Coca-Cola Target Market
Coca-Cola is a huge company which has implemented millions of marketing tactics and researched all the market to find out its specific target market. Who are these people? What is the segment that Coca-cola puts all its strength? What is important to them? How much is their profit?

Let’s look at the advertisements of Coca-Cola, and look for real customers. Who are these people who are in advertisements? Maybe they are the target market of the drink.
Share a coke commercial.
Let’s share the coke. We speak about the time when all the coke bottles had people’s names. Jane, Anna, etc. You go to someone’s place and take a coke that has his/her name on it. The campaign worked great and millions of people began speaking about it and being engaged. But who did Coca-Cola targeted?
The answer is simple, we can see it in the pics. These are young people who want to have fun, who like communicating, who have an active social life. These are friendly people who have a huge community of friends. People in the pics are generally young aged, from 18 to 26.

Let’s divide them into 3 groups.
- People who are progressives.
Progressives are open-minded and intellectual people. They value knowledge strongly and use their brains to make decisions. They like traveling and learning from different cultures, have specific kinds of hobbies out of mainstream ones.
While shopping they prefer looking into the packaging and see the quality. The Internet is their main way of communication and also it is a great lifestyle for them. - People who like enjoying every minute.
The following segment likes to have fun as much as possible, like challenges and variety, going to new places, pubs, clubs. They like buying new things and have rather a macho attitude.
The following segment like mainstream brands, but think that brand improves their images. They do not use media a lot and think the Internet is a huge advantage for them using it mainly for chatting with friends, dating, looking for parties. - People who like dressing and looking perfect.
The following segment of people is mostly “yes” oriented people. They are highly stylish people and it is very important to them. They like having hobbies, but it should be a reflection of their personality.
Going out and nightlife is very important to them and they want to be specially noticed at these nights by their stylish looks. They are well informed about trends and buy trendy goods, also save up and have the best choices.
The following segment likes sharing a lot on the internet, Facebook, Instagram. Their daily life, every little particularity.
Coca–cola targetting strategy is very unique. They may target people who like dressing and looking perfect or just like enjoying every moment of time. And we provide you an ebook that will solve many problems about targeting and customers overall. With this eBook you can get into the big world of segmentation and Customer Personalities.
Brotherly love.
I think everybody has seen this amazing advertisement for brothers. The elder brother likes getting on the nerves of the little one. While playing a video game he disturbs his brother by touching the cap. But when other guys wanted to take his brother’s coke, he comes to help and saves his beloved brother.
So Coca-cola puts the spell on brother love of teenagers. Teenagers are their main target. Almost every teenager has a brother or sister and they think about them while watching this, and appreciate their family members.
The Christmas add.
In 90 our favorite ad was the Christmas code add. I watched that again and again, it was like a symbol of Christmas. The company has created a whole philosophy of advertising, and in this add made history.
All the children in the world were their target, every little child has the Santa of this truck in their hurts. Coca-Cola provides children’s beloved advertisements, and all of them ask their parents to buy colas for their Christmas parties.
Now let’s look at their social media appearances.

The following Instagram post is about couples. Code always puts spell on couple love between girl and boy, The pure and innocent feelings between 2. The following post is a gif, with many expressions written below.
Your breakfast in bed or lovely eyes and many more. The half bottle of Coca-Cola shows that they have already drunk a little. A little love and happiness. Here the target market is any loving couple.

It is already obvious that relations are the target of Coca-Cola brand. The relation between lover, the relation between grandma and her grandson, between mother and son or daughter. The relation between relatives is so genuine like the Coca-Cola loves.

Here is another Facebook post of Coca-cola. The rich food on the table sneaks hunger in our stomachs. Delicious food and 2 Coca-cola bottles with splendid lights. Coca-cola is based on pure feelings. The love for food is a real direction for advertising of the brand.
Coca-cola targets every person in the world who likes sugared or sweet soft drinks. No matter who they are they find them and make them their customers. Now let’s ask ourselves about the branding of the Coca-Cola.
You can get into the big world of segmentation and targeting.
All you need is go deeper into this eBook and find out 16 customer personalities with a simple quiz. Then you will have all the techniques to reach them and make them all your customers.
16 Personalities (Which one is for your business?)
Coca-Cola has chosen Conscious Progressives as a target segment in its marketing campaigns. This approach helped Coca-Cola succeed and touch the hearts of its customers. You need to know and accurately understand your customer, their motivations, aspirations.
Understanding your customer is the key to success and it helps to become an influential player just like Coca-Cola.

Coca-Cola has a strong relationship with Conscious Progressives. They are the main customers of the latter. However, Conscious Progressive is still one of the 16 Personalities that you should get acquainted with in detail.
All these types of clients are included in the book called “16 Personalities”, which will open a new Marketing world for you. This book will give you a key to the heart of your dream client. By recognizing all 16 Personalities, you will easily find a target customer that matches your brand, and of course by not wasting your money.
Find out your perfect customer profile with the following tips
Coca-Cola is a genius of marketing, only a few brands like Nike or apple can compete with them. So what is the secret of their branding success? The answer is hidden behind the tactics of brand archetypes. What do the tactics represent?

The brand’s core desire is to experience paradise. The strategy is doing things right. They make their customers happy. The fear of the brand is doing things wrong that will lead to punishment. All these ideas they have taken from Innocent brand archetype tactics. The gift of the archetype is faith and optimism and the values are easy living, perfection, certainty, and predictability.
Coca-Cola communicates with its customers again based on archetypes.
They give the message of the desire of purity, goodness. The brand speaks about idyllic trust, dependence. The renewal, reframing, cleansing, reentering the promised land are perfect messages for Coca-Cola communication. Also, they speak about the almost mystical oneness of a person. Coca-Cola does not speak about denial or repression as it is their main fear.
Now we can look through surprising facts of Coca-cola.
- There are only 2 countries where coca-cola is not sold, First one is Cuba another one is North Korea.
- More than 1.9 million coca colas are sold every day in the world.
- Coca-cola has a huge diversity of drinks, more than 3900, and drinks.
- The word coca cola is the most famous and understood in the world after the word “ok
- The first coca-cola bottle’s price was 5 cents.
- An average person drinks coca-cola every 4 days.
- The logo of coca-cola was created by Frank Robinson, who worked as a bookkeeper for Coca-cola company.
- The famous bottle design of the drink is created by glass plant workers from Indiana. The design of the bottle is based on the shape of the cocoa seed.
- Coca-cola was the first Olympic games sponsor. It sponsored the 1928 summer Olympic games in Amsterdam.
- In 1888, two years after it was invented, a businessman called Asa Griggs Candler bought the brand from J. S. Pemberton for just $550.
- The cans of coaches are invented for soldiers.
- Once they wanted to replace the morning coffee with Coca-cola.
- More than 96% of the world population acknowledge the logo of Coca-cola
- Coke sold only 25 bottles in their first year.
- The company uses over 300 000 tonnes of aluminum sheets every year for can production. And it is the largest aluminum consumer in the USA.
- The original formula of Coca-Cola is held in a vault in Atlanta, which is very close to the Coca-Cola headquarters.
- In 1985 Coca-cola released a new coke and it had a tremendous failure, which provoked some theories why it failed. Maybe they wanted to replace sugar in the original with cheaper high-fructose corn syrup.
- Coca-cola holds the share of half of the soft drinks sold in the world.
- Coca-Cola is considered a cure for everything including hiccups, colic, low libido.
- Mexicans drink more Coke drinks than any other country in the world. They drink about 745 Coke beverages each year. Americans drink 401 Cokes a year.
Overall, the coca-cola has targeted every man in the world in its long history. No matter who they are, where they live, what is their work. As drinking os for everybody like Google is for everybody, Even they have tried to replace a cup of water in restaurants or morning coffee. They have gained all the markets in the world and complete leaders in everything. In marketing, in communication, in sales, in stuff. They do everything on the highest level. Here the quality is the most essential. And the quality brings the desired success.
Your Targeting E-book