The Hero Brand Archetype Revealed!
Hero brand archetype is one of the Jungian 12 archetypes. How is Hero different from others? What value can it give to your brand? Let’s see.

Hero brands develop the idea of proving one’s worth through courageous and hard actions. The brand gives the message of improving the world through perfect deeds and acts. Its customers should become strong and powerful by overtaking the fears of weakness and vulnerability. The hero is shadowed sometimes because of its arrogance and developing the idea of an anti-hero, of an enemy. With its gifts of competence and courage the Hero values energy, ambitiousness, focus and ability to make tough choices.
There are a lot of products that have a Hero brand personality and they are mentioned below.
Cleaning measures.
Tide brand is a vivid example of a Hero brand. It is a women’s hero. One of the slogans of the brand is (Tide’s in, dirt is out). When it comes to cleaning, everything is possible with Tide, because it is a master!
Do The Branding Of Your Products On Your Own With The Following Ebook. It Gives You The Following Solutions.
- Find out the archetype of your brand with a 12 question quiz.
- Create a slogan and brand messaging.
- Just create the logo, packaging and store appearances.
Nike! One of the most advertised brands. Everybody knows Nike advertising because they include famous athletes, real superheroes in their campaigns. If you wear Nike you become like Christiano Ronaldo. Why not be like him!
Energetic drinks.
We turn to Gatorade. This is a professional drink for sportsmen (to replace sweats) like they say. (Nothing beats Gatorade) they say. If you want to be a healthy champion then use Gatorade.
Construction, fixing services.
This can be just a little kiosk that fixes smartphones near your apartment or a huge company that builds houses or a whole district. Home cleaning, car cleaning services, etc.
Gyms, schools, sport and health centers.
A gym is a place where you perform at your highest limits. Your trainer helps you to break your limits. Gold’s gym is the example of hero gyms. On their entrance wall, we see Arnold Schwarzenegger and other famous athletes who attended the gym.

Help organizations, donating organization.
Red Cross immediately comes to my mind. There are in places where a few people dare to be. They save people, refugees and the homeless. They are full of heroic acts.
Or just any product that wants to beat its competitors.
Snickers or Tag Heaur immediately come to my mind. The case of Snickers is interesting as the market is full of big rivals. How to differentiate themselves in the tough market? Being a Hero, that’s the solution. Let’s look at their slogan (You are not you when you are hungry). Just buy snickers bars and become the real you!
We see the Hero as a personality. The personality has some unique deeds and messages and here are 5 life steps of The Hero.

- The call of the Hero begins when someone tries to abuse or intimidate the hero or the potential Hero sees that someone is in need.
- Self-development, overcoming boundaries, reaching new achievement, going into competitions.
- Becoming a soldier of your community, family or organization, doing your duties.
- The time comes when the hero uses its ability to make a difference in a community and on itself.
- And the hero can be trapped because of ruthlessness and the permanent wish of winning.
The Hero brand archetype has its stories and unique messages. These messages reveal all the strength of the archetype and present it to customers and they eventually become engaged with the stories.
A large part of Hero brand messages is connected with successful people interviews. These people are basically well-known sportsmen. A lot of times human’s inner hero is rises during professional sport. We see Serena Williams is interviewed in the ads of Gatorade, or David Nadal in Nike ads.

Another hero story is about company employees and crew. The Hero shows us how hard they are working every day, how devoted they are. The employees do their best to create the products that we love. And therefore customers praise the work of the hard-working brands.
A very popular Hero message is a simple life story. A life story of an ordinary boy, who was born poor but had a passion for playing football, then he tried hard and overcame many obstacles and now he is on the national football squad of the United States. The hero was similar to every little boy at his age but he had the character of a winner.
Volunteering and making beautiful places for different communities. The volunteers bring value to the people across the community (the building2 can be a basketball field or a house for refugees or other similar places). So children can play basketball or do exercises every day in the fields. Who has built the arena? Yes, the hero volunteers.

The hero brand identity prefers big and strong letters, national flags, Great billboards. Everything big and full of respect can be related to the Hero. Other message examples are armies or various weapons or just soldiers who have fought during the wars. Every little thing that is associated with pride and respect.
In the following paragraphs, I will try to show the usage of Hero practically, especially for websites, social media, etc.
Gatorade website.

This is the 2nd strip of the Gatorade website. And it is simply advertising their product bindle, a famous basketball player is eating the chocolate bar and it is shown with a great billboard. Gatorade is made for athletes to help them with their nutrition. Just have a bit of Gatorade and you can become like one of these superstars.
Tide website.
On the product page of Tide I saw more than 7 reasons for using Tide. Because it saves energy and has eco-friendly packaging. It is laundry detergent based on renewable material and 6 other productional benefits because Tide is a master of its work. It knows everything and will help you with every little cleaning work. Tide is a hero and the website shows it to us.
Nike website.

All the websites are full of white colors and big billboards, big boots on their first page. This is the advertising of the new Nike Airs. There are five buttons (men, women, kids customize, gifts) above the picture, and done very simple. Just jump like Nike Air, feel the open air, wear Nike and be the Nike hero.
Social media appearances of The Hero brands.

Snickers collaborates with Nfl, and now every little element of Snicker is associated with the National Football League. If any interception happens during the late-night game Snickers is going to give a prize to you. And they changed the appearance of the chocolate bar and replaced it with the famous rules of Nfl. One is Sacked, another is blocked, the 3rd is intercepted. NFL is totally a heroic brand and Snickers knows that exactly. They have devoted their marketing to them, and I think they have done it right.
Gold’s gym.

Golds gym does it in a simple way/ They post the feed of their customers, their heroes or just pictures of training equipment. The first pic is simply about gears of exercising. If somebody sees that recall the good time they had in the gym, Others are posted with customers, trainers, these ones increase the motivation. They are breaking the bundles and limits. When I see this my inner hero awakens and I immediately want to go to a gym.
Red Cross.

We see here the true heroism, The humble people are sitting at the table and having their lunch. These people are real heroes, maybe they are in far and poor countries and devoted their lives to this great mission of saving lives. The life of the child that is near the ruins and do not know what will be tomorrow or the African children, who do not have clean water to drink. These are real heroic traits that must be appreciated.
Every successful brand has implemented the strategy of 12 brand archetypes. We need to take just 8 steps for completing archetypal branding with the following book.
1. Find out your brand archetype.
2. Create a logo.
3. Do the packaging.
Hero brands give various messages and tell interesting stories in order to engage customers. These messages combined are called Campaigns. Here are some Hero campaign ideas.
Nike Campaign

Nike always turns to famous people. Once they are just advertising, jogging with Nike sneakers, the other time they are talking about Nike phenomena. What is that? (Nike is bigger than Sneaker) claims Heron Preston/ Nike has very high and pure values. It is not just a brand, it is rather a bouquet of values. Nike is a master, he knows everything well. We wear Nike and become masters too. The campaign demonstrates Nike as a high value, bigger than an ordinary brand.
Tag Heuer.

Just like any hero, Tag Heuer wants to be the best. and it proves it in the website. The watch consists of very precious elements, that you can not find anywhere. You pay for something invaluable like Tag
Heuer Carrera Mikrograp, Carrera Microgirder. Tag Heuer is the best as it is consists of the best particulars. They know that and just prove it with articles.

The Nfl website is simply fantastic. I explored the site and found out some curious games. (Fantasy Perfect challenge) is one example of games. Picking perfect lineup of NFL players and you can win 1 million prizes or just picking the winning team you become a survivor. With Nfl, a lot of people can become real heroes. Just put some heroic title on games and have your own game campaign.
Hero brand Personality has its fonts. Tungsten, Geogrotesque. Nitro.

Hero brand personality has its colors.

What type of Customers like Hero brands? Let’s take a look at the Garrison group’s Customer characters and reveal the ones which are more likely to buy hero brands.
Peacocks, age (18-28).

Peacocks are a segment of young people who are generally self-focused and want to be noticed a lot with their appearances or the places they visit. They want to be perceived as successful persons, but in reality, they are very vulnerable. They like leading people as it shows their status of leader/
Money is a demonstration of success and they spend a lot on accessories, cars to show their achievements. For leisure time activities they prefer to go to social places where they can meet and talk to people.
Peacocks like trendy brands in order to stand out and once they find the brand they stick to it very firmly. Their income level is not high, so they like finding good deals.
Tv channels and traditional media is their preferred channels for getting informed and engaged. They like using the internet more to be informed than engaged. Through that, they connect with family members and friends.
Balancers, age (28-50).

Balancers are people who try to balance everything in life and that always causes guilt in them. When they work they feel guilty of a wife or husband. When he is at home he is guilty of friends, etc. They always seek to have control over various recourses as it gives them a sense of stability over their stressful life.
Balancers spend leisure time mostly with family (skiing or football game watching). They like gathering with old friends, playing football with them, or just spending peaceful leisure time or watching TV and reading the newspaper at home. They are mostly environmentally conscious people. Seeking good for the country and everything around mostly for a better life for children. And they car about children a lot.
They like ads that are fresh and engaging. They try new products and do shopping once a week with family and buy everything for the week. Also, they care about healthy food.
Balancers are mainly Tv watchers, especially in the evenings. They like to read newspapers, topics about sports or politics. Internet usage is mainly for informational needs. They would use Facebook to catch up with old school friends or university maids, etc.
Is Hero your brand archetype?

The Hero archetype is one of the 12 Jungian archetypes. It is an important one as it tries to make people feel masters and saviors. Very close to Hero there are Magician and Outlaw. A magician always seeks something unexpected to come true. Outlaw is against the law, by breaking them and reaching independence. They are 12 of them and you can reveal them all with The Social Grabber.