Positioning Strategies of Samsung and Apple
Apple and Samsung are multinational technology companies. One can find technological gadgets and devices of the companies in more than 175 stores in the world. The companies generate 230 Billion Dollars in annual revenue. One can find a great variety of cell phones, laptops, watches, TV, accessories, etc. from both Apple and Samsung brands. What do you think promoted these companies to achieve such huge success in this rapidly changing social and economic environment? The right answer is to apply strategies that will work in any circumstance. Positioning strategies are the core ones in the aspect of succeeding, so let’s discuss them further.

Targeting Strategies of Samsung
Let’s watch the commercial example below first.
The advertisement starts with a scene of a young lady who plays with a Samsung Galaxy phone. Assumably her mother entered the room and revealed news about a new opportunity for developing her playing skills. The suggestion was about an advanced level of the Samsung Galaxy Tab.
After a while, a new proposal came forward. It was a huge screen TV that enabled the players to prepare more intensively for the coming match. The date of the game did not make it late. The team players got closer to the station, took the cellphones, and the competition started.
Samsung Galaxy phones give people a chance to upgrade their skills and become professionals in the sphere of using technological tools and machines.
They exert the curiosity of people who are aimed to achieve more and more and never cease. Modernity, intellectuality, sensibility, and keenness are on their priority list. These features resemble the segment of Conscious Progressives.
What do we know about Conscious Progressives?
Values and Beliefs

Conscience Progressives are open-minded and smart people who are focused on learning, exploring, working, and advancing. They always seek new sights that may interest them to further investigation and development. The target segment is ready to meet new challenges and risks that refer to their career and personal goals. They value newness, in terms of opportunities, and perfection, of course.
Loyalty and faithfulness are essential for Conscious Progressives. They have many acquaintances but a few friends who are their deep ones. They like like-minded people because it is easier and interesting to communicate with them.
The target segments consider being attractive for partners is vital; however, they are prone to have a long term relationship rather than many short ones. As they have a nature of strugglers, they are used to strife for resolutions and never give up until achieving their goal.
Shopping Preferences
Conscious Progressives like to appear in casual style for everyday meetings. However, they give much importance to what they wear. A simple clothes mix with an added sophistication is the perfect variant for them.
As they value newness, they are not against being one of the early adopters of a good when they think it is really a noteworthy and essential item. Even though they value style and keep up-to-dated, Conscious Progressives give little attention to the packaging or design but the functionality and usefulness.
16 Personalities (what is for your business?)
Conscious Progressives are a perfect segment for Samsung. The company worked for decades to know every small detail associated with their customers. This helped them in every daily process to provide the best suitable product at the end.
Accurate segmentation and marketing strategies brought the worldwide success of Dell and Asus. Ever heard of the book “16 Personalities“? More information on Conscious Progressives and all the other buyer personas. Choose the best suited to your business, and start growing exponentially today!

Marketing Strategies implemented by Samsung

One of the cornerstone enterprises of Samsung is its pricing plan of action. The company exerts Skimming Price variant for its customers to keep them aside from other companies. The Skimming Price strategy is about giving a high price to a new product that definitely will have high demand.
Afterwards, when competitors launch imitating the new features of the device like shape, design, functions, advances, etc. Samsung decreases the price of the new item. Thus, the goods become affordable for people who were aimed to have so but from other companies.
Another marketing strategy is an investment in the Research and Development sector (R&D). The sector deals with forecasting what the consumers want and need. The best version of it is communicating with customers via online platforms.
Development of Accounts on Amazon, Instagram, Facebook, etc. keeps the companies in touch with potential consumers, specifically dealing with E-commerce. The company offers consumers gadgets or any technological device via a simple click on the image.
Problem Removal
The most refined versions of Samsung cellphones are empowered with functions that made them keen on competitors of other technological devices created especially for a particular process. For example, Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra has a high-quality camera that can take photos as professional video cameras do. So, one no longer needs to purchase different items for different functions but a Samsung Galaxy with a wide variety of tasks in one place at one time.
Social Acceptance of Samsung

The company of Samsung cares much about environmental and social issues and intensively invests in them for fixation. As sustainability matters, they concern energy access in all areas, water and sanitation, consumption, and production. Hunger problems in specific locations, poverty, and unemployment rates are another top list of Samsung investments and deals promoting healthy lives and well-being, quality education, and gender equality.
Samsung Brand Positioning

What did you come to your mind when say the image firstly? Did you start to think about what newness does this gadget brings together? Yes, for sure, the device is new, sophisticated, and innovative. It is aimed to transmit the sense of belongingness and connection while using it because the new device stands out in all cases.
It is positively different from higher-priced or elitist groups of brands. The features of the image guide us to assume that the Brand Archetype belongs to Everyman.
Everyman is prone to respect equality, affiliation, and groupings. The sense of joining, helping, and engaging resembles one and only Everyman’s brand archetype.
Let’s refer to the next giant, Apple Inc and take a look at their targeting strategies.
Let’s watch the commercial below and discuss it further.
The commercial begins with a conversation of employees from the same company. They are in trouble because they need to be ready for an important meeting with the boss. However, they have little time left, so they needed to hurry.
The functions they devised well were by virtue of Apple technology because it made them more effective, agile, and innovative. In the end, they succeeded and managed to be at the right time in the right place together.
Apple helps to overcome challenges due to its sophisticated tools and machinery. It is more than an assistant or rescuer who is ready to help in any problematic situation, guide a smoother way, and develop one’s skills. These features were exerted by all of the team members where their unitedness also mattered.
The description of the commercial example of Apple Inc. prompts us to think that the company’s target audience are Sharers.
Who are Sharers, and what do we know about them?
Values and Beliefs
Sharers are adventurous and ambitious people who always seek for newness in terms of challenges and risks. They frequently include fun and enjoyment because they are a fundamental part of their lives.
Sharers value the factor of family and dedicate their love and care to family members, especially kids. Being attentive to their homes and gardens designated and arranged, and the healthy and organic meals their family members are fed up with is a primarily vital point.
Shopping Attitudes

Sharers are one of the early purchasers of new products. Being loyal to their brands is an essential point; however, they will not resist of enriching the list of favorite brands. They like to buy from premium stores as the quality and trendiness are essential. Frequent visits to shopping malls are from their hobbies list, which prompts them to purchase goods more often.
Marketing Strategy

One of the core marketing strategies of Apple Inc. is their simple functionality in terms of how to use the Apple gadgets and unique design. They put the focus on easy-t-use aspect where anyone can take an IPhone and utilize it without any concern or trouble. It does not require much knowledge or experience to be able to navigate in the phone but a little curiosity to find out and apply more of the functions the phone suggests. Also, frequent updates that comes by means of notifications reveals about the new software opportunities and advancement.
Problem Removal
Apple Inc. has developed a strong software that approximately excepts viruses to damage or weaken the Apple products. Even though it is not impossible to avoid them with 100 percent, however they are more than rare appearing phenomena for Apple company that people not even doubt or mind about that while using the products.
It comes from IOS platform, where the so called Walled-Garden approach minimizes its risks. Thus, this mechanism that Apple Inc. exerts assists people not to get disappointed from the brand or be afraid of damaging the phone or any other device. Also, it prolongs the working life of a technological device if it does not accept viruses.
Social Acceptance

Since a long time ago, Apple Inc. launched environmentally friendly production that included the usage of row materials with low carbon hydration. The company has a department that deals with returns of old devices in exchange with a certain amount of money. This is done in order to facilitate the old materials into a new row material and use it one more time, thus give a second life to them. This definitely impacts on solid waste to scroll the down.
Message Strategy

Let’s look at the GIF from the Instagram Official Account of Apple. The moving image consists of different bath items that are put on each other. The exciting thing is the fact that they abide with each other ignoring gravity.
What does this GIF send a message to consumers about the brand archetype of Apple? It reveals its forcefulness and creativity that can alter everything and establish a sophisticated newness. It is not a brand to endure with drawbacks but to damage everything immediately and create something new. This is the nature of Apple Inc. that resembles the Brand Archetype of Outlaw.
To sum up, we discussed the positioning strategies of Samsung and Apple companies. More details about their targeting, marketing, and message strategies helped the giants become successful and famous. We hope this was an exciting and useful article for you. For more similar posts, check out the main page of our Website.