mike Ross
The complete information on Balancers can be found in the electronic version of the “16 Personalities” creative workbook developed by THE SOCIAL GRABBER team, with a link below. In the book you will find how to attract Balancers based on their insights. What are the characteristics of their consumer behavior? How to use those insights to engage them in your advertising campaigns? Let me tell you that the book “16 Personalities” describes the detailed revelations of all the secrets that will significantly change the previous perception of every Businessman, Marketer or Startup about Buyer Persona.