The Caregiver Brand Archetype Revealed!
The Caregiver brand archetype is one of the 12 Jungian archetypes. How does the following archetype be different from others? What are the benefits of the brand archetype?

The main strategy of the brand archetype is protecting people from harm. So the message of the brand is to help others. Their customers are people who are feared of selfishness and ingratitude and they want to do something for others. With its gift of compassion and generosity, it values caring for others, stability, and empathy, altruism.
Several products have caregiver brand personality. Here are the examples.
Health, caring products.
While we think about health and caring products, it is obvious that their messages are built upon the Caregiver archetype. It is about protecting people and helping them. The famous examples of the brand archetype products are Persil and Johnson&Johnson. Both are totally centered on the idea of nurturing and caring. The slogan of Johnson’s baby is (because your baby is the most important).

Insurance services.
What services do these companies give us? They are like our protectors. They are caring and helping us in every area of our lives. It can be about health insurance, car or house insurance. They present themselves as our protectors. That’s why Caregiver personality is a great choice. An example of a brand is Allstate. What is their quote? (You are in good hands!) That’s it.
Charity organizations.
Charity represents the idea of helping others. They spread love and generosity. The kind of organization examples is Unicef. Just looking at their activities it is becoming clear what are their purposes, what are their strategies. Unicef slogan (For every child).
Different kinds of services.
There are a million types of services. From home cleaning to massaging. All kinds of service brands can suit a caregiver personality. The famous example is AT-T. The famous telephone connection company. The blue color is a popular choice for the following archetype and At–t uses the very useful color for their branding.

Several dishes.
The dishes here are traditional. As if your mom or grandmother has prepared them. The way it is served or prepared are all home style. Here is an example of food can, The Campbells. It is done in a traditional way, so people love these soups. And they have a great variety of products.
In the hotel business, Service should stand very high. You should feel that the Hotel cares for you. From the customer service to bathroom appliances. One of the well-known caregiver brands is the Mariott hotel chain.
Do The Branding Of Your Products On Your Own With The Following Ebook. It Gives You The Following Solutions.
- Find out the archetype of your brand with a 12 question quiz.
- Create a slogan and brand messaging.
- Create the logo, packaging, store appearances.
The personality of the Caregiver brand is presented in 5 actions. Below is shown the life steps of the Caregiver.

- At first, it sees someone in need.
- It begins to care and nurture people that depend on him/her.
- It begins balancing others’ care with self-care.
- It reaches the level of altruism, beginning taking care of the larger world.
- Sometimes it is trapped because of martyrdom and enabling.
What kind of stories does the Caregiver tell? Let’s look at some examples of brand storytelling.
Little children pics.
Just a pic of a little and cute child would mean that you care a lot. As children need to be cared the most. TheSeventhGeneration cleaning brand’s website is full of children’s pics. And, in general, the brand philosophy is based on the idea of caring. Only think about their name (Seventh Generation).

Saving and raising nature.
Watering a plant or caring for a garden is a useful work for the planet. Just feeding animals or raising a pet is a great way to tell your story. Save the world, nurture your dependents. These are viral messages to give to customers.
Doing anything for children.
Children have the right to have a good education. They should eat properly, they should have risen in a healthy atmosphere. Caring about their future and giving them opportunities can lead the child to be a healthy young person. Unicef is the most iconic example of children treating. And in the pic, we see their activities of helping children.
Recipes of dishes.
What do you think about grandmother cookies? These recipes reveal all the potential of these tasty dishes. There are many cooking tv series where somebody creates various dishes (mostly organic food). The cooking process and the final traditional dish is a perfect example of a caregiver message.

Health Caring.
If you go to hospital, they will care about your health. So what is the archetype of most hospitals?
How will you become healthy if you caught a cold? Somebody should care about you and it becomes obvious that Caregiver stories are very popular when it comes to peoples’ health. Health centers give many caregiving messages. The Salvation Army (a Christian community) is an interesting example of a society that cares about health issues.
Now Let’s look at the archetypes practically. How to use them in real life?
Website examples.
Allstate Website.

Yes. This is the website of an insurance company. Here are the little blue icons of insurance products. You can choose whatever you want, from home to bike insurance. With a few attributes across the icons, like a cup of coffee and notebook. This is a working atmosphere. The Allstate insurance company has created a caregiving working atmosphere. Here are 2 or 3 colors. The main color is white mixed with grey. A little black and green.
The seventh-generation website.

Here we also notice 3 main colors of the caregiver. White, grey and green. One strip is white, then it is light grey. It is flavored with a green color. In the other strip, there is a video about beautiful families. Here are stories of moms who bring up their children. What tactics do they apply for having more healthy and educated children?
UNICEF website.

These cute children are on the first page of the Unicef website. We see yellow, blue colors. And with lowers case letters it is written (for every child) and we have multiple choices. (A fair chance, safety, health, education). You choose one and all the website content\ immediately changes.
Social media appearances of Caregiver brands (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter).
Johnson & Johnson social media appereance.

Johnson Johnson Instagram feed is about the people who are healed due to the funds of Johnson. They are happy people as they are totally cured. They tell stories about the challenges and about their healing process. The other picture is about company Ceo. He quoted and this quote became the brand slogan.
Pampers social media appearances.

Their Instagram page has many pictures of little children. Once a child is with a father and they are playing. (How wonderful is that pic). The other pic is about a babysitting and looking at the board. How cute is that! Millions of girls are crazy for these kinds of pics.
In the picture below there are boxes of papers that are carefully packed and there are pillows between the boxes. This is done for security reasons. And the idea of security is one of the (caregiver) ideas.
Volvo social media appearances.

Volvo is well known for its high-security cars. They hold their caregiver status for already decades. But recently they have improved and developed the archetype. In the first pic, we see a seat material that is made of recycled materials. Furthermore, 127 items of the car are made of recycled material. They sell a bag with soft and caring colors. Security is Volvo. Security is a Caregiver.
Every successful brand has implemented the strategy of 12 brand archetypes. We need to take just 8 steps for completing archetypal branding with the following book.
1. Find out your brand archetype.
2. Create a logo.
3. Do the packaging.
Caregiver gives various messages and acts with various channels.
These actions combined are called campaigns. And here are some examples.
The generation good. Campbell’s.

Just take a sample of one of these cards and write your wishes and thoughts about the upcoming generation. This is an example of customer engagement. Generally, the generation good campaign is about a healthy family, loving moms, and dads that create a good future for their children. More than 500 thousand in united states are a member of the community, they share thoughts, tips, recipes. There is a blog with various pieces of advice. This is the GENERATION GOOD!
Volvo – Recycled materials.

In the 2015 year, Volvo is going to produce its cars with 25% of recycled materials from seas. The campaign is called (clean seas). The plastics are sued to make some parts of the car. We already saw that a seat is made of recycled materials. What other parts would they create from plastics? It is really very interesting. They raise the problem of sea pollution. They provide a new way of thinking with the world caring not technical innovation. That’s great.
Pampers – Games. Quizzes.

When it comes to campaigns Pampers does the best. I visited the website of Pampers, and found out several great campaigns, and here are they in the pic.
The first one is the Pregnancy Date calculator, the other is a baby name calculator. These are tools that a pregnant woman can use and be engaged with pampers. They do not show their products at first. Their aim is to entertain people so that a visitor does not leave the website. She can play with quizzes like finding out a pregnancy personality or spirit animal parent. Just brilliant marketing tactics.
The Caregiver archetype has its specific color sets. Here are them.

The caregiver also have its specific fonts. Alejandro Paul fonts.

Caregiver brands are a favorite choice for many customers. So, Who are they? The Garrison group gives us examples of customer characters. Here are 2 of them.
Naysayers. Customer segment, age (16-30).

Naysayers have a very simplistic and practical approach to life. They would like to have a peaceful life, a good future, do not like changes. Furthermore, technology seems confusing to them. In career, they do not want to reach high positions. Generally, they are insecure and do not respond well to changes.
Naysayers do not care about their appearance. Family and traditional values are the first places in their priorities. They work hard every day as they know that (nothing in life is free). They do not have unique intellectual interests as to them intellectuality and having hobbies are not important. Naysayers avoid sports and do not attend to cultural activities. They do not go out to pubs or enjoyment places.
The buying preferences for the following segment are more ordinary. They buy for comfort, not for style. The practical approach rules here and famous brands are not their preference. Their choice is local and cheaper brands. And they usually buy when something goes wrong as their income level is low. Second-hand shops and bargains are the ideas they like the most. Naysayers read a little as their interests are little. The main interest is gossiping, cars and fashion. Low usage of the Internet and they prefer a few Tv channels.
Traditionalists. Customer segment, age (30-55).

Traditionalists are customer segment who are focused on family duties. They even have given up their career ambitions for raising their children and believe that their duty is to raise their children. They long for a stable and peaceful life and protect, manage their families.
They put a lot of effort into a home and want to be sure that home is nice and cozy. In a workplace environment, they believe in their duties and work, need recognition from colleagues. They spend the leisure time for cooking for the family, spending peaceful evenings at home and do not have artistic and cultural preferences.
Shopping is a habit they enjoy a lot. They like using money practically and they are more for quantity than quality. Sometimes they become spontaneous shoppers. Like trying new brands, though they are not the first adopters of new brands. Traditionalists are, in general, bargain hunters.
The favorite topics of traditionalists are recipes, home furnishing, like gossips about stars. Like spending the evening in front of Tv s. They are below average internet users as the technology confuses them a lot.

The Caregiver brand archetype is just one of 12 Jungian archetypes. Near caregiver, there are 2 other Archetypes, Ruler and Creator archetype. The ruler is about responsibilities and ruling, managing situations or communities. Creator archetype tries to make a new culture. A brand new approach to things and situations. Just reveal all the potential of archetypes with the Social Grabber and use it practically in reality!