16 Personalities. Your personal targeting ebook.
Our research at GARRISON GROUP on buyer personas has uncovered key insights into customer motivations and interests, focusing on 16 personality types. Our findings offer solutions for businesses seeking to boost sales and optimize online store performance.

Discover practical strategies in our ebook, “16 Personalities,” to understand customer desires, motivations, and online behavior, and learn how to capture their attention for quicker sales.



16 Personalities (ebook)

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Do you want to know the truth about the 16 personalities and discover the features of their interests and hidden desires?


You need to:

  • Recognize the behavior, motivations and fears of all 16 personalities. And simply understand their buying preferences. For example Fulfillers are the symbol of success. Their slogan is “I’m the King”.


  • Make the best message for your dream client, based on their insight and preferences. To make this happen you need to know who is your ideal customer, so you can make plans for the future. All the information is involved in the book.


  • Always highlight the product’s key features and focus correctly on those things. Nobody would buy it if it’s not represented well. You can easily do it with the Spncms tool.


 Our purpose is to help you find the ideal buyer persona from all 16 personalities. The “16 personalities” book will give you the best opportunity and will definitely change your business strategy.

16 Personalities

Do you want to finally find your ideal buyer persona ?

In order to find, and to know deeper your ideal buyer persona and make a large number of sales, you need to understand his real motivations and fears.


  • Then you should have a perfect insight data sheet of the all 16 type of customers that exist in the world
  • Then you should use the Spncms tool to find the best suitable customer for your brand
  • This book helps us to touch the heart of our ideal buyers using tactics of customer deep insight revealer.


Let’s find out who is your customer from the 16 personalities


  1. What is their age?
  2. What is their education level?
  3. How much is their income?
  4. Are they technologically progressive?
  5. Are they flashy?
  6. Are they sporty?
  7. Are they careerists?
  8. Are they communicative?

Here are the all 16 Personalities.


  • Peacocks –   ‘’First ME’’
  • Conscious Progressive – ‘’Knowledge and freedom’’
  • Nester – ‘’Home and traditions at first’’
  • Chardonnay Girls – ‘’Always say Yes ‘’
  • Carpe Diems – ‘’Be important, not like others’’
  • Naysayers – ‘’Things are good as they are’’
  • Hedonists – ‘’live the moment! ‘’
  • Breakouts – ‘’Rules must be ruined’’
  • Fulfillers – ‘’The King is me’’
  • Traditionalists – ‘’Tradition is the key, it is our duty’’
  • Balancers – ‘’Be quick and manage to do everything’’
  • Sharers – ‘’One should give for being given.’’
  • Revitalizers – ‘’Fight against being aged’’
  • Materialistic Wannabes – ‘’One should care for the well-being’’
  • Actualizers – ‘’Manage to do everything as you can do that’’
  • Floaters – ‘’Family and time around them is the key’’


Definition of SPNCMS.


This tool is widely used to make all your commercials seem ideal. Also it’s used to negotiate with your buyer persona. With SPNCMS you can easily choose the right keywords for your ads.

For instance the most important thing for Fulfillers is the “Pride” factor. They mainly choose those goods that suit their luxury image, or make a level up! 

In the case of Balancers it’s a bit different. They often prioritize the “Novelty/Technology” factor, as they want to make their life easier by simply using new technologies. 


For example did you know that the Balancers are the main buyers of Tesla?


Security: Need to be reassured, search for a relationship of trust.

Pride: Someone who has high self-esteem, arrogant at times. His ego directs his decisions.

Novelty/Technology: Fond  of innovations, this profile develops a great curiosity towards new offers.

Comfort:  Simplicity, convenience and well-being guide its choices.

Money: Materialistic people ardently compare, negotiate prices. It puts several suppliers in competition. He’s always on the lookout for promotions and other great deals.

Sympathy: Attached to conviviality, to human relationships. The effective guides his actions.


Keep in mind that the book will change your business mind.


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