Brand Identity And Elements of Samsung
Samsung is one of the most well-known companies of all time. It has so many layers that are worth discovering for the people that are passionate about marketing. It is pretty fascinating to do in-depth research of this brand to unravel the story behind its success. In this blog, we are going to do so by touching upon the brand identity of Samsung. You might be wondering what is hidden in the concept of brand identity. It applies to all the aspects that make a company stand out and be different from others.

What is the identity of Samsung?
There are numerous answers that we can give to this question. But let us consider a few points here.
- Samsung exists to produce human-driven technologies that break down boundaries in order to make the world a better place for everyone.
- Samsung’s chronology began in 1969 when the company was founded to assist people in accomplishing the seemingly impossible.
- Samsung has been continuously developing after more than 50 years, creating technology that breaks through old and new barriers. It allows people to achieve things they previously could not. They are still motivated by their mission, which is why they put people at the center of everything they do.
- Samsung is guided by the ideals that it upholds. Everything they do is based on their values. They adhere to five core values that represent their devotion to people, quality, transformation, transparency, and co-prosperity. Their mission is to keep developing, innovating, maintaining the status quo, and living out their beliefs every day.
- Samsung has always been an innovator. Barriers act as opportunities for them. They invent and create technology that breaks new ground, enabling people to achieve things they previously could not.
- Samsung works every day to make it easier for you to live more sustainably. From recycling and refurbished technology to renewable energy and energy efficiency innovation, Samsung makes use of all its resources.
- Their communication style reveals a lot about who they are. Hence why they utilize their personality and style to express themselves authentically: bold, honest, current, and playful.
The next significant aspect of Samsung’s brand identity is the archetype that it belongs to.

This Instagram post can help us do so.
As global citizens, we consume a lot of energy from our planet. Thus, it is important to make healthy decisions for the environment that is surrounding us.
This post is promoting environmentally friendly phone chargers that Samsung makes. These chargers can help us preserve 13 million kilowatts of energy.
Phones and their accessories have become a functionality for our everyday lives. Samsung is comparatively more affordable than its competitors. The brand is also unique, and it stands out in numerous ways.
These points lead us to conclude that the archetype Samsung belongs to is the Everyman.

- The desire of the archetype is to connect with others.
- The goal of the archetype is to pertain and fit in.
- The strategy of the archetype is to invent common substantial virtues, the typical touch, blend in.
Other brands that belong to this archetype are Wrangler, Wendy’s, Budweiser, and discover.
Here are the messaging levels of the Everyman archetype.
- The archetype encourages to take action in case of feeling loneliness and alienation.
- The archetype speaks about the people that feel left out and alone, pursuing affiliation.
- These brands let us know that we need to learn to connect, belong somewhere, and obtain help and friendship.
- These brands also tell us that we need to acknowledge every person’s innate dignity despite his or her powers or circumstances.
The Everyman archetype is a perfect identity for your brand if
- Its service allows people to belong or sense that they belong.
- Its role is something utilized generally in everyday life.
- Its pricing is moderate to low.
- It is created or marketed by a brand with a down-home managerial culture.
- It wants to differentiate itself from a more luxury brand.
What we now think we should discuss is expanding on the brand identity of Samsung.
We will do that by digging deep into the positioning tactics of the brand.
Positioning tactics consist of three main aspects.
- The product category, or the Samsung product line.
- Advantages, differentiators, and how Samsung outperforms the competition
- The central notion. What is the most important concept that Samsung wants its customers to remember?

Samsung Electronics is a chaebol, a South Korean family-owned conglomerate with several companies operating in a variety of industries. In reality, the Samsung Group is the largest chaebol, with some speculating that if Samsung failed, the entire South Korean economy would collapse.
The Samsung Group now includes hundreds of companies that produce… a bunch of things. In theory, you could live your entire life relying solely on Samsung products. You could be birthed at Samsung Medical Center and reside in a Samsung flat.
You could shop at Samsung C&T Fashion Group, eat at Samsung Welstory food courts, and attend Samsung-affiliated high schools and universities.
You could work for a Samsung subsidiary, drive a Renault-Samsung car (though Samsung does not make it), visit a Samsung theme park. Even better, you could stay at a Samsung hotel, pay with a Samsung credit card, insure yourself with Samsung Life, and e-mail Samsung.
Samsung Electronics, the company’s largest subsidiary, manufactures a wide range of products. These include televisions, tablet devices, smartwatches, VR headsets, home theater rooms, and sound systems. Then we see desktop computers, laptops, monitors, printers, memory devices, home appliances, surveillance monitoring systems, and semiconductor and memory components.
Benefits and differentiation:
Samsung employs a general competitive strategy of wide differentiation. For example, to maintain a competitive advantage in the consumer electronics sector, the corporation invests in technical innovation.
Samsung is an excellent example of a Cost Leadership approach since it boosts profits by lowering costs while maintaining low prices in the industry.
Rather than simply offering a less expensive and inferior iPhone, Samsung has distinguished itself in numerous other ways. For example, they provide larger screens, unique features, effective marketing, and delivering what the customers want.
Samsung’s brand management methods are a big part of the company’s success. Samsung has had a constant policy of basing all actions in line with its brand strategy since its early days of redefining the brand from a low-cost producer to a brand of class and quality.
Samsung’s product development initiatives are a strategic implication of the generic strategy of broad differentiation. For example, the corporation invests in technical innovation to maintain its competitive advantage in the consumer electronics sector.
Samsung’s low-cost strategy has allowed the company to appeal to people with lesser incomes. This is in contrast to Apple, which caters to high-end customers. In the worldwide smartphone market, Samsung’s low-cost strategy has been a crucial source of competitive advantage.
The diversification approach grows Samsung typically by acquisitions of smaller enterprises, such as Harman International Industries, with the strategic goal of generating new profitable industries. This aggressive growth strategy’s minimal position categorization reduces the dangers of developing new business activities.
Samsung’s primary competitive advantages include vertical integration, a broad product line that provides for mobile devices, refrigerators, washing machines, smart home goods, and televisions, as well as the fact that its devices integrate smoothly.
The core communication idea:
Samsung tells us that we were created to convert the impossible into the achievable and to do what we could not before.
“Do What You Can’t” is more than a catchphrase.
Samsung has been advertising Galaxy with the tagline “Do What You Can’t,” and it has been working quite well for them. Customers should understand that “Do What You Can’t” is a way of life for the organization, not merely a marketing phrase.
The “Do What You Can’t” tagline was presented through a commercial featuring an ostrich testing out a Gear Virtual reality headset and learning how to fly as part of the promotion for the Galaxy S8 and S8+.
Samsung opted to transcend the constraints of Out Of Home advertising and push “Do What You Can’t” to new heights with a genuinely breathtaking presentation at the landmark Burj Khalifa in Dubai to commemorate the official launch of the Galaxy S9 and S9+. March 2, 2018, Samsung became the first technology company to showcase a LED show on the famous tower, staying loyal to its ideology.
Last but not least, we are going to discuss the brand elements of Samsung.
The logo, slogan, archetype, and many other concepts refer to the brand elements of a company.
We are going to begin with their name.
The name element
Samsung is a Korean phrase that means “three stars.” Samsung founder Lee Byung-Chull picked the name because he wanted his company to become as powerful and eternal as stars in the sky. Until 1993, when the current logo was created, the three stars remained the corporate emblem in various versions.
Following the Korean War, Lee extended his firm into textiles, establishing Korea’s largest woolen plant. He placed a strong emphasis on the industry in order to aid his country’s postwar recovery.
The logo element
The “three stars” signifying success and prosperity that appear in the Samsung emblem have their origins in the title. Sam signifies “three” in Korean (extra-digital meanings are “greatness” and “multiplicity”). Sung means “stars” (also “success” and “variety”). Samsung used to sell items, provide insurance services, and manufacture food before becoming the world’s technology leader.
The Samsung Icon now consists of merely the brand’s name in white, set on a serene and beautiful blue square with rounded angles.
This most recent makeover allowed for a more modern logo while yet keeping the company’s identifiability. And the new color palette just adds to the iconic South Korean brand’s timeless attributes.
The wordmark is set in a bespoke typeface, which might be a variation of Helvetica Black or DDT Cond SemiBold. The letter “A,” which is supplied without the typical horizontal bar, is a distinguishing feature of the type. This displays the brand’s unwavering commitment to innovation.
The slogan element

“Better normal for all” is the current slogan of Samsung.
After the many challenges that the world has faced in the past few years, providing a safe environment has become incredibly crucial.
Different companies are doing their part, but as it has already become evident, Samsung applies what is best for its consumers for its marketing.
The understanding of normal has changed; however, it does not take away from the safety of the concept.
Samsung has got everybody covered with its awesome tactics of doing its part and keeping the world safe.
The color element
Samsung mainly employs the colors white and blue.
White is a color that represents purity, cleanliness, and tranquility.
The color blue evokes sentiments of calmness and peace.
Since 1993, Samsung’s signature coloring has been blue. It is the North Star that defines Samsung’s identity, representing the virtues of technology and innovation.
To establish everlasting trust with its customers, blue is used throughout Samsung’s products and services.
Samsung’s Samsung Blue is combined with black, white, and a bold and dynamic palette of graphic colors. These colors are used to deliver Samsung’s message to customers in a way that is both immersive and vibrant.
The website
The website of Samsung mostly uses the colors black, white, and blue.
It has a pretty visually appealing navigation bar at the top.
For example, when we look at appliances to the right, we see an example of a decoration.
Most of the product shots are in front of a white background.
The packaging
The packaging of Samsung products is mostly in white; sometimes, they are in black.
Samsung features simple rectangular packaging. The inside of the box is adjusted to the product, and it features different compartments for different parts.
We hope that you enjoyed this in-depth representation of Samsung’s branding. It surely taught us a lot about the company’s different tips and tricks to stay relevant. Make sure to check out our main website for more awesome content like this.