Pinterest Marketing Strategy For 2019

Just like other Social media platforms Pinterest has its own tactics for success and drives tonnes of traffic to your website or app or wherever you direct them. The 2019 year is unique for Pinterest as it passes the amount of 300 million users already. So, the Social media platform has become a real hub for creative people, to show their blogs, apps, and products. It is like a Google substitute for searching for interesting and useful information. What we need to do to succeed on Pinterest in 2019. Here are 15 steps to reach the desired results.
1. Creating great pins with Canva.

How to create quality and perfect pins? We turn to Canva for the answers. I, personally searched for tonnes of apps to create beautifully and catch pins. None of them were as simple and useful as Canva. It gives you everything to have your pins within a few minutes. Just choose the right example, then play a little with fonts and colors, upload your images and have your final quality pin. Canva makes difficult things seem so simple.
2. Turning your account to a business account.
There are several benefits that a business account gives us.
First. You can message anybody you want.
Second. Pinterest opens the beauty of analytics. You see how much people are engaged with your pins and profile, who are they. what are the boards that your pins are living?
Third. Pinterest algorithms become gentle to our account, they see hat you want to grow your business account and assist your growth. For 1 year my account only had 40 followers, after turning it to a business account I gained 40 followers for 5 days.
3. Increasing the number of your followers.
This trick is so simple. Just visit the profiles of people who have similar topics as yours. Go to the page of their followers and follow people. This activity creates a buzz on Pinterest. Almost 1/5 of people follow you back and you have a more generic follower. Just like Instagram, Pinterest also likes accounts that are active. Furthermore, being active every day makes your boards and profile more popular.
4. Saving pins and Creating boards.
Creating a board where you are going to pin is a common way for Pinterest promotion. But there is an important tip, that you can also save here successful pins of others (that are saved thousands of times) to make your board more accessible and interesting, Just saving one of your pins then another trending pin can make your profile more visible.
5. Copying infographics.

A lot of people on Pinterest are taking others’ infographics or google photos to promote their profiles. There are millions of beautiful and engaging infographics. You can easily save them to your computer, then pin it adding your website URL. It is known that creating a beautiful infographic is not easy. So, sometimes we need to turn the successful ones.
Want to hear from us? Just put down your email.
6. How, Why, When questions.
The analytics show that Pins With W letter questions get more engagement.
Why do you need to create your vlog today?
How to have a better Instagram profile?
Where to find great stock photos for your blog?
And many other questions with W letter create great engagement.
7. Using Numbers in Pins.
Using numbers is another way to engage people. Here are some examples.
11,560 $ a month. How I reached that kind of amount.
11 steps to have your perfect WordPress website.
5 exercises to gain back muscles.
These are some examples of playing with numbers, but what is obvious the number s really make a difference.
8. Joining group boards.

These actions are maybe the most important thing you should do on Pinterest. Just search for the topics you are interested in, then look for group boards and see what is written on board description (You can distinguish group boards with a little circle on left below the corner of the board). Some of them already do not accept new members, some of them are acceptable. Look at the URL of the board and write down the username from the URL. Message him/her asking permission to join the board. Here is an example ( Hi, I want to join the board (Blogging). My blog is about food and here is my account (Your account URL name) . thank you! Do not forget to send your account URL!)
I have messaged a lot of group board owners and almost one of ten messaged me back and added my profile to boards. Why not try?
9. Pinning at least 10 pins a day.
You will not have engagement exposure if you do not pin permanently, every day. Just join several boards and pin there every day. From 10 pins to 50. Some boards have restrictions 3 pins a day. But in general, you have permission to pin 400 thousand pins with 1 account On Pinterest. It means that you can pin 1000 times a day and it is totally ok!
10. Repining your old pins.
Some boards ask for repining after 30 days. I, personally do it after 15 days. After pinning all my pins collection, I restart the actions as a lot of board followers maybe haven’t seen many of my pins. So I do it again to reach the people who, maybe, visit Pinterest the day I pin.
11. Creating several pins about 1 topic, 1 blog post.
If you have one pin for one topic that’s not enough. You just need to present your product in many ways. Once it can be an infographic another time it can be a beautiful question design picture. I make until 5 pins about one topic and it works great. Try different ways to represent your product on Pinterest.
12. Putting the save button on your website.
Adding this button to your website can initialize a lot of traffic on Pinterest. A lot of Google searchers have Pinterest accounts and by pinning your blog pictures they will enlarge your audience and bring new people your board and profile.
The thing that is important in Pinterest is the number of saves. The amount of saves directly influences your account growth.
13. Adding your website URL to the Pinterest account.
This gives several benefits. It opens analytics for your website, How many people clicked or saved the pins that direct to the website. It adds the URL of the website to profile, so people visiting your profile can also visit your website. It also gives an opportunity to put Pinterest adds.
14. Analyzing your data very attentively.

Pinterest gives 3 main analytical tools. First is about your profile activity. How much your profile is visited, engagement ratio, etc. 2nd is about generally how much engagement and impression your pins get during a month. 3rd is about your website performance. How much activity has been upon the website.
Here it is important to look at the pins that get most saves and clicks. These type of pins are ruler pins. So why do they succeed? Create your strategy thinking about this question.
Look at the boards that do the best. The boards are your success directors. Give a lot of attention to those ones and grow them.
15.Female-oriented social network.
2/3 of Pinterest users are women. This fact is very crucial for creating your strategy. Women like stylish, soft style pins. Be stylish with your pins. Make it with love so that the female segment appreciates the taste and looks through them.
16. write a longer and better description.
Just after the pin gets the impression, people look through the description. What to write there to make somebody do actions. Firstly, you should continue the topic that is written on the pin. Open the idea, tell about it more detailed. The detailed information can be 20-30 words. Then call him/her to act, like (Find out will it be convenient for you!). There are many examples of call to action.
17. Create rich pins.
Pinterest algorithms like rich pins, They make them more visible. Moreover, these pins show extra information.
1st the price of the products.
2nd name of the blog post.
It reveals the secrets behind the pin, detailed information about the linked website page.
18. Using multiple collaged images.

When I look through some of the successful pins I notice that they are collaged. There are multiple images in one pin. This gives users to have a better, more general idea about the pinned topic. In this particular pin looking through the picture, we have more complete information about Japanese city life and the photographer.
19. Use big and beautiful fonts.

During the first period when I started using Pinterest, my pins were not so good. After I looked at successful pins,. What they did better than me? I found out that the fonts should be big so that mobile phone users see them clearly. They should be clearly separated from the background image. The background image should be soft. Use 2 kinds of fonts. One bolder, another slimmer.
Change the colors of the fonts. Just like this pin!
So, before concluding the topic, let’s look through the general concept of Pinterest and ask some key questions.
What is Pinterest?
It is a visual social engine, that is more simple, more convenient than Google. It is a place where every online business should be present just like google. It makes your products visible and accessible
Why to use Pinterest?
Simply, it helps us reach our goals. Which are they?
1. Enlarging your email list.
2. Bringing traffic to blog posts.
3. selling different products and services.
4. Selling affiliate products.
Here are some useful facts about the social media platform.
1. The life of a Pinterest pin is approximately 3000 times longer than the life of the Facebook post.
2. An average Pinterest user spends 14 minutes while they are logged in.
3. Pinterest is one of the fastest-growing social media platform, if not the fastest.
4. Almost 40% of pinners have a household income of more than $100k.
5. One of 2 Millenials is keen on using Pinterest.
6. 90 plus % of Pinterest users say that they are on the platform to purchase something.
7. The average of daily pins is 15 million.
8. Almost 8 percent of referral traffics comes from
9. There are more than 175 billion pins.
10. Total Pinterest boards are +3billion.
11. Instagram and Pinterest have the same number of millennials users.
12. More than 30% of social media users also are Pinterest users.
13. More than 70 percent of Pinterest users look through the social media platform to buy offline.
14. 80% of users are with a mobile device.
Final thoughts.
Just, do everything with quality. Create quality pins, find out quality accounts to follow.
Save great pins, add your profile to interesting and useful boards. Use analytics and develop your ideas. Pinterest likes mostly general topics. Tell people simple stories so that people comprehend and click on your pin. It is so simple!
How do you grow your Pinterest profile and boards? Do you have any interesting ideas for 2019? Express your thoughts below on the comments section.