Target Markets of Electric Cars, Tesla
Here are some facts, in 2017 the market size of electric cars was 118,864,5$ and in 2025 it will be 576,299.8 $ and China is the largest producer of electric cars. So it is obvious that the demand for such cars is going to increase drastically. Electric car producers have different types of target markets and the car brand Tesla is leading the concurrence in a unique way.

Norway, Germany, and the Netherlands are leading the consumption of Electric cars in Europe. It is already a tradition for these countries to have masse traffic of such kinds of cars. But Norway is a leader as it is already a standard for their population to have a car like that.
What kind of people like driving electric cars?
I have a clear answer to this question. Mostly Tech-savvy people. And who are they?
They are technologically developed intellectual people, mostly millennials, who like to advance in knowledge and gain more idea power and these type of cars are a great accompaniment to all their resources.
They are vivid eBook users, who like being in tune with the latest trends which is connected to a new lifestyle, a new way of absorbing old-fashioned products like Spotify users. Something new appeals to them a lot. Another characteristic of tech-savvy people is caring about the world, and about global warming. The car allows them to care for the world and be responsible personality.
And here are some advantages of using an electric car,
- First of all, it is about savings. The electric car needs no fuel, just electricity that costs only a few cents. Furthermore, you can install renewable energy at your home and recharge it almost free.
- Electric cars are also very comfortable to drive as it is so quiet. The experience of driving has been changed due to the new technology.
- Even some districts offer free parking to these cars.
- The design aspect is also crucial. All-electric cars are made interestingly and innovatively. The design is of course out of the competition.
- And of course, we should consider the problem of pollution. The risk of air pollution is 0 percent for electric cars.
Several car brands have made great models like Jaguar I-pace, Tesla model 3 or BMW i3.
In this blog, I am going to discuss Tesla’s target market examples and see their main directions.
So let’s look at their commercial examples and see what kind of people we notice there.

Here is a very interesting commercial where the son rides the car as if he rides a spaceship and then his father appears in front of the car and becomes a member of this crazy movie by wearing the space mask. The fun relations between father and son is very amusing. And we see here a well-developed personality who has enough financial resources to have a car like Tesla. So let’s discuss the following personality. Who is he?
The following customer segment’s name is Balancer named by the Garrison group. Who are Balancers?
Balancers are ambitious and positive people who always try to get the most of everything surrounded. They always try to balance their lives between their family time, working time and friends time. This is a real problem for them as they have a lot of duties and time is very valuable to them. Balancers like to have control over different kinds of resources that would make their life better and more equipped. They care about their family a lot and this idea we see in this commercial.
While referring to their shopping behavior we can admit that balancers like adopting new brands and are curious about the latest trends. The advertiser should appel them as soon as possible as their time is very limited. Balancers are there for paying extra for good quality and tend to be loyal to a brand if it is worth that.
Here are some interesting facts about Balancers.
- They like playing sports during their spare time, for example gathering with friends or playing some golf.
- They like using the web to find out personal and financial information.
- Sometimes they like to spoil a little their children because sometimes work makes them being away for a long time.
16 Personalities (what is for your business?)
Tesla is making big steps in market “occupation” and the reason is the good relationship between them and Balancers. Soon the Tesla brand will become number one in the world, and the Balancers will help them as loyal clients
As a businessman what do you think about Tesla’s success? What’s the key? How did they make more sales than ICE engine based companies? I don’t know about you, but the Social Grabber team thinks that the targeting strategy and the Balancers’ decision made that happen. Tesla noticed that the tension point of the Balancers is the innovation, which at the same time is the business card of the brand.
Which are the hidden insights of Balancers?
- These people are positive and easy-going. The interesting thing about Balancers is that the feel of guilt makes a big part of their mentality. They feel guilty when they are at work, thinking that they don’t spend enough time with their families. And the opposite thing happens when they spend time with their relatives. This is really stressful.
- They like to accept any challenges in their lives, new projects – new opportunities. But they have many things to consider before choosing anything, therefore they aren’t impulsive in decision making. Balancers want to control every resource in their life. This gives them confidence in every aspect.
- Watching advertisements is regular practice for Balancers. They always try to find something new and innovative in commercials. As their life consists of family and work, it’s more reasonable to offer them something family related when they are at work, because they will feel guilty and will surely consider buying. The same thing works in the opposite situation, they will consider buying something work related when they are in a family environment.
After understanding the basics of Balancers behavior you may ask, what kind of brand will be interesting for them? Which hidden and at the same time important things have to be considered? You can find all the answers to these questions in our ebook called “16 Personalities”. You will also find all the solutions for your marketing problems, which will obviously change your insights about Buyer Persona.
Of course this is one of the 16 personalities and with this book you will discover all of them. With knowledge of each 16 personalities you will confidently find your ideal buyer persona and change your marketing strategy to achieve new levels.
The book also gives you some other hints for selling your product and negotiating with your clients.
Tesla has a specific kind of messaging and branding tactics and we shall discuss one of their social media posts to find out interesting facts.
The wings of a falcon. This is the title of the post. The bird flies with the doors of the car. And here we see also that the car itself is like a falcon. SO Tesla gives interesting messages with the following post. It is about transformation and flight. Flying high and being wild. The following messaging is based on brand archetypes and especially the magician brand archetype. What does the Magician brand archetype represent?
- The desire of the brand archetype is knowing the fundamental laws.
- The goal of the archetype is to make dreams come true.
- The strategy of the archetype is developing a vision and living it.
Many famous brands like Disney land or Red Bull are using the brand archetype for their branding purposes.
Here are the messaging levels of the Magician brand archetype.
- At first, it is about extraordinary senses and hunches.
- The second degree of messaging is about the transformation and experiences of magical moments.
- It is about experiencing the flow, the stream of magic.
- We see here miracles and manifestations of our vision.
The magician brand archetype could be a perfect identity for your product if
- It has a promise to transform the customer.
- It is a new and very contemporary product.
- It has a very user-friendly technology.
Now we can discuss another commercial of Tesla and see another target market of the great brand.

Here is another great commercial by Tesla. The guy who is just walking in the streets of a great city finds a map that leads to some magical places. And he leaves the urban life and clothing and goes directly to find something precious. Some magic is hidden in nature and can not be found in cities. Who is the following personality type that we see in the pic? They are Actualizers called by the Garrison group.
Actualizers are a segment of people who are very determined and are super successful in everything they do. They like to work hard and dedicate their lives to jobs and what they love to do. Actualizers are also very family-centered people, who like to care about the classes and nutrition of their children. They like keeping up with the development of technologies and using the latest technological updates and devices.
While referring to their shopping attitudes we can admit that they like using quality brands and even sometimes they treat themselves with things they do not need. The buy the goods just for the sake of having it. Like being up-t-date with the latest trends. Actualizers like planning their shopping trips in advance and just like buying everything from one store.
Here are some interesting facts about Actualizers.
- One of their favorite activity is spending time with family and just inviting close friends.
- Like reading about economy, finance, real estate, environment, and politics.
- They are very concentrated on raising children and would read a lot about the topic.
Now let’s just look at some facts about Tesla.
- Tesla is 2nd oldest automaker in Us, the first is Ford.
- Elon Musk joined the company in 2004 and now owns 23% of the company stocks.
- Tesla’s first electric car was the “ROadster” which was called a disaster by Elon Musk and was discontinued.
- Tesla has sold 125.000 cars since 2008.
- the company now has 30 000 employees.
Here are the target market examples of electric cars and Tesla cars. You can check out interesting articles about target markets of different brands with
Your Targeting e-Book.