Tagged: marketing strategies
Which one of your choice is the most iconic flavor of pizza? Margherita, Pepperoni, BBQ, or a narrower option? You can confess the names of pizza restaurant chains coming to your mind first that serve the most...
With the outbreak of Coronavirus, people worldwide have been continuously trying to raise awareness of the importance of hand hygiene. This was especially profitable for soap and sanitizer companies like Dettol and Lifebuoy. These two companies have...
Did you know that Toyota Motors Company produces five other brands known as Toyota, Lexus, Ranz, Hino, and Daihatsu? Generating an annual turnover of about $272 billion, the company markets vehicles in more than 170 countries worldwide. Honda...
In the ever-changing world of social media, we come across people who document every aspect of their lives and businesses that want to get their names out there. Two of these popular social networking services are LinkedIn...
Do you adore the delicious and charming taste of Ferrero and Milka sweets? The French and Czech companies, known as Ferrero Rocher and Milka from Kraft Foods, has sold chocolates for more than 11.4 Billion Euros and 61.4...
It is hard or even impossible to find someone who has never dreamed about driving or owning a Ferrari or Lamborghini car. Ferrari and Lamborghini are two powerful and legendary names in the automobile industry. They are...
Everyone, at least once in their life, has tried those crispy wafers covered with chocolate called Kit Kats. Even if you’ve never tried them, you surely have watched its advertisement “Have a break, have a KitKat.” KitKat...
Gucci and Versace are two big names among the most influential and renowned luxury brands in the world. Both these companies originated in Italy and throughout the years both of them have achieved power and popularity in...
What type of an item have you ever purchased from LG Brand? A mobile phone, a computer, or maybe a refrigerator? LG Electronics Inc. has more than 82.000 employees and 110 subsidiaries, market shares in more than 80 countries....
FedEx Corporation is an American multinational delivery services company. The corporation serves in more than 220 countries globally, and the generating revenue adds up to 65.4 billion dollars. FedEx employs over 475,000 people worldwide and owns more...