Positioning Strategies of Louis Vuitton and Gucci
When you value the reflection of the latest trends and uniqueness, you can undoubtedly visit Louis Vuitton and Gucci’s stores, where you can find the most delicate designs of shoes, leather clothes, handbags, jewelry, and accessories, etc. They are the highest-ranked luxury brands that have acquired worldwide fame and prominence. How did Louis Vuitton and Gucci achieve such a huge success? Was it about the rightfully applied strategies in all facets of their companies? Yes, for sure. Let’s discuss positioning strategies as a whole by pointing out several marketing and targeting strategies of Louis Vuitton and Gucci.

Targeting Strategies of Louis Vuitton
Let’s watch the commercial example below.
You see, the commercial starts with changing images of a room in blue color. Rearrangements of items are taking place nimbly, and male models of Louis Vuitton appear on different sides of the room. The advertisement’s critical part is the clock that shows how time is going fast, and the models are changing their clothes. However, the actual meaning of the commercial it was intended to transmit was to be trendy.
Even though the time passed, Louis Vuitton did not cease to be stylish and keep up with the pace of rapidly changing fashion and trends. The advertisement example aimed to send its customers a message of uniqueness, freedom, and self-expression. These characteristics discussed above guides us to conclude that the target segment of Louise Vuitton belongs to Hedonists.
Who are Hedonists?
Values and Beliefs
The core understanding of life is to have fun and enjoy every single moment by virtue of team-ups with friends in cafes, bars, pubs, and clubs. Partying for every day will not bring them fatigue or boredom. Hedonists are change and challenge seekers in every field of their daily routine. They put effort into a job and career only for the foremost reason for earning money.
Family is not from their priorities’ lists to take care of and spend much time with. They have a narrower focus on themselves and strive to stand out from the crowd. They put their efforts to be influential and have control over what matters their reputation.

Shopping Preferences of the segment
As it is essential for them to be unique and vary from people of their circumference, they usually choose premium brands that are not available to everyone. They are prone to buy authentic goods that will improve or enhance their image. Hedonists are not against to purchase goods from local brands if they have acquired high standing. However, sometimes, this fact does not interrupt them to opt for quantity over quality.
16 Personalities (what is for your business?)
As we can see, brands, no matter how similar they are in their activity, have different branding approaches and targeting tactics. The main segment of Louis Vuitton is Hedonists. Young people who travel all over the world, enjoy life and spend all nights in pubs. These people are Hedonists. Hedonists are very outgoing and like having as much fun as possible. At mass events, they like standing out and being very active. Going pubs, and drinking alcohol!
Hedonists are just 1 of 16 Personalities that you should recognize by heart. These are the types of customers who may happen in the process of promoting or selling products. From those 16 different characters (16 Personalities), you have to choose the only one, your ideal customer, to whom you have to direct the whole promotional arsenal.
All these types of clients are included in the book named “16 Personalities”. With this book, you will discover the secrets of 16 brand personalities, and how to gain your clients’ attention. You will easily find a target customer that matches your brand perfectly.

Marketing Strategies

One of the cornerstone marketing strategies of Louis Vuitton is the collection of “Exclusive Series,” where the company produces premium quality goods in a limited edition. How does this work?
They make a watch or a pair of shoes, for example, in a small quantity and give people a chance to purchase the good after the Show. This prompts people not to delay the buying because he/she might not manage to get it, as the items are in a limited quantity, and there is high demand.
Another sharp point that makes the products from “Exclusive Series” so desirable is the fact that not every single individual will wear the same accessories or coat after the end of the Show because the company never imitates or makes copies, as it is their priority to create unique and original works.
Another most acceptable marketing strategy of LV is their service of personalized orders of shoes. One can assign an order by virtue of visiting Louise Vuitton stores of Beijing, Los Angeles, Paris, Honk Kong, New York, or Shanghai.
This service is opened for people who are highly demanding and have an exceptional choice of preferences. They usually do not attend standard stores of shoes because typical customers seek for differentiating products. They can find out their ideal image of self-expression in aid of Louise Vuitton’s personalized orders service.
Problem Removal
Louise Vuitton elaborates on high quality, where their focus is on long years of use and enjoyment. There are many cases in retail companies that unintendedly produce goods with a defect. A highly-priced product may seem unusable in these cases, which will definitely discourage clients and make them disappointed.
That’s why Louis Vuitton company established Repair Service Sector. One can visit their stores, and if the service center realizes that the issue is related to the means it was crafted, the Brand will take responsibility to repair the product.
Social Acceptance

Louis Vuitton Brand deserved social acceptance through a commitment to the environment. The company had an objective of great design, sustainability, and a great business. The company puts forth the importance of CO2 good management first. Other key points that they give proper attention to is energy and fuel consumption, in terms of electricity and transportation.
The company tries to utilize a kind of raw material that will not generate anymore-unusable waste. The overall investment is in some areas like communities, animals, and the labor force. The finest one is the investment in employees to study the management of eco-friendly raw materials and customer service issues.
Message Strategy

The image is from the Official Instagram Account of Louis Vuitton. You see a beautiful model wearing an extraordinarily designed dress, earing, and a black handbag. The style and fashion that the Brand suggests are for those who want to try new things and are ready to change.
Challenges and modernity is the last thing that Louis Vuitton Brand gives proper attention to. From this, we can conclude that the Brand belongs to Explorer’s Brand Archetype. It is about openness, freedom, and struggle for a better experience.
It’s time to refer to the next perfection: Gucci! Who is the target audience of Gucci?
To answer these questions, let’s look at this commercial example below.
The commercial commences with a scene in a store where many people were gathered. They were different from each other in all cases, starting from their style of wearing and individualism. They have worn extraordinarily trendy clothes and eyewear.
Even though they were varying in terms of gender, age, race, etc. one thing was combining them: a mix of confidence, self-esteem, and dominance. They wanted to stand out from a crowd, be independent, stylish, and take under control what does surround them. This kind of characteristically featured humans resembles Peacocks segment that Gucci has opted for its Brand.
What do we know about Peacocks?
Values and Beliefs
Peacocks are focus on themselves and reject to save up their efforts to be noticed anywhere they go. It is more than vital to them to be perceived as a highly confident person who knows what he/she wants and can undoubtedly achieve his/her aim. They never give to wrestle for leading the group of people who they are with.
In terms of people, they have a bunch of like-minded friends who, in reality, are not their deep or most trusted ones; however, the significant number of them gives a sense of security to Peacocks. They heavily give up trying something for one more time, as they hate failures.
High status in job position is a necessity. Leading people at work is their passion because they have investigated much about the sphere through studying mainly abroad. Peacocks do not trust local universities and are prone to international ones.
One can assume that money is also an important motivator for the target segment as it is the measurement of success. Peacocks say they are fond of long-lasting relationships; however, most of them have short and unfaithful ones. This is because they appreciate the outer look and some surface characteristics.
Shopping Preferences

As I mentioned, the outer look an essential facet for Peacocks. They are interested in luxury brands because they are sure to have a great appearance and pay for high quality. Moreover, the affordability of premium brands also matters because not everyone is ready to purchase a high priced good, so they will stay unique and keep their reputation high. They are modern progressives in style and fashion. The target segment is Brand loyal; however, adding the list of preferred brands is also probable.
Marketing Strategies

Gucci intensively invests in social media platforms for raising brand awareness. It applies several deliberate strategies that affected sales revenue. One of them is creating an online purchasing opportunity for potential customers from the online basis of Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, and Tumblr.
They publish elite images of models wearing Gucci brand products that idolize luxury life. Another point that elaborates on brand awareness is public figures like stars who opted for the Gucci brand for their notable performances or events. The real-time street or event posts of people wearing the Brand’s clothes or watches help them depict the products in daily life usage.
One can immediately buy a Gucci product by just clicking the image, which will guide the Gucci Store’s Official Account. Brand’s distribution channels are also functioning globally. You can find 487 Gucci stores worldwide and a vast number of retailing companies and wholesalers.
One can find everything related to wearing and home in Gucci stores. If you visit their page, you will make sure that the Brand proposes products for everybody like men, women, children, and all accessories like watches, jewelry, handbags, etc.
A real assistant for newness is the window for “What’s New?” where you can see the company’s latest goods. A broad portfolio’s marketing strategy, where are located a great range of each product in unique design, color, shape, and size, really matters.
Problem Removal

Customer Relationships Service works well to contribute their consumers’ needs and keep in touch with them. Return and Exchange Service are established for consumers to return a product if they do not like it, or there is a problem with it. However, if a consumer wanted the product and there is a defect with the item, one can exchange it with a new one. Exchange Service also exerts for altering two goods in terms of hesitation. Besides, there is a rule for the service: the product needs to be unused and returned or exchanged within a specific time limit for each product category.
Social Acceptance
Gucci pursues values related to the environment and human rights. The company provides its employees at a minimum with basic salaries that will undoubtedly cover their needs. They avoid child labor force usage. Maintain sustainability by minimizing waste and use of sources. Preserving the ecosystem and protecting biodiversity to function well are vital points for Gucci Brand.
Message Strategy

What you though first when you looked at the image of Gucci from Instagram Account? Were models similar to traditional ones? Or maybe standard ones for promotion? It is noteworthy to point out their natural appearance.
They are not highly grimed or transformed as the Gucci brand values originality maintenance. They do not like to cohere what is called “true” or “accepted” without reason. The company appreciates the creation of new, unique, and free of bias products.
The description resembles the brand archetype of The Outlaw as it preaches revolution, new shocks and challenges, independence, and power.
To sum up, we discussed the positioning strategies of Gucci and Louis Vuitton, which included marketing, message, and targeting strategies. We hope this was a useful post for you. For more similar posts, check out the main page of our website.