Marketing Strategy and SWOT Analysis of Aesop
Don’t you enjoy that hydrating moisturizer at the end of the day that gives your face a smooth feel? And, of course, there are so many more products you can use for healthy and lovely skin. A lot goes into making these products so that they are suitable for most skin types, and people benefit from them. Hence, skin care companies have entered a competition recently, and all that is left is for people to go for what is best. One of the notable skincare brands in recent years is Aesop. We have previously discussed its brand identity and elements. This time around, let’s emphasize its marketing strategy.

Firstly, let’s discuss the brand’s mission and vision statements.
Aesop offers no official mission or vision; however, the blow can be inferred from its official website.
Aeesop makes skin, hair, and body products that are as productive and delightful to use as they are carefully made.
The company was established in 1987. In addition to Melbourne, where its head office is located, Aesop has offices and stores worldwide.
They have always wanted to offer the best possible skin, hair, and body care; therefore, they search for plant-derived or synthetic ingredients through extensive research before choosing effective ones. The company wants its consumers to feel free to come by any of their unique boutiques, where knowledgeable staff will introduce you to its range of products from Aesop.
Everything they do is driven by a genuine interest in design that considers both people and the planet.
Their goal when looking at new places is more than just sticking out but blending in with the street while adding value.
In 2003, their first-ever clients entered one of their stores: a hidden nook in St Kilda on Melbourne’s bayside. This former small ramp leading down into an underground car park set a precedent for future architectural aspirations. They always work with what exists already when seeking new sites—they walk lightly across time.
Which brand does Archetype Aesop belong to?
In Edinburgh, Aesop has built its initial Scottish outlet. This was created from local supplies and skills in a historic district. A single tree provided the Scottish sycamore floor-to-ceiling shelves carved by the Method Studio’s cabinetmakers. The sandstone used for building in the city was taken as a clue to a color scheme that reflected the quiet tones of its immediate landscape and beyond.
The abovementioned is what we see in the post’s caption, and the photos, on the other hand, showcase the story, which looks natural and provides the energy of calmness.
What can we gather from this post?
The post’s neutrality and calm aesthetics provide the brand’s vibe in general. And secondly, the post aims to educate its consumers.
The brand wants its clients to dig deeper into the brand alongside itself so that they are not solely purchasing goods but also experiencing them.
And with those hints, we can gather that the archetype that Aesop belongs to is the Sage.
What do we know about the Sage?
Desire: the discovery of the actual
Aim: to utilize brightness and research mastery to sense the world .
Strategy: investigate for information and details, turn into somebody self-reflective, and apprehend the thinking approaches.
These are the messaging levels of the archetype.
Level One: confusion, doubt, deep want to uncover the truth
Level Two: Hunt for absolute reality, desire for neutrality, peeking at experts
Level Three: fear, essential and creative thinking, turning into a professional
Level Four: education, faith, mastership
The brand could have a good identity if it follows the Sage archetype:
- If knowledge or experience is given to the customers.
- If many different perspectives are encouraged among the customers or clients and their critical thinking skills are developed.
- If the business focuses on untangling modern amorphous familiarity.
- Complex data forms the basis of service and product quality in this brand.
- You are separating this brand from others whose performance or circumstances are doubtful.
Brand archetypes: Why are they significant in practice?
Why are brand archetypes important in real life?
Different businesses have different emphasis on many communication strategies across platforms with different objectives. But all these messages have one thing in common: they are rationalized by archetypal branding and communication. Your messages will stand out and be understood when you use archetypal branding to make them clear, and creative. Depending on how it is taken, an inspirational claim that your organization can reach every person on the planet will have a range of outcomes.
One archetype values learning highly, but another values being a hero. By basing their communication on archetypes, marketers can combine their thoughts for more effective messaging.
Check out the “8 Steps to a Complete Archetypal Branding” for more thorough information about turning your brand messaging into something more practical.
SWOT analysis of Aesop.

Strong Brand Identity: Throughout its existence, Aesop has built a strong reputation for being associated with affluence, eco-friendliness, and effectiveness, which in turn have attracted loyal customers worldwide.
Product Quality: The use of high-grade components sourced naturally, as well as strict research by Aesop, has led to their products being considered reliable and luxurious, which raises customer satisfaction rates while increasing loyalty, too.
Retail Experience: By making stores look simple yet elegant, coupled with excellent customer care, Aesop ensures that people will always remember shopping at their outlets, creating an emotional connection between buyers and sellers and encouraging repeat purchases.
Global Presence: Having established branches in many major cities globally supplemented by vibrant online trade platforms, it is unsurprising that this company commands respect as one of the world’s leading skincare providers since they capitalize on various market needs.
Innovation: To keep up with competitors’ pace or even stay ahead, Aesop always brings new ideas into play regarding what their products should offer, packing them differently each time, too, so that they remain fresh and relevant alongside industry trends.
High cost: The premium pricing of Aesop may limit its access to a broader consumer base and put off price-sensitive buyers. This also prevents them from penetrating the market as well.
The narrow range of products: Compared to other firms, Aesop has a relatively small number of items mainly related to skincare, limiting its chances of cross-selling and gaining more market share.
Reliance on physical stores: Another area for improvement is that many sales made by Aesop are made through brick-and-mortar outlets, which means any economic slump or change in consumer behavior towards online shopping can significantly affect its performance.
Brand image: Despite being known for their use of organic materials, there have been concerns among some reviewers about whether or not these packages and distribution methods used by AESOP are sustainable enough, thus putting the company’s reputation as eco-friendly at risk.
Competing against others: Many players in this industry, such as big luxury brands dealing with beauty products, while smaller ones produce specialized goods; hence, continuous differentiation should be applied if they want to stay ahead.
Entering fresh territories: China, together with India, provides new markets where high-quality skincare items like those manufactured by Aesop could be highly demanded; thus, expanding stores into these regions and designing advertising campaigns based on local preferences will work best.
Diversification: Aesop can diversify its product portfolio beyond skincare by entering into related areas like hair care, fragrance, and wellness, using its brand recognition and customer trust.
E-commerce Growth: The ongoing trend towards internet shopping gives Aesop a chance to improve its online presence, enhance its e-commerce platform, and target a broader tech-savvy consumer base worldwide.
Sustainability Initiatives: Doubling down on sustainability will enable Aesop to directly tackle worries over ecological footprints among consumers, thereby attracting green buyers who may develop stronger brand loyalty.
Partnerships and Collaborations: By teaming up with like-minded companies, designers, or influencers, Aesop could tap into new markets and create hype around its products while reinforcing shared values through mutually advantageous partnerships.
Economic Mystery: Given its premium pricing and dependence on disposable income, among other factors, any decline in sales or swings in consumer behavior associated with recessions could hurt Aesop’s profits.
Fake Products: If counterfeit goods make their way into the market, it can kill brand reputation and destroy revenue streams, not to mention customer confidence — which is why many counterfeit Aesop products are due to their popularity.
Regulation Troubles: Ingredient safety standards change over time, and so do labeling requirements as well as environmental ones; thus, this means constantly keeping up with what is new might be hard for them considering how things are; therefore, they must continue monitoring these areas closely throughout their existence while being ready to adapt whenever necessary because failure to comply with various laws may pose problems for Aesop such as non-compliance fees.
Fierce Competition: For those who fail at differentiating themselves adequately amid fierce rivalry between established firms and start-ups seeking entry points into lucrative markets like the skincare industry where competition never sleeps but only gets more challenging each day that passes by; such a situation could threaten growth rates or even profitability levels in some instances if measures aren’t taken quickly enough by managers within affected organizations – this includes Aesop too!
Disruptions in Supply Chain: Geopolitical conflicts have caused significant disruptions across supply chains not just once but several times before now, especially after considering natural calamities that act alongside global health threats posed by pandemics, among other similar events; therefore, this makes it clear that anything capable of interfering with an organization’s ability to produce goods within required quantities might lead to shortage situations thereby calling for proper management including distribution activities carried out during regular times.
Let’s unravel the segment Aesop has chosen to target.
Each of their Gift Kits is named after one of the five qualities that make music so captivating this year.
In addition to each kit, Parisian musician Kiala Ogawa recorded a track at Aesop Rue Vielle du Temple this time. She would talk about the organic associations between sound and smell between takes.
She discusses how music can be interpreted as a universal language in the video. Just as music brings memories, so do self-care products.
What are some of the points that would be worth mentioning regarding this post?
Life is only experienced once, so it should be lived to the fullest, with interests that make people happy. In this instance, it is the music.
Secondly, writing one track for each kit implies openness to change and new experiences and enjoying life to the fullest.
And, of course, her outstanding style must be mentioned. She looks like a fashion icon with her hair, makeup, and complete outfit.
And with those hints in mind, we can infer that the segment that Aesop has chosen to target is the Hedonists.
What do we know about this segment?
Lifestyle and values:
Since they have only one life, Hedonists try to make it as fun and pleasurable as possible. They are ready to take risks or change jobs or even friends for satisfaction if necessary. They always stick with one partner for a short time because they are quickly bored. They love going to new places to meet different people there.
Hedonists are not shy about living in the moment. In their current situation, it might be hazardous, but why not if it is exciting? This segment throws parties all the time.
Even though this segment is a non-stop party animal, they will still enjoy other activities, like shopping. Shopping is an adventure when you are with them.
Hedonists sometimes invite their friends for beer, snacks, and sport-watching. Hedonists are not afraid of change; in fact, they welcome it. Their many love affairs last only briefly because this segment gets bored quickly. They like going to different places so that they can also meet new people there.
The Hedonists are always looking to update their wardrobe. They buy new items regularly because they want to be fashionable at all times.
Hedonists are aesthetic. They pay a lot of attention to their appearance. However, it is also beneficial since they focus on themselves more.
This segment loves being bossy in the office. Money motivates them most in the workplace, so they will not feel motivated without it. Also, Hedonists have ‘macho’ beliefs – men shouldn’t cry, drinking is only for getting drunk, and so on.
Hedonists rank the family as their least priority because they are always on the go. Nevertheless, they sometimes have lunch with family on Sundays or breakfast together on weekdays.
Attitude to shopping:
The majority of Hedonists usually buy mainstream brands. They think that wearing brand labels enhances one’s image. This market likes to be unique among others. It is even evident in what they buy.
It may surprise you that Hedonists prefer large quantities to high quality. They do not plan their shopping time and again buy on impulse.
Usually, this segment buys goods from small retailers. They enjoy themselves trying to find the best products. Hedonists will purchase from local brands if they are trendy.
Other interesting facts:
- They frequently visit bars, cafes, and pubs to meet their pals.
- They enjoy watching new movies.
- Hedonists check out exhibitions that provoke interest.
- They are not active on social media.
- Read an average number of magazines.
- Not that fond of watching TV
- Make life enjoyable with the internet.
And that concludes the Marketing strategy of Aesop, where we touched upon its mission, vision, and SWOT analysis. Through a couple of Instagram Instagram posts, we were also able to unravel the archetypal archetype that the brand belongs to and the segment it has chosen to target. To read more blogs like this, stop by our main website, where we continuously update our feed.