Coffeeshop Target Market Analysis Including Starbucks
Who goes to coffee shops? The answer is people who love coffee.
What do coffee shops give to people? It depends, from good music to interesting and new coffee flavors, a calm and working ambiance, and far more. Coffeeshops have become a complete part of our daily life, just to enter and have a cup of coffee, and a little chat with friends.
How does this business work?
What are their targeting tactics?

Let’s see it with a real-life example of customers who speak about their favorite coffee shops and why they visit them.

The following girl takes us to her favorite 5 New York coffeeshops places.
And she says that she wants great ambiance, décor, and some premium stuff. She also definitely wants to sit down and do her work with a laptop.
Here are 3 requirements of the girl blogger.

She takes us at first to La Colombe coffee shop.
The following coffee shop has its special drinks, milk that you can add to your coffee.
Another place she attended was the coffeeshop Laurey in New York. Here we see calm ambiance and even they provide free newspapers to read.
Overall we see here a self-employed girl, and she also confesses that she needs a great place to do her work. Her age is from 25 to 30. A progressive young girl who has a high income. she is intelligent and highly graduated. She has broad interests and likes traveling a lot.
Now let’s look to another example. I searched on google to find out a crowded coffee shop picture and found one. Let’s discuss this pic and see in reality what are the customers of the following coffee shop.

We see here more than a coffee shop. The following place is a little different. Here people can have a different kind of cookies. Have their breakfast or lunch breaks. Here we see people aged from 35-50. They are company workers who are spending their break time with a cup of coffee.
Who are they?
Let’s take a segment of people that Garrison Group calls Sharers.
Sharers are a segment of people who try to find enjoyment in everything they do. They are looking for changes from everyday routine and visiting a coffee shop is a little change from daily life.
They like doing regular shopping and visiting shopping centers.
A kitchen is a place at home where they like being and cooking a lot.
Now let’s look at their attitude towards brands.
They like good brands and use them whenever it is possible. They like new things and products and shopping is their way of fulfillment. Sharers love reading about lifestyle, celebrities, and entertainment.
2 brilliant examples of marekting campaigns.
Just 2 ways to grow your business.
Now let’s speak about the famous brand Starbucks. Who do they target?
The website techfee tells us that 49 percent of Starbucks customers are from age 25 to 50. They have comparably more income. And 40 percent are the younger generation who are less than 25 years old , students, whom Starbucks appeal with their novelties and with cool image.
But how can we see the real truth? I suggest looking at their commercials and social media posts and seeing what kind of people are present there. The kind of people is their target audience.

Here is a funny commercial, where the animated guy has come across the man to help him with his everyday tasks. And the task of us applying to a new job. The applier is a little coward, that’s why the guy has appeared to give him courage and self-confidence with music in hands.
What type of customer character has the guy in the photo?
The following customer type is called Naysaysers, called by Garrison Group.
The segment has the age from 16 to 28. And let’s look at their characteristics.
They have a very simplistic and also a practical approach to life. They also do not like changes and do not flexible to them. Good conditions and peacefull future is the thing they love, as risks are not for them.
The following type of segment is very insecure, they are not ambitious and do not like technologies and novelties. Also, they do not care about their look and think they are what they are.
Naysayers work hard to achieve their goals as they know that nothing in life is free. They do not like responsibilities and can not handle them and need a helping hand for that.
If we look at Naysaysers upon brand usage, we would see that they usually buy when something goes wrong. Practical shopping is their way of being, buying for comfort not for style. They are interested in cars, fashion, read some unimportant information, They are not familiar with the Internet and only use it when an email is needed.
Here is another example of Starbucks commercial, where a young woman aged from 35-40, is having her morning coffee.
The company is advertising Starbucks Via Instant. Different kind of little packages of latte, cappuccino and other kinds of coffees.
We see a young woman. What type of characteristics does the woman have? What are her preferences in the community? Does she prefer high-class brands or she likes using ordinary ones? What type of interest does she have?

The following segment is called Balancers by Garrison group. age 28-50.
Who are these people?
The name of the segment already tells us that they like to balance everything in their life. This causes guilt in them while being with friends, they think about family and so on. Balancers want to control various resources. Also, they are a very family-centered segment.
The following segment likes to pay extra for the quality as they have a high income. Like to buy safe products for children, also like going to once a week to shopping with the whole family. They like staying up to date and that’s why they are using the internet a lot.
16 Personalities (what is for your business?)
As we can see, the main target audience for coffee shops like Starbucks is the ‘’Balancer’’ segment, which consists of people aged from 28-50, who love to enjoy their time.
He is a leader in his workplace and is a very enthusiastic person. He keeps relations with everyone and tries to provide services to them if there is an opportunity. He always wants people to be thankful for the benefits he provides them. This could be a huge encouragement for him to be sure that he is doing the right things for people.
Starbucks has targeted Balancers, as they are the most interactive people in all existing 16 Personalities, and the conversations around coffee are very enjoyable.

Balancers are just 1 of 16 Personalities that you may meet during your daily business and marketing activity. The behavior of these kinds of people are described in detail in the book (16 Personalities). The knowledge of which is very important so that we can have the answers to the following insights.
1 / Motivations
2 / Fears
3 / Desires
4 / Preferred ways of standing out
The overall answers to these insights will allow you to find your ideal customer.
All these types of clients are included in the book called “16 Personalities”, which will open a new Marketing world to you. This will give you a key to the heart of your dream client. By recognizing all 16 Personalities, you will easily find a target customer that matches your brand.
Now let’s look at their campaign, “Meet me at Starbucks”.
The following campaign has its website and the whole philosophy based on meetings with friends. Here is the first strip of the website meet me at Starbucks. Millions of people around the world use the hashtag #meetmeatstarbucks and the website puts tones of happy selfies on their first page with its stories. Just (because good things happen when we get together).

What type of target customers do we see here?
Do they have a general characteristic, or they are all distinct?
In reality Starbucks target the notion (friendship) with 2 or more people gathering. Starbucks targets everybody who has a friend and he/she will wait and meet each other in Starbucks because every good thing happens when we get together.
Also, Coffee shops are places where everybody likes to visit and have a cup of coffee, relax or have fun. Every kind of people segments are present here. Starbucks had a great targeting with this using Instagram to gain more followers and lovers of the coffee.
Here are some tips that many successful coffeeshops use to gain success.
The blog Culturetrip reviews many coffee shops and tells us what are the cons and pro of famous places.

1.The coffeeshop Abraco has a little space, but it has a Portuguese background and what brings success is a big smile and eager to help and also homemade cookies made in a Portuguese style.
Abraco means embrace in English and it also speaks about the goodness of this little shop. Also, the space is so small that there are not enough places to sit and its mainly for grab and go option.

2.Another favorite New York place is Coava coffee. The place is little similar to a bar with a little industrial design, where people may like to drink some beer. But in reality, this is a mix and coffee menu is really broad full of interesting coffee cocktails, served in a careful way. This is a chain fo coffeeshops that has conquered the south of USA and has gained multiple awards since its opening in 2011. Their menu is not a rich one, only famous coffees, served in a splendid way.

3.Another famous coffee place is called Panther coffee. How does it attract their customers?
There are some reasons for that but one of the main is that The company specializes in specialty, small-batch coffee, roasted to perfection. Also one of their main success points is that baristas are very communicable and serve exactly the same coffees that are pictured on photos.
Panther has outdoor premises where customer can enjoy the fresh air with their cup of coffees. They host some music and art events to make their customers happy and enthusiastic.
In this section, I would like to present some facts about the main coffee drinkers and coffee shops in the USA and what are their preferences and interests.
The research written in ta blog smallbusiness.chrone shows that almost 77 percent of Americans drink coffee on a daily bases. These people are students or workers, who would like to have coffee in the morning, on a work break or in the evening. They prefer cheap coffees, but sometimes well-living people go for upper-scale coffee shops and coffees. 40 percent of 18 -24 aged people drink coffee for daily bases, instead 54 percent of people 25-39 drink coffee for daily bases. According to the latest research, more than 22000 coffee shops are there in the USA and the industry has estimates to grow till 47 billion $ in 2021.
Interesting facts about coffee.
1.Coffee is the second the most sought commodity in the world. The first place is oil. Coffee is worth 100$billion worldwide, it is ahead of commodities like gas, bread, etc.
2.Every year more than 500 billion cups of coffees are drunk.
3.There are only 2 types of coffees, but there are hundreds of varieties of these 2 types. These types are Arabica and robusta and almost 75 percent of the market is robusta.
4.Coffee shops are the most growing restaurant niche in American business.
5.Over 25 million people make living by working in coffee plants or being in the coffee business.
6.The top producers of coffee are Brazil, Vietnam, and Columbia. 90 percent of coffee production takes place in developing countries.
7.New Yorkers consume 7 times more coffee than other cities in Us.
8.Irish coffee was initially created to serve Irish plane passengers leaving to Us.
Overall, Targeting all kind of people in the usual way of coffee shop strategy. But if somebody markets a coffee shop, then he/she must target a specific kind of people with distinct preferences and interests like Starbucks does by targeting Naysaysers. Freelance workers are a great target for any kind of coffee shops which provide calm and enjoying atmosphere.