Target Markets of Samsung, Apple and Huawei

Each of these 3 giant companies has its target customers from general to specific markets. Apple, Samsung, and Huawei have developed a unique way of communication to attract more and more customers and especially the ones that provide the most profits to the companies. We see here a ruling company like Samsung, which has been leading markets for decades, and Apple which has been doing revolutions in markets with extraordinary products. Plus we are going to analyze the target audience of cell phones.
Let’s begin the journey with Apple products and target market analyses.
The first thing that comes to my mind when I hear the brand name Apple is iPhone, The revolutionary mobile phone which changed the market. But nowadays the market has become very competitive and lots of smartphone producing companies have taken different segments in the vast market.
What type of people does Apple target? I suggest looking at their advertising style, especially commercials.

The following commercial is called apple-perspectives.
The company always reminds us that they produce products for people who think different, follow their vision. The kind of branding tells us that if you want to be another person then you should use Apple.
So the company has targeted a vast group of people who are different, who are choosing another way. The following branding type is called Outlaw brand archetype in archetypal branding. What does the Outlaw brand archetype represent?
- The desire of the archetype is a revolution and revenge.
- The goal of the brand archetype is to destroy things that are not working.
- The values are seeking power and standing out of time.
Now let’s turn to the customers of Apple, Who are they? why do they buy MacBooks and have taken another way? The garrison group calls the following segment Balancers.

Balancers (age 32-55) are a positive and lively segment of people who try to take every possible good thing from life. They always want to balance their lives because of inner guilt, as when they are at work they think about family, when they are with family they think about friends.
The following segment also wants to have control over various resources. Like working for a company that is more socially conscious, also like practicing trending business.
Balancers like adopting new products, though their time is limited and advertisements should quick and imaginative. They also like to shop smartly and pay extra for the best quality.
Apple targets them as they are also very brand loyal and once they found the thing they love they stick to it.
Balancers also like shopping once a week with a family and it is more likely that their children also would like to have the latest phone as their parents.
They watch TV a lot and it is their main source of information, they also like reading newspapers. The Internet is an information source and they like to be informed about sports and business trends.
16 Personalities (what is for your business?)
As we can see, a great target audience for Apple is the Balancer segment, which includes people aged from 32-55, who love to enjoy everything.
He is a leader in his workplace and is a very enthusiastic person. He keeps relations with everyone and tries to provide services to them if there is an opportunity. He always wants people to be thankful for the benefits he provides them.
Apple has targeted these Balancers, as they are the most interactive people in all existing 16 Personalities.

Balancers are just 1 of 16 Personalities that you may meet during your daily business and marketing activity. Behaviors of these segments are described in detail in the book (16 Personalities), the study that is very important to have the answers to the following insights.
1 / Motivations
2 / Fears
3 / Desires
4 / Preferred ways of stand out
All these types of clients are included in the book called “16 Personalities”, which will open a new Marketing world for you. This book will give you a key to the heart of your dream client. By recognizing all 16 Personalities, you will easily find a target customer that matches your brand and product.
2 brilliant examples of marekting campaigns.
Just 2 ways to grow your business.
Now let’s look at the young people called Peacocks that like having Apple products. Here is their description.

Peacocks (age 18- 30) are very self-focused young people who want to stand out in time as Apple calls us to do. They tend to be noticed and it is shown at their behavior, the places they visit, the clothes they wear. Confidence is something that they want to show all the time, even though they are vulnerable inside. They like visiting clubs and restaurants and like taking VIP place, also above average gym attenders.
They think that well-known brands are better. So a new model of Apple allows them to stand out in a crowd. Once they find what they want and what is acceptable by their group of friends they stick to the brand and become a loyal customer. They are very trendy and look for the latest trends on tv and magazines. Do not want to fall back from trends.
Tv is their main source of information and one of the favorite ways of spending leisure time. The like using the internet as a source of keeping in touch with friends and acquiring new friends.
And here are some facts about Apple users.
.54% of new phone users say that their latest phone was also an iPhone. So one of their main targets is people who already have their products,
.2 of 5 Mac owners are younger than 34.
.People who own Apple 50% are more likely to arrange their traveling trips on the web.
Now lets’ look at the targeting tactics of Samsung. How the giant Korean company managed to conquer the world with its products. We begin the journey from looking at their advertisings.
Galaxy commercial (Pack more life into your life).

Here is a commercial of Samsung Galaxy called (future). And what does the commercial represent? They show us young and active people who like to do something new by create something with real value. Samsung tells us that they create today that we create tomorrow. The following type of brand is based on the Creator brand archetype in archetypal branding. What does the Creator brand archetype represent?
- The desire of the archetype to create something with long-lasting value.
- The goal of the archetype is to give form to a vision.
- The values are self-expression and artistic control.
Now let’s see who are the creators, what type of customer segment are the following type of people. We can take a look at the younger generation segment called Conscious Progressives age(18-30). And here are their behavioral characteristics.

Conscious progressives are intellectual young people who search for new information and challenges in learning and trying a new way of living, they are very down to earth segment, like ordinary style dressing with little sophistication in it. They like having real friends and appreciate a deeper friendship very much.
The education level of the following segment is very high and also they like to work at a place that gives them learning and progressing benefits, not looking only at money. They also like to travel a lot and search for new and unexplored places, the following way of leisure activity has an educational approach.
Conscious progressives are very intelligent shoppers and like looking behind the packaging and see the real advantages and disadvantages of products.
Here Samsung can win the competition with its high quality and comparatively low prices. They do not look a lot at an image of the brand, they look at what is inside the packaging.
The following segment is vert techy and uses the internet a lot for both to be informed and also for earning goals as nowadays online business and freelancing is a way of working, a lot of these people are progressives.
And for the 2nd example, we can look upon a little aged group of people called Actualizes age(30-55).

- Actualisers are people who are very determined and successful in life. They know exactly what is devoting themselves and are very happy with their life. They feel very responsible for their families and raising children. Important to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
- Actualisers are very practical people, and buy something for quality, not for the image. Good at saving money. They like passing their leisure time with family, just walking or having a great weekend in a park. Keeping up with the latest art event, going to cinemas and theatres.
- While we refer to their shopping behaviour, they like buying quality brands, like planning their shopping trips and prefer buying everything from one place.They are not against the fact that the family influence on their shopping decisions. Actualisers watch only specific kinds of Tv series, like being up to date with the latest lifestyle and family issues also politics, finance, environment, and business.
It is time to look at Huawei targeting tactics and reveal their way of success.
At first, we should look at their commercial and see what kind of people are there and analyze the targeting tactics of the famous Chinese brand.

Here is a world full of magic, where a girl is just walking and seeing different people who are in the same magical territory full of skyscrapers and diamond rain. Here is a couple who are kissing and feeling the moment of the great magic. Here we see tactics called Magician brand archetype which is known in archetypal branding. What does the Magician archetype represent?
- The goal of the archetype is to make dreams come true.
- The strategy is to live a vision and living it.
- The values are self-transformation, self-improvement, and change.
The company shows the vision of a city where everybody I feeling the moment, and a girl is traveling in a magic city and taking pictures and living her dream.
Now let’s reveal the secret of their targeting tactics and look at customer examples of customers.
The following segment is called Carpe Diems (age 18-30).

The group of people is very outgoing and likes enjoying life a lot, going to high end and upscale places with friends. They like to be independent and modern in tune with the latest technologies. Having money is the key to independence.
They like risks and adventure and live for the day, also keep track of the latest music and fashion trends. They go to the gym and are a member of a prestigious club, also are engaged with car playing, great poker players.
They like buying really good brands as they have enough money. The following segment is also very brand loyal, enjoying shopping a lot, like getting the best deal for the moment. Carpe Diem’s are interested in topics like sports, cars, computers, technologies, and music. Using the internet a lot for various purposes.
Here is an Instagram post that shows how a couple was united with the help of Hawaii. And not only this couple, but many other people were also united with the help of the mobile phone giants. Maybe they worked together and met in the office.
We see here a specific kind of people who do not hesitate to express their feelings of love and harmony.
What kind of customer type are the kind of people? We have an answer to this question. Garrison group calls them Sharers (age 30-55).

Sharers are people who like to have enjoyment in every minute of life, like a life full of adventures. Shopping is something they adore and visiting shopping centers frequently is what they like doing.
Also, they gladly fulfill home duties especially duties in the kitchen, like preparing various dishes.
Sharers are enough ambitious and want to get a lot in career and they think money is the best measure of success.
They like to be fashionable and also attending gyms having regular exercise. They like spending a lot of time in the garden, just fixing and renovating things.
They have lower standards of living, despite the fact, they like to get premium brands whenever it is possible. Ready to switch new brands just for amusement and curiosity.
They visit shopping centers and this is their main way of fulfillment, just going there with friends or family members. Also family guides their decisions.
Overall we see different targeting tactics implemented by these famous brands. Each of them has its specificities depending on what kind of products they are providing.