Brand Archetypes of Netflix, Facebook and Ikea

Every successful brand has implemented tactics of archetypal branding. And it also refers to the giants like Netflix, Facebook, and Ikea. All of them are leaders in their markets and have been dominating them with their quality and great brand strategies. So what are the brand archetypes of Netflix, Facebook, and Ikea?
Let’s begin with Ikea and look at their social media appearances and commercials.

The following Instagram post speaks about puppy day and says that the following day we must spend time with our pets and love them. They promote friendly relations between a man and his/ pet. Also, they promote their latest pillows which can be used as a sleeping place for a pet.

What do we see in this pic? A lot of different home goods in one wall, decorated interestingly.
Here we see t-shirts, hangers, and a lot of everyday usage things. The following post also describes the point of view of Ikea.
Now let’s turn to commercial examples of Ikea.

In the following commercial, the boy has wakened up so early that he managed to do all the chores, he also prepared breakfast for his mother and father and now it is time to wake them up and serve the meal to them. The boy shows the love and care that exist in their family and should exist in every family.

The following commercial tells us a story about a little girl, who took a recycled lamp from a street. Then she carried it to her house and the lamp helped her to do classes, to play games. The lamp became a close friend with a girl. Ikea promotes here not to recycle working apparels. Instead, it can become a close friend with anyone who learns. Also, they show the friendly ambiance of a home.
In both commercials, Ikea emphasizes the loving atmosphere in homes and friendly connection between close people and beloved items.
2 brilliant examples of marekting campaigns.
Just 2 simple ways to grow your business.
So what is the brand archetype of the Brand Ikea?
The answer is Everyman (Ordinary guy).
What does Everyman archetype present?
The archetype desires to connect with others. The goal of the archetype is to belong to something bigger. The brand archetype has gifts of realism and empathy and it values democracy and group identity.
How does the Everyman brand archetype communicate with clients?
The brands show people that they are maybe abandoned and lonely. The brands promote to be a joiner, somebody who accepts help and friendship. Another way of communication is about being a humanitarian and believer of the natural dignity of every person.
Every successful brand has implemented the strategy of 12 brand archetypes. We need to take just 8 steps for completing archetypal branding with the following book.
1. Find out your brand archetype.
2. Create a logo.
3. Do the packaging.
It’s time to find out the brand archetype of Netflix.
Let’s look at social media appearances of Netflix, especially Instagram posts.

I did not find anything interesting in Netflix Instagram feed, just advertisements of new tv series or movies. Or just a funny reminder of an old movie. But there are a few posts that have a different direction and one of these is the following guy with glasses.
Once it is winter outside, once it is summer outside. A funny commercial speaks about looks of people in winter and summer and only glasses are different in 2 pictures. This is just sarcasm.
If we want to know the brand archetype of Netflix, let’s look at the packaging of the brand, their website of course.

The following website design reminds me of the design of the Harley Davidson website. The black color and dark red are dominant in here, and just pictures of streaming movies.
And here is the website of Harley-Davidson similar to Netflix.

And here a question comes, What is the archetype of Harley Davidson? I am going to answer the question in maybe 3 minutes.
Here are the advertisements for Netflix.

The funny commercial shows us a romantic meeting that takes place in the airport. Two lovers had an argument and the wife was almost to leave and the husband came for not letting her leave. And instead of asking him to come back, he asked the password of Netflix. Again sarcasm and fun are present here.
So let’s answer to the main question, What is the archetype of Netflix?
The answer is The Outlaw brand archetype.
What does the Outlaw brand archetype represent?
The desire of the archetype is Revenge and Revolution. The goal of the archetype is to destroy things that are not working. The strategy is to shock and disrupt.
How is Netflix connected to revenge and revolution?
It is seen in their adds, where sarcasm rules. Also, they provide us a product that destroys tv channels. With its gift of radical freedom, it values standing out of time and seeks to experience power.
The outlaw brand archetype has its grades of communication with customers.
Brands with Outlaw archetype tells us that we are outsiders and calls us to actions. It also makes us behave shocking and disruptive way. After all, they want us to behave in a revolutionary way.
Every successful brand has implemented the strategy of 12 brand archetypes. We need to take just 8 steps for completing archetypal branding with the following book.
1. Find out your brand archetype.
2. Create a logo.
3. Do the packaging.
Now let’s look at the archetypal tactics of the legendary social media platform “Facebook”.
How could they dominate the market for a decade? There is a simple answer to this question.
We just need to look at the examples of Facebook.

Here is a post by Facebook on Instagram. They show us that Facebook philosophy stayed the same for fifteen years. The colors and fonts are absolutely the same. This is one of the reasons Facebook has stayed on top. They have never betrayed principles. But there is one difference. The word “the” is the difference.

Here is another post on Instagram. The guy is collecting healthy food. It is his lifestyle to pick the best for people surrounding him. Once it is cabbage, another time it is grapes and so on. Just everybody needs to eat healthily, facebook suggests.
Here is a commercial example of Facebook.
Build your community. A commercial example.

Ordinary facebook users tell us to build our communities on Facebook. The lady tells us how well turned out to her that she was in a facebook community. This is Facebook style, where all kind of people with ordinary lifestyle begin speaking about with a smile, how good it is to be a part of Facebook.
Now let’s turn back and ask the same question. What is the brand archetype of Facebook?
The answer is Everyman brand archetype (Ordinary guy). What does it represent?
The Everyman archetype has a desire to connect with others. The goal of the Everyman is to belong and to fit in. With its gifts of realism and empathy the archetype values equity, democracy, group identity. Facebook always values group identity and democracy, which we also see in their social media posts and commercials.
How does Everyman archetype communicate with customers?
The archetype shows that we need somebody and we are lonely. Then it calls us to be joiner and connecter. There is another degree of communication. This is the level of humanitarian when a person thinks of a bigger world.
Overall the 3 brands have their unique tactics based on brand archetypes. Facebook tries to increase its group identity values. As the whole platform is based on the following idea. Instead, Netflix has come to ruin everything that have existed before. Subscribe to Netflix and be another person. Ikea shows us the love that exists at home. This ordinary value has become so rare nowadays.