The Innocent Brand Archetype Revealed

An innocent brand archetype is one of the 12 Jungian archetypes. How is Innocent different from other archetypes? What are the benefits of the Innocent archetype? Let’s find it out now.
Innocent brand archetype’s strategy is to help people to experience paradise, so they try to make them happy, keep them in a kind mood. The fear of the innocent archetype is doing something wrong, so it always tries to do everything right. With its gifts of faith and optimism Innocent values perfection, easy living, certainty.
Many products have the innocent brand identity.
There are many products in supermarkets, but the thing that is genuine and organic is the most appreciated by users. The food should be trustful and well made. The famous example of Innocent food is Annie’s. These products are full of trust also made for children.
Fast food restaurants.
Fast food places are full of red color, white color. As soon as you enter the restaurant, you see happiness. And happiness is on the packaging, on the cups, on the faces of people. The famous examples of Innocent archetype are Mcdonald’s and KFC. The brands have everything connected with joy and happiness.

Soft drinks.
Just like food, drinks also need to be pure. Trust is very important here. And that’s why a brand like Coca Cola took the archetype. Another famous brand example is the Evian water brand. On the packaging of Evian, we sea the high, snow-covered 3 mountains. It is innocence and purity.
Cleaning means.
What do we want our house to look like? The answer is clean, tidy, innocent. The Cleaning means like Method and Green Works give the message of cleanliness and purity. They will keep our homes tidy. The brand like Dove and Ivory also belong to the following archetype.
Games, fun time.
What do the games mostly provide us? The answer is a childish and perfect time. The computer games company Nintendo has developed its marketing approaches based on the innocent archetype. There are also computer games like FIFA or Pro Evolution Soccer most likely are the innocent archetype.
Do The Branding Of Your Products On Your Own With The Following Ebook. It Gives You The Following Solutions.
- Find out the archetype of your brand with a 12 question quiz.
- Create a slogan and brand messaging.
- Create the logo, packaging, store appearances.
Now let’s see what kind of stories Innocent archetype tells customers.
Safe world.
We should protect our world. Do not do any hurt to it. Reduce manufacturing waste, water usage reduction, the increase of renewable energy. All of these stories are told by Innocent brands, especially by the brand Herbal Essence.
Made genuine, no artificial stuff added.
The same company Herbal Essence tells us the way their product is made. They mention the ingredients the shampoos contain mineral oil, paraffin, and many other natural ingredients. On the contrary, the company does not use egg derivatives, gluten, barley, etc.
Fairy tales.
The Innocent is connected with fairy tales, innocent and perfect stories with perfect endings. The following philosophy is clearly shown in Coca-cola advertisements. The Santa Claus on Christmas or a white bear is ready to make our lives a part of a fairy tale.

Surprise gift.
The company Coca-cola is the master of another marketing trick. Just entering a product code, you can win a great prize, you can unlock a mystery. Millions of sports balls and coca-cola items are rewarded to people and cheered up their worlds.
The innocent personality has 5 life steps. Let’s see what they are.

- First the prsonality desires purity, goodness and simplicity.
- It becomes childlike simple, naïve, dependent, trusting.
- It renews, reinvents itself, reframes and reenters the promised land.
- It has an almost mystical sense of oneness. Innocence comes from values and integrity.
- The shadow is denial.
Now let’s take a look at the Innocent archetype brands’ websites.
Method brand’s website.

Here I would like to mention the clever colors and design approaches of the brand Method. The calm blue and green. People holding shampoos and soaps with some painted hands or with flowers. Method has promoted Innocent archetype in an interesting way.
Volkswagen website.

Volkswagen has created a user-friendly website. They give people America’s best bumper warranty. I want to mention the picture behind the writing, Two divided cars in the middle of the street, and the streets are covered with beautiful flowers. Flowers give an innocent type of atmosphere.
Dove website.

Dove has taken white color as their main color, and they speak about beauty. The strip talks about the cruelty-free program. They tell us that their products are made and created in an innocent way. Dove does not test on animals. For over 30 years, they have used multiple alternatives, non-animal approaches to test the safety of our products and ingredients.
Now we can look at the Innocent archetype brands’ social media appearances.
1.Coca-cola social media appearances.

Coca-cola sends us happy and lovable slogans like “we all deserve love”. On their Instagram page there are no pictures of real life, here are all animations. The coca-cola bottle is full of love and red colors. Red colors are dominant on their pages. Happy, funny and lovable colors are present here.
2.Herbal essence social media presence.

Herbal essence puts spell on natural atmosphere, on natural presence. Here girls are so happy, full of life. The girl has laid on the bench with 2 shampoos. The Instagram descriptions are written about the goals of girls, about girl motivation in an innocent and natural way. The bag on the right has tow herbal essence products and a hat, glasses. The thatched style, the sky blue and all types of attributes have innocent style approaches.
Every successful brand has implemented the strategy of 12 brand archetypes. We need to take just 8 steps for completing archetypal branding with the following ebook.
1. Find out your brand archetype.
2. Create a logo.
3. Do the packaging.
3.Nintendo Wii social media presence.

Nintendo Wii has turned 2 this years and a beautiful cake is made for the anniversary. The 2 consols and a candle on them, a funny and joyful way of celebrating. The cake cocktail on the left is a Mario cup. They show what is Mario, a sweet and colorful game. The left picture is canoeing. The man holds the supposed camera and plays the Nintendo canoeing game as if he rules the real-life people beside him.
Innocent archetype brands have a specific type of messaging, These messages combined are called campaigns. And here are 3 of them.
1.Coca-cola Atlanta trip planning.

Plan your visit for the city Atlanta by visiting Coca-cola company. Here, it is situated the world of coca-cola. What is that? Coca-cola says. you will experience the world’s most famous beverage in a dynamic, multimedia attraction. You can stay here for almost 2 hours and penetrate the great world of the famous drink. Just fun and a kind of fairy tail reminder time you can spend in the world of coke.
2. Annie’s – begins with a farm.

Annie’s begins every delicious bite at a farm. From 1998 they have begun using organic. Now every day the team in Berkeley seeks to uphold and improve upon those standards.
They say that soil matters, and should not spoil the ground. Also, they think about the changes in the climate so their farms are made not to pollute the earth. And they also make honest food for people.
3.The seventh generation – generation good campaign.

The seventh generation has created a parent community, the generation good. They want to create a better future with opinion exchanges. Here you can exchange ideas, participate in activities, preview products, and receive coupons and other exciting offers.
Innocent archetype has a specific kind of color gamma, and here they are.

And here are the font styles of Innocent archetype. Manu and Omnes fonts.

Innocent archetype has a specific type of target market. These customer segments are presented by the Garrison Group. And here are 2 examples of Innocent archetype target customers.
Floaters. Age 30 – 50.

Floaters tend to take good care of their families. The floater woman likes to spend much time at home, cooking for the family or cleaning home for a nice look. They raise their children with huge fulfillment, always trying to give a warm atmosphere. Not looking so much at their appearance, people should concern about their inner world, not appearances. Not hoping for a great career, looking at work as just a job, do not have ambitions. They do not want to walk their own path. Prefer to be led by others. Like keeping traditional values, home is an absolute center for that. Like spending leisure time at home, not preferring active life. DO not like social events, meeting with a big family is a preferred activity for them.
Media and brand usage.
They have a very practical way of purchasing, buying downmarket products, always looking for special offers. They do not adopt new products quickly, looking for campaigns to buy a lot of quantity for a low price.
They rely on Tv for their main source of information, They seek local news, police, request shows, talk shows, etc. They do not like using the internet as computers confuse them a lot. Do not read magazines, dailies and this kind of stuff,
Naysayers, age 18-30.

Naysayers choose a simplistic and practical approach to living. Well-arranged future, peaceful life is important to them. Do not respond well to changes. Technology and novelty confuse them a lot, do not respond well to changes. They are not ambitious, neglecting recognition from every group of people around, who do not care about their career development. They very insecure would wait to go to the doctor until they are really sick. They do not think much about their appearance, do not dress in style and not following fashion trends.
Traditional values direct them, and they have a very male-oriented mentality, faithfulness is very important in a relationship. They work hard to receive what they want as they know nothing in life is free. Money is necessary for life, so work is a mean to for survival. They do not have any intellectual interest or aspiration. Like spending a lot of time at home, prefer nice evenings at home, rarely attending to social events. Cleaning and cooking for the family are important to them. They do not like hanging out in the nights at pubs or clubs. Eating outside is not their style, mom’s food is the best.
Media and brand usage.
Naysayers buy for comfort, not for style. Their consumption reflects their view on life. Mainly using downmarket products. They mainly purchase something when something goes wrong. DO not buy something just for sake of it, thinking twice before making a purchase. They are vivid bargain hunters, striving to get the best for them and for their family. Typical customers of second-hand shops. Quantity is far more important than quality.
They do not read a lot, considerably less than people of their age. Reading about cars, fashion and other things. Do not use the internet, only for emailing and the kind of stuff. They watch tv a lot but only the main channels. Watching sports if available, because of the lack of understanding of foreign languages, does not watch satellite channels.
An innocent brand archetype is only one of the 12 archetypes. All of them are unique in their way. Next to innocent, there are sage and explorer archetypes. Sage always strives to find the truth. Explorer needs to find its individuality, search for new roads. Is your brand archetype Innocent?
What are the font styles? I can’t see the photo
We have already added Innocent archetype fonts. You can check it out.