Everyman (Regular Guy) Brand Archetype Revealed

Everyman (Regular guy) brand archetype is one of the 12 Jungian archetypes. How is it different from the other archetypes. What are its specificities and advantages? Everyman brand archetype’s core desire is to connect with others. Their customers want to belong, to fit in. The strategy of Everyman archetype is developing ordinary solid virtues and common touch. Sometimes the archetype can be trapped because of the great need of connection with giving up self to blend in. With its gifts of realism and empathy Everyman values equality, democracy and group identity.
Many products have Everyman brand archetype and here are they.
Online stores.
Everyman archetype is the choice for many famous brands as it provides everyday connection to problems. Buying and shopping are activities we do every day and that’s why it is simple to choose everyman. eBay is a famous example of the everyman store.
Just ordinary stores.

The same logic is useful also for retail stores we visit every day. They give benefits to an everyday customer and the users feel connected to the shop and visit them again and again. The example of the store is Trader Joe ’s, they are popular stores which develop their marketing strategy based on everyman archetype.
Clothing, fashion.
Street fashion, everyday fashion is mainly based on the following archetype. And the brands like Levi’s and Wrangler Jeans give the examples. They provide us jeans, some clothing which is useful for everyday wearing and also is trendy.
We come across to the same logic here. What do we need at home? Everyday comfort is the answer. That’s why many companies take the identity for their branding. Ikea and cb2 are examples. They try to make everything simple and easy to use. With white color in it and with modern approaches.
Drink both alcoholic and not.

Drinking we need every day, no matter what the time is. And that’s why Many brands take the personality as it provides them trust and connection which is very useful for drink brands. A brand like Budweiser and Jack Daniel’s are famous examples of Everyman (ordinary guy) archetype.
Do The Branding Of Your Products On Your Own With The Following Ebook. It Gives You The Following Solutions.
- Find out the archetype of your brand with a 12 question quiz.
- Create a slogan and brand messaging.
- Create the logo, packaging, store appereances.
Everyman brand archetype has various ways of messaging, and here is the example of storytelling.
Just simple storytelling.
When we see somebody who is an ordinary guy we can almost tell their story, It seems that he/ she is familiar to us. Also they would answer all our questions with no secrets. The same logic we see here. When I enter the website of Budweiser beer I see they tell their stories to us. About their farmers, brewery experience, their legacy. They tell everything to us, no secrets at all.
Showing your collection, becoming a friend.
Everyman tries to be a friend with you. And How does it happen when somebody becomes a friend?
It is exchange somethin., So, While I enter the website of Jack Daniels I see here that we can register our bottle, or show our collection, and eventually become a friend with Jack. As the purpose of Everyman is to connect, to become a friend.
Telling about everyday activities.

Everyman archetype tells us about everyday activities and shows how it is great to have them.
The famous example of everyday activities is Kit Kat slogan “Take a break, have a Kit Kat.”
Kit Kat shows us that it is useful to have a break which is an everyday activity and how colorful it could be.
Pictures and stories about ordinary people.
All people are the same, they have feelings, families, and duties they do. They love and hate.
And picturing each of us is a simple way of Everyman archetype messaging. A simple picture of a woman who is not famous. A smiley photo of a little boy and a little story about them. This is all that Everyman tries to tell us.
The everyman brand personality has its storytelling steps. And here are they.

- At first, everyman feels loneliness and alienation.
- It feels like an orphan, an abandoned and alone.
- Everyman wants to join, learn how to connect with accepting friendship.
- It becomes a humanitarian who believes in the natural dignity of every person.
- Everyman can be trapped when it finds itself a victim who is willing to be abused rather than be alone.
Let’s look at the Everyman archetype practically. What are its uses for websites, social media, and campaigns?
Everyman archetype Websites examples.

eBay website.
eBay is a huge online retail shop which had tremendous success and in the screenshot, we see 2 benefits that eBay provides. The first one is about eBay app for smartphones and it is presented with a friendly, simple image and colors. Another pic is a description of handmade items, with again a happy and friendly image.

Levie’s website.
This is the first thing we see while we enter Levie’s website, 10 photos of women and a quote “I shape my world”. The quote and the style are devoted to international women’s day. And Everyman kind of website, of course, should celebrate it with a unique way, with the defense of women’s rights. Here are 10 women and 10 stories. Each of them is unique, each of them is ordinary.

Budweiser website.
Budweiser website is divided into beautiful horizontal and vertical strips. The first pic is just 6 pack Budweiser beer. The second somebody is filling the bottle. The other one is a video where a girl is playing billiards with drinking beer and eventually the last one is just an open bottle of Budweiser. This is the life of the beer Budweiser. The circumstances that appeares during its living. This is a perfect way of presenting everyman archetype.
Now let’s look and discuss the social media appearances of everyman brands (Instagram, Facebook).

Kit Kat Social media precense.
Kit Kit mixes many ingredients and makes new tastes for our brakes. The Kit-kat bar in the below right side is green color and have a specific taste. Kit Kat also makes tasty cakes and give interesting ingredients to people, to create their own type of kit kat cake. Creating a cake is an everyday activity that women do a lot.

Levi’s Social media precense.
Levi’s gives the ordinary style and everyday look with jeans. Their philosophy is based on blue jeans and pictures of everyday actions no matter in basketball field or in the street corner. or it is just a college with a coffee, magazine, and some everyday use items. Levie’s gives us a full phenomenon of everyman archetype.

Trader Joe’s social media precense.
The following brand shows us many ways of product usage. Once it is mayonnaise that should be filled in tacos. Or a cherry tomato and special dish made of that. These products are used every day and create something every minute of our lives. The soup is useful for a break or for evening dinner, or whenever possible.
Every successful brand has implemented the strategy of 12 brand archetypes. We need to take just 8 steps for completing archetypal branding with the following book.
1. Find out your brand archetype.
2. Create a logo.
3. Do the packaging.
Everyman brand has special ways to interact with customers. These ways combined are called campaigns, and here are 3 examples of Everyman campaigns.

1.Single barrel personal collection program – Jack Daniel’s.
If you want you can have a special Jack Daniels edition where your name will be written and other personal data, then this is for you. In these beautiful barrels, the company will send you a premium Whiskey. You can change the colors of the packaging, do with it anything you want. With this action, Jack becomes a friend of ours. If I had one of hese collections I won’t drink this personalized whiskey, it will stand beautifully in my room becoming a friend of mine.
2.Budweiser – Brewing a better tomorrow.

Budweiser is now brewed with 100% wind power. AAlso Bud is a member of America’s biggest charity program. Here you can make your pledge from 1$ to 250$ and have your contribution to good work. First, they help to keep the community clean. Second, they promote recycling by making new materials as well as new jobs.

3.Levie’s –Liveinlevie’s.
Live in levies is a campaign done with the brand Levi’s in the platform of the tumbler. People shoot their looks with levee’s also there should be in the style of Levi’s, especially the street style. People all over the world has become a complete model with blue jeans. These great pics are not made immediately, this is a great work done by jeans lovers. So Levi’s engages customers in a great way.
Everyman brand archetype has rich color gamma and here it is.

Everyman brand archetype has special fonts and here are they. Motiva Sans, Myraid.

Everyman band archetype has a special target market (Target customer, characters). Here we will discuss 2 Customer character examples shown by Garrison Group.
Naysaysers (customer character) age 16 – 30.

Naysayaassers are a customer segment who do not like complicated things, they have simplistic and practical approaches to life and they care about only peaceful life and secure future and do not like changes. Technology confuses them and they like using proven ways. Career does not matter to them. They do not seek recognition from family and fellows.
Naysayers do not worry about their appearances, not following fashion trends, do not try the dress in style. They are focused on their family as family is a secure and predictable place. They are a lot for traditional values and have a male-oriented mentality. They work hard for what they want as they think that nothing in life is free. They do not like responsibilities, so they prefer the lead of others. Not interested in culture, art and traveling, no intellectual aspirations. Home is their leisure activity center. Rarely going to social or sports events. Just providing their families. They do not like going to pubs or clubs or eat outside home dinner.
Brands and media usage.
They buy especially for comfort, not for style. Practical concept is more important than trends. Naysayers do not like brands and use down market ones. Purchasing usually when something goes wrong and thinking twice before making a purchase. They like hunting bargains searching discounts and lowest prices. Choosing quantity over quality.
They read not so much, especially local news and some unimportant information like gossip. Also cars, fashion are their areas of interests. Do not use the internet a lot, only for emailing. Watch TV a lot, especially the country’s main channels. Might watch sports on satellite channels as well as interesting movies. About average radio listeners.
Floaters, age 30-55 (target customer character).

Floaters are a segment of people who like taking good care of their families. Women in this segment spend a lot of time at home, cooking, cleaning, keeping everything nice. Home is the place where they take care of their kids, it fulfills them a lot. Appearance is not so important to them, buy clothes for comfort not for style. They seek a lot for security and not looking for new possibilities in work, mainly working for money. Do not like responsibilities, like being told what to do. Like being in a lasting relationship.
Floaters respect traditional values a lot. Doing their duties is important than living for enjoyment. Women should do housekeeping and raise children. Like spending leisure time at home, a lovely evening with family not doing much sport, just walking is enough. They like spending holidays in their country just in nature or in a familiar place.
Media and brand usage.
Floaters have a practical approach to shopping, using down market brands, and also great bargain hunters. Look for the lowest prices and buy much for quantity. Adopting new brands are not their preferences. They watch TV a lot especially local news sports broadcasts, talk shows, police news. Are not much interested in news. They do not use the internet as technology confuses them. They do not listen to the radio much.
Overall, Everyman(regular guy) archetype is one of the 12 brand archetypes. Near to Everyman are Lover archetype and Jester archetype. The lover gives compassion and intimacy, instead, Jester is for fun and enjoyment. Is Everyman brand archetype your archetype? Find out more with The social Grabber.