Target markets of Ford, Toyota, Jeep
Here are great car brands that rule the markets for tens of years. Ford, Toyota, and Jeep have special tactics for targeting as well as their target markets are different. The following companies have tried many ways to reach their audiences and in this blog post, I am going to discuss some of their tactics.

So, let’s begin with the brand Ford and find out their targeted markets.

In order to find out more information about customers, we can look at their commercials.
The commercial shows us interesting relations between Trixie the dog and the owner of the car who commands his dog with mobile phone texting and the voice in the car tells the dog what to do, to sit or to beg, and more. The funny and entertaining commercial tells us a lot about customer segments in reality. The young man is married and has a Ford SUV with a little dog. Who is the guy we see in the ad? What is the segment of people he belongs to?
The following segment of people is called Actualizers. Who are actualizers?
Actualizers are very successful and determined people, whatever they do in life has success as they are very perfectionist people. They are very ambitious at work and always look for new opportunities to go ahead in work. Family is the center of their attention and want the best for their children. Looking carefully after their studies and nutriment.
Actualizers like using premium brands and are mostly quality-driven people. Always want to be up-to-date and are aware of the latest trends and fashion. So, the latest SUV of Ford can be a perfect product for them, it is the mixture of quality and good price.
They like doing shopping all from one place and planning their shopping trips in advance. The family mostly guides their shopping decisions and likes to satisfy the requests of their children.
Here are some interesting characteristics of Actualizers.
- One of their favorite pastimes is being with family or inviting friends to enjoy evenings.
- Going to cultural events is a must for them, exhibitions, museums, cinemas and so on.
- Read a lot about politics, environment, business, and real estate.
Now when we know exactly what type of customers Ford targets, we can discuss messaging and branding tactics of the car brand.
This is one of their Facebook posts and the post is a citation about being brave and challenging some norms. This is a way that Ford wants us to be, being challenging, mighty, and self-confident. So what are the messaging tactics that Ford has adopted? The following tactics are based on 12 brand archetypes and especially the Hero brand archetype.
What does the Hero brand archetype represent?
- The desire of the brand archetype is to prove its worth through courageous actions.
- The goal of the brand archetype is to be a master and improve the world.
- The strategy of the archetype is to become strong, competent as a capable being.
Many famous brands like Nike and Gatorade are using the Hero brand archetype for their branding purposes.
The messaging levels of the Hero brand archetype.
- At first, Hero sees that someone is in need and wants to help.
- Another messaging refers to abusing or intimidating somebody.
- IT is about developing boundaries, competences, and mastery, tested through competition.
- Being a soldier and doing duties for your organization and community.
The Hero brand archetype could be a perfect fit for your product if
- You have an innovation that will have a major impact on the world.
- You have a product that helps people to perform at their upper limits.
- If there is a clear opponent that you want to beat.
Here are several facts about Ford.
- 1967 Shelby GT500 was The only car that Jim Morrison, legendary Doors singer, ever owned.
- Ford F-Series has been ranked as the #1 selling car in America so far.
- The first car that Ford released was Model A but it did not bring success to the company, it was their second release Model T that brought real triumph.
- In 1925 Ford purchased Lincoln motor company. lincoln is the luxury side of Ford.
Now we can discuss the targeting tactics of Toyota.

So we should look at their commercials and find out more information and facts.
Here is another commercial of the Toyota Camry model. The man has come to take home his boy with his red car. The father is a man who has accomplished a lot of careers and life goals as well as is a very fast man. Who is the following person that we see in the commercial? What are his key characteristics? The name of the following segment is Balancer.
Balancers are very optimistic and ambitious people who like to get the most out of everything. They always want to balance their time between work, family, and friends as they want to manage all their tasks, happy moments and duties. Balancers want to have control over various resources which gives them stability and security in an unstable world.
Adds should hit them immediately as they have not enough time to watch and think and the following add of Toyota is a vivid example of an eye-catching commercial. Trying new products and learning new directions are some hobbies for them and they are not against to try one. They are willing to pay more for extra quality and also look for good deals and if they find what they need they become brand loyal people.
Here are several interesting facts about Balancers.
- They would not be against to play golf with close friends or just a little football match.
- Watching Tv is relaxing for them or just reading an interesting article.
- Balancers like absorbing new information about business life and personal life.
16 Personalities (what is for your business?)
As a businessman or marketing specialist, what do you think is the BIG SECRET that made Toyota this successful? How did they become the most selling car company? I don’t know about you, but our team thinks that the key was in the right targeting strategy especially in Balancers’ choosing decision. Toyota’s name is printed in their minds as the most safe and just the best existing car, which is a tension point for their families.
Let’s mention some interesting characteristics of Balancers:
- These people are usually positive and purposeful. They can’t imagine their life without family therefore they think that the hard work will pay it all, otherwise they will lose everything.
- The interesting thing about Balancers is that the feel of guilt makes a big part of their mentality. They feel guilty when they are at work, thinking that they don’t spend enough time with their families. And the opposite thing happens when they spend time with their relatives. This is really stressful.
- Balancers often make fast decisions in shopping, even though sometimes it can be wrong. They are easy-going people, good relationships are a regular thing for them.
After understanding the basics of Balancers behavior you may ask, what kind of brand will be interesting for them? Which hidden and at the same time important things have to be considered? You can find all the answers to these questions in our ebook called “16 Personalities”. You will also find all the solutions for your marketing problems, which will obviously change your insights about Buyer Persona.
Of course this is one of the 16 personalities and with this book you will discover all of them. With knowledge of each 16 personalities you will confidently find your ideal buyer persona and change your marketing strategy to achieve new levels.
The book also gives you some other hints for selling your product and negotiating with your clients.
Now we can look at their social media posts to find out their messaging and branding tactics.
I just watched one of their videos and they are encouraging us to catch the waves or search for our dreams. In this video where a new Toyota SUV rides to the beach and also takes the board from wave catching. The following commercial fosters the looking for self, individuality and its own ways. What kind of messaging does the brand apply? The following tactics are based on the brand archetypes and particularly on the Explorer brand archetype.
What does the Explorer brand archetype represent?
- The desire of the archetype is finding out who you are through discovering the world.
- The goal of the archetype is to experience a better and more fulfilling life.
- The strategy of the archetype is going on a journey, seeking and experiencing new things.
Many famous brands like Marlboro and Amazon are using the Explorer brand archetype as the basis of their branding tactics.
Here are the levels of messaging of the Explorer brand archetype.
- Their first message is about boredom and alienation of people
- So we should hit the open road and go to see the world.
- A man should seek his personality and be fulfilled.
- Now it is time to express individuality and its uniqueness.
The Explorer brand personality could be a perfect fit for your products if
- If your product helps people to feel free.
- If your product is purchased from catalogs or online websites.
- If your product or service helps people to express their individuality, like fashion products.
- When your product is purchased on the go.
Just a few facts about the Toyota brand.
- Toyota was originally called Toyoda.
- It was in 1937 when they made their first car.
- in 1957 they exported their first car to the United States.
- Toyota permanently breaks all production records.
Now we can examine the targeting tactics of the car brand Jeep.
Here is a commercial of the newest Jeep model Renegade.
The young couple is exploring nature with the tiny orange Suv. The mountains are the places that the car belongs to ․ Thus, let’s firstly look at the couple and see their main characteristics. Who are these young people? What is the segment they belong to?
The following segment of young people is called Conscious progressives. Who are they?
Conscious progressives are intellectual young people who always seek for new information and knowledge for self-development. They consider y a full package of intellect, personality, and appearances are equal for representing their personality. They like traveling and going to different countries and learning from other cultures.
While shopping they try to be intelligent and try to look behind the packaging, almost all of them claim that what is in the product is more important than the packaging. The functionality for them is a key factor while shopping, also considering the importance of comfort of the product and Jeep Renegade is a full package of originality, sophistication.
Here are several interesting facts about Conscious progressives.
- They are a segment of people who consumes the most books.
- Also, they like to pursue a unique activity out of the mainstream, for example playing an instrument, or hiking.
- The following segment prefers long-lasting and strong relations.
And what about their messaging and branding tactics? Let’s discuss one of their Facebook posts.

Just three Jeeps are riding across mountains in autumn. They do not know where are they going. Just exploring new ways to find new challenges and risks. The following messaging tactics are based on the Explorer brand archetype that we have already discussed while reviewing Toyota cars.
Here are several facts about the car brand Jeep.
- The first Jeep product was produced for the World War 2 particularly for american army.
- Nobody knows why the car Jeep is called like that. it is a mistery.
- Only 2 days were needed to design the original Jeep.
- One of the most interesting theory is that the name Jeep was named after a cartoon character.
Here are just 3 great car brands. Jeep, Ford and Toyota. Each of them is unique in its own ways. Jsut explore our blog and find out other target market examples of great brands.
Your Targeting e-Book.