Target Markets of Dell and Asus
Nowadays, we live in a digitalized world, where technological gadgets have become a necessity. When it comes to one of the best computers to choose from, Asus and Dell are two of the best laptop brands. Both have come a long way to receive the success that they now have. In the beginning, Asus and Dell were partners however, in 2005, Asus officially separated from Dell, and soon it was hard for a previously successful company to compete with others. What’s more, important is that both Asus and Dell managed to attract their target markets and utilize different campaigns to get them where they are now. But who were their targets, and what campaigns did they use exactly?

To begin with, let’s have a look at marketing strategies and campaign examples of Dell.
One popular advertising campaign worthy of attention was launched by Dell EMC back in 2017. Dell EMC is an IT business that is a part of the Dell Technologies family. The company wanted to humanize its new PowerEdge servers through storytelling. Their main aim was to connect with customers on a more emotional level, one of the most pivotal factors in enticing people to buy a product.
The campaign features a fictional character who is Dennis, someone who does not fit in because of his insecurities. Nevertheless, Dennis is granted the chance to bond with his colleagues after installing Dell’s new Edge Server, putting his candidacy for presidential elections, and cooking a meal for his family. The message of the campaign is that small details make significant differences. In this sense, people connect with Dennis and relate to him, which most tech companies fail to do.
According to the creative director of the campaign, their priority was to avoid technical jargon to make it more interesting for people. Additionally, the video campaign was spread by direct mail and digital and social media to make Dell’s message heard.
Now it’s time to analyze Dell’s communication strategy.

One thing that makes Dell stand out is its list of taglines. Dell’s slogan has changed a lot in the company history, so there is no specific slogan for the brand. The most used ones would be “Easy As Dell” and “The Power To Do More.”
These slogans communicate Dell’s goals: its customer-friendly functionality and its wide range of specialties, including design, development, IT manufacturing, and sales. “Easy As Dell” slogan indicates Dell’s customer friendliness and easy of use to make customer experience more comfortable.
What regards to “The Power To Do More”, the company’s main aim was to showcase people the functionality and power of their products that stands out from the crowd.
Moving on let’s talk about the segmentation strategy of the company.
To identify the company’s target market, let’s look at this commercial.
The commercial features a young man who comes out from a building with a red Dell notebook in his hands. As he walks down the street, people from their balconies give him encouraging reactions. This young man even gets startled when the policeman slaps his butt as a way to encourage or congratulate him.
As he walks further, people from the streets, buses, motorcycle stops clap and hug him. There are even scenes where cars honk, and a girl kisses him. Finally, we see this man sit down and open his Dell notebook with a smirk in his face as if he is content with his purchase.
Based on the events in the commercial, the behavior of the man and the new impulses that Dell creates for him leads me to the conclusion that Dell belong to the Conscious Progressives segment.
So, who are Conscious Progressives?
Lifestyle and Values
Conscious Progressives are intellectual and open-minded people.
They are practical people who enjoy new challenges and seek novelty to grow in life. Conscious Progressives are curious people that are interested in other cultures and the outside world. Even though they might seem impulsive, they prefer to have knowledge before making decisions.
They like dressing up, but their style is more casual. To Conscious Progressives, looking good and being attractive is essential, but they prefer being attractive as a personality. Conscious Progressives prioritize friendship and seek for honest relationships. Inclusivity is another crucial factor for them; that is why they spend their quality time with friends with different aspirations and knowledge.

Attitude to Shopping of the segment
The majority of this segment enjoys advertisements that are entertaining, intellectual, and relevant to them. On the other hand, the rest of them find ads boring and against their anti-materialistic nature.
When shopping, they pay equal attention to the packaging and the functionality of the product. However, as they are “conscious people,” they give preference to what’s inside. What regards to clothing, their style of choice is comfort with a little bit of sophistication.
Some interesting facts about Conscious Progressives
- They value education and knowledge and think that these are the key aspects not only for success but the right way to succeed.
- As Conscious Progressives are active people, they enjoy sports like cycling and football games with their friends. In the meantime, they have a passion for reading and traveling.
- They are the most environmentally conscious segment and always choose products or companies that go “green.”
16 Personalities (Which one is for your business?)
Dell is among the global computer giants nowadays. Consumers love when there is a choice of good products in the market. Moreover, it is better when they are thoroughly adjusted to customer needs and preferences. The nature of Dell products, plus their marketing activity leave us concluding that their primary target is the Conscious Progressives segment.
Representatives of this segment are generally open-minded, intellectual, and progressive people, open to learning new things and quickly adapting to innovations. They are open to having a good career but are not willing to sacrifice everything to have a high salary or a better position.
Conscious Progressives are a perfect segment for Dell and Asus. These companies worked for decades to know every small detail associated with their customers. This helped them in every daily process to provide the best suitable product at the end. Accurate segmentation and marketing strategies brought to the worldwide success of Dell and Asus. Ever heard of the book 16 Personalities? More information on Conscious Progressives and all the other buyer personas. Choose the best suited to your business, and start growing exponentially today!

Let’s now proceed with the company Asus and have a look at a campaign example.
This year, Asus came up with the idea to launch an advertising campaign for Zenbook Pro Duo. The company organized not only a television commercial but also an interactive mobile-led ad campaign. The TV commercial is called “The Edge of the World,” which is aimed to display the unique features of the brand’s latest offering.
The Zenbook Pro Duo features a 4K dual screen, 14-inch full HD display with a secondary touchscreen 12.6-inch display called ScreenPad Plus, that supports stylus input and is positioned above the keyboard.

The commercial features panicked sailors who are about to reach the world’s edge since back in the 1500s, people thought that the Earth was flat. We see sailors abandon the ship in panic while the only person that seems calm about it is the captain. When one of the sailors informs him about the edge of the world, he answers that they are just going over it.
This scene is then transformed into a dual-screen laptop with the ocean and the boat as the screensaver o show that Asus goes beyond boundaries with its brand new product, which is the laptop of tomorrow according to the commercial. This way, Asus emphasizes its strong emotional connection to customers, innovative ideas, and determination.
Furthermore, the company went beyond the commercial by providing its customers the experience to enjoy the extraordinary ad. To further engage customers and make the ad more interactive, the company used Canvas ad technology company.
The ad opens with the words from the commercial “The Laptop of Tomorrow Is Just a Blink Away” with an “explore” button below. The ad uses real-time eye-blink detection technology to show the new features of the notebook with just a blink of an eye.
This ad campaign managed to reach about three million users who spend about nine seconds on average to explore the new creative and cutting-edge product.
Moving on, it’s time to analyze Asus’s slogan and identify the communication strategy of the company.
Asus’s corporate slogan was “Inspiring Innovation – Persistent Perfection,” which demonstrates its commitment to innovation that could always inspire customers. The slogan shows the company’s dedication to constant improvement that would lead to customer satisfaction.
Now the brand’s tagline is “In Search of Incredible,” which better communicates its goals and what it is doing at the moment. In this case, the word incredible would be mean impossible rather than mysterious. This way, Asus shows its goals to find solutions to the impossible. This one communicates their aspirations to deliver the incredible in everything they do.
Finally, let’s explore and analyze the target markets of Asus.
To do so, let’s discuss this Asus commercial.
The commercial features a bunch of young artists that try to enjoy every moment and have fun. The video starts with a countdown on an Asus notebook and a message that says, “Don’t Wait.” People in the commercial create music, art, and graffiti; this way showing that Asus helps people find their angle and create more by pushing all the boundaries. In the end, the commercial encourages people to wow the world with the art they create through Asus computers.
People featured in the commercial, their eagerness to create, live in the moment, and make art lead me to only one conclusion. Here we are dealing with a segment called Hedonists.
So, who are Hedonists?
Lifestyle and Values
Hedonists live with the motto “We Only Live Once.”

They seek fun and enjoyment in their everyday routines and never think twice when it comes to adventures. These people are incredibly outgoing and like to spend their leisure time with a big group of friends, either outside partying or at home watching movies and enjoying some snacks.
Hedonists love change. They seek new challenges and enjoy the variety of life. That is why they do not last long with their partners, friends, jobs, or even products. Since Hedonists love variety, they always want to discover new places and people.
They also love standing out from the crowd, which prompts them to buy what’s trendy. This segment can be considered naughty since they lose weight for looks and not for health and want to do well to get money. They are also stereotypes as they believe that real men don’t cry while the right place for women is home.
Attitude to Shopping
When it comes fo shopping, they prefer mainstream brands, which, according to them, makes them cool. Nevertheless, they would go for authentic goods whenever their budgets would allow them. This way, Hedonists emphasize their respect and appreciation for real things.
They are impulsive shoppers who value quantity over quality, never plan shopping trips, and try to find the best deals. Domestic production is relevant only when they are fashion, trendy, and makes them stand out.
Here are some interesting facts about Hedonists
Most of the Hedonists’ leisure consists of partying in clubs, pubs, and cafes with their friends. They like watching movies and gaming. Sometimes they gamble and play the lottery to check their luck. Only visit exhibitions when they match their interests.
This segment is not very interested in media, and the usage is limited to their interests. They rarely watch TV but prefer mainstream reality tv shows or sports programs if they do. Regarding the internet, it is only used for entertainment and communication to make their lives even more colorful.
To conclude, I hope you were able to find answers to your questions with this post and gathered some understanding of the marketing campaigns and target segments of these companies. Additionally, if you found this article interesting, you can find out more by clicking the homepage button.