What are 12 Brand Archetypes?
What are brand archetypes? We can answer this question in many ways. But at first let’s give a quick definition to the term brand archetype. We should remember that archetypes are widely used by Carl Gustav Jung. Jung has taken the term from the ancient Greek language. The word “archien” means original, and “typos” means pattern or model. So the translation of the words means “original model”. There are many archetypes but Jung has taken 12 of them to describe human motifs. So, how they are used in branding? What are the benefits that many famous brands like Apple or Nike have developed their marketing strategy based on the great theory?
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The answer is very simple. Archetypes solve all the great problems that are connected with the philosophy called branding. They involve great groups like design, brand purpose, brand strategy, messaging, logo and anything connected with branding. From the first glance, they are so simple, but it has deep profundity.
They are combined in 4 main groups shown on the archetype wheel.
- Providing structure.
Creator archetype – leading for innovation. Example : Lego.
Ruler archetype – seeking control. Example: Mercedes Benz
Caregiver archetype – giving service. Example: Volvo. - Seeking paradise.
Innocent archetype – Seeking for safety. Example: Coca-Cola
Sage archetype –Tries to understand everything. Example: CNN.
Explorer archetype – Searches for freedom. Example: The North Face. - Leaving mark on the world.
Outlaw archetype- Seeks for Liberation. Example: Hatley-Davidson
Magician archetype – Wants the transformation. Example: Dyson.
Hero archetype – Goes for Mastery. Example: Nike. - Building connection.
Everyman archetype – Seeks for belonging. Example: Ikea.
Jester archetype – Longs for enjoyment. Example: Fanta.
Lover archetype – Searches for intimacy. Example: Victoria’s secret.
Do The Branding Of Your Products On Your Own With The Following Ebook. It Gives You The Following Solutions.
- Find out the archetype of your brand with a 12 question quiz.
- Create a slogan and brand messaging.
- Create the logo, packaging, store appearances.
Now let’s take a deep look at 12 archetypes.
Creator brand archetype.

The archetype purpose. The creator archetype brands need to create something that has great value. It helps people to give form to their vision, or it does it for itself. The brand message is to create a culture and express own vision. The fear of the Creator archetype is having mediocre vision and execution.
The archetype communication. The brand archetype gives several kinds of messaging.
The call and beginning of creation are the daydreams and fantasies. Then it encourages to try skills in innovative ways. Then brands communicate the idea of giving a form of own vision.
The example of Creator archetype – Pinterest.
How does Pinterest foster innovation? Pinterest allows us to show people the things we have created. Whether it is a blog or art, or some home decoration. Also, the way of expressing on Pinterest is very creative. Creating an appealing pin, that’s what we have to do with Pinterest.
Ruler brand archetype.

The brand archetype purpose. The ruler archetype seeks to exert leadership. It helps people to create a prosperous, successful family, community. The desire of the brand archetype is to control. The fear of the archetype is the chaos, being overthrown.
Ruler brand archetype communication. Ruler brands put spell on the fact that consumers may have a lack of resources and harmony. Then the archetype gives the message of taking responsibility for your own life. Exerting leadership, work, organization. And becoming a true leader in a community, the field is the last message of the Ruler archetype.
The ruler brand example – Mercedez Benz. Anyone who drives the car is self-confident, is sure that he/she is powerful as Mercedez Benz gives the sense of the leadership. The slogan od the famous brand is “The best or nothing”. And their customers want the best or nothing, which they take from Mercedez Benz.
Caregiver brand archetype.

Caregiver brand archetype purpose. The caregiver archetype purpose. The following archetype seeks to help people. Their strategy is to do things for others. Their customers want to protect people from harm. The fear of the archetype is selflessness and ingratitude.
Caregiver brand communication. The Caregiver archetype shows that someone is in need. The kind of message is so crucial. Caring and nurturing one’s dependents is another way of telling people a purpose. The altruism and concerning of a larger world is just another way of communication.
Caregiver brand example – Volvo. Even the Volvo logo is not similar to a car logo. The pointer on the logo gives an interesting caring atmosphere. Volvo itself is a symbol of safety and it is known as the safest car in the world.
Innocent brand archetype.

Innocent brand purpose. The purpose of the innocent archetype is being happy. Their customers have a need of experiencing paradise. The archetype has one strategy, it is doing things right. And the fear is doing bad that will lead to punishment./
Innocent archetype communication. The archetype put spell on the idea of purity, goodness. The childlike simplicity, trusting and idyllic characters are another way of communication. The message is renewal, positive, reframing, cleansing, reentering the promised land.
Innocent archetype brand example – Coca-cola. Coca-cola brand always advertises happy and genuine moments, between friends, between lovers. Once it is summer and the hot beach is calling, The Coca-Cola bottle’s red color is also a kind of happy and genuine.
Sage brand archetype.

Sage archetype purpose. The following archetype uses intelligence and analyses to understand the world. Their customers have a need of discovering the truth. The strategy of the archetype is seeking out information and knowledge, becoming self-reflective. The fear of the archetype is being duped, misled.
Sage archetype communication. The main message of sage is the deep desire of finding out the truth. Another way of communication is the desire of objectivity and continuous learning from experts. It encourages us to be innovative thinkers and becoming a professional.
Sage archetype brand example- CNN. CNN’s slogan is “moving the truth forward”. The brand wants the word “truth” to be associated with the sage archetype. CNN broadcasts are full of fresh and trustworthy information. If you want to find out the truth, just turn on the channel CNN.
Every successful brand has implemented the strategy of 12 brand archetypes. We need to take just 8 steps for completing archetypal branding with the following book.
1. Find out your brand archetype.
2. Create a logo.
3. Do the packaging and a lot more.
Explorer brand archetype.

Explorer archetype purpose. The purpose of the brand archetype is to experience a more authentic, more fulfilling life. Their customers need to find out themselves, through exploring the world. The strategy of the brand archetype is seeking out and experiencing new things, escaping from entrapment and boredom.
Explorer archetype communication. The first message of the archetype is restlessness, boredom. Just hit the open road and go for a journey, exploring the world. Customers need to seek their individuality and become fulfilled. Another message is about expressing individuality and uniqueness.
Explorer archetype example – Starbucks.
Starbucks emphasizes the individuality of its customers. They write the names of their customers’ cups. Create interesting cups and atmosphere. Starbucks encourages our individuality with their great coffees.
Outlaw brand archetype.

Outlaw brand archetype purpose. The outlaw brand archetype seeks to destroy what is not working. The customers have a need for revenge, revolution. The strategy of the archetype is to destroy, disrupt, The fear is being powerless, trivialized.
Outlaw archetype communication. The archetype communicates with people based on feelings like anger, mistreatment. Another type of messaging is putting the spell on the fact that the user can be identified as an outsider or just motivating them to behave in a shockingly. And eventually, become a revolutionary.
Outlaw archetype example – Apple. Apple changed all the rules that were there before. They changed the game and the rules of the games. They have a different kind of computer software, completely different mobile phones, and computers. Apple changed everything before them.
Magician brand archetype.

Magician archetype purpose. The magician archetype seeks to make dreams come true. The customers need to develop their visions and live it. The desire is the knowledge of fundamental laws and how the world works, The fear of the archetype is unanticipated negative consequences.
Magician archetype communication. The first type of messaging is about extrasensory and synchronistic experiences. Another way of communication is about magical moments and experiences of transformations. The manifestation of miracles is the third type of communication.
Magician archetype example – Red Bull. Red bull is a drink that gives you energy and transforms you. Your mood and energy raise and you become a totally another person. They sponsor many extreme sports events. Jumping from a high mountain is a common sport style for Red Bull.
Hero brand archetype.

Hero brand archetype purpose. The hero archetype seeks to prove its worth through difficult action. Their customers want to become very strong, powerful and competent. The goal of the archetype is to become a master in order to improve the world.
Hero brand archetype communication. The hero archetype main messaging is based on the idea that someone is intimidated or abused, or someone is in need. So Hero suggests developing mastery and competence, motivated through competitions. Another way of Hero messaging is to be a soldier and do duties for a country or community. The hero just suggests to use courage and competence and make a huge change in the world.
Hero brand archetype example – Nike. Nike is a marketing phenomenon. All the brand fancy them, how they succeeded. They just put into practice the archetypal tactics of the hero archetype. “Just do it” the famous phrase of the brand changed a lot. A lot of sports celebrities show us that we can do it, just be a hero, just wear Nike.
Everyman brand archetype.

Everyman archetype purpose. The everyman seeks to belong, to fit. Their customers desire is to connect with others. The strategy of the Everyman archetype is to develop solid virtues, the common touch. The fear of the archetype is standing out, putting on air and in consequence be rejected by a result.
Everyman archetype communication. The following archetype begins its messaging emphasizing people’s loneliness and alienation. Then the archetype talks about the feeling of abandoned, and alone. Then the archetype suggests being a joiner, the communicator, accepting help and friendship. Another message is being a humanitarian and accept help and friendship.
Everyman archetype example – Budweiser. Budweiser accentuates always the ordinary joy of drinking beer. The opening of the beer, or filling it in the glass. The way of Budweiser communication is based on Everyman archetype. The friendly meetings of friends and opening The Bud is everything for friendship.
Jester brand archetype.

Jester brand archetype purpose. The jester brand archetype seeks to have a great time and lighten up the world. Their customers need to play, make jokes and be funny. The desire of the archetype is to live in a moment of full enjoyment. The fear of the archetype is boredom or being bored.
Jester brand archetype communication. The main topic of Jester archetype messaging is ennui and boredom. The brand talks about that life is a game and fun. Another way of messaging is by teaching cleverness to tick others and solve problems. Life experiencing in a moment is a perfect circumstance for a Jester story.
Jester brand archetype example – MM’s. M M’s is a perfect incarnation of Jester archetype. The bright yellow color is the jEster color. The characters of M and M who always make fun and lighten up our worlds. Here is what Jester is, Fun, Joy, and happiness.
Lover brand archetype.

Lover brand archetype purpose. Lover archetype seeks to be in a relationship with surroundings, with people, work and experiences.
The customers of the lover archetype have a desire to attain intimacy and experience sensual pleasure. The strategy of the archetype is to become more and more attractive physically and emotionally. The fear of the Lover is being alone, unwanted, unloved.
Lover brand archetype communication. The main messaging of the Lover archetype is about seduction, falling in love with a person, idea, item, etc. Another message is to seek for great romance and sex. Then it comes to the turn of committing to the one you love and following your bliss. The final day of messaging is the spiritual love and self-acceptance, ecstasy.
Lover archetype brand example – Chanel. Chanel is a brand that puts the first beauty of a woman. And in reality, the woman is perfection and beauty. The love and commitment come from them and Chanel emphasizes every little attribute of women’s beauty. The philosophy of Coco Chanel is ideally for the whole world and the fashion world.
The 12 Jungian archetypes are all specific ones. But as soon as you choose one of them, stick to it and create your own philosophy on the archetypal branding. The key to real branding is this theory and using it correctly will bring success. For more content check out the main page of our website.