Marketing Strategy and Analysis of Haagen-Dazs
Since its inception, Häagen-Dazsis has been here to turn pure, carefully selected ingredients into outstanding ice cream. The tastes start with four essential ingredients: genuine cream, milk, eggs, and sugar. The most recognizable tastes include only five ingredients: Chocolate, Coffee, Strawberry, and Vanilla. There are no artificial colors or flavors here. There seems nothing unique about this ice cream; however, something is still different about it. To understand the reasons behind Haagen-Dazs’ successful performance, first study the company’s SWOT analysis and marketing strategy.

Mission and Vision Statement
“The most important thing is to make it taste good,” Häagen-Dazs founder Reuben Mattus said. «But the second most important thing was to market it appropriately. “I prided myself on being a marketing man. If you’re the same as everybody else, you’re lost. The number one thing was to get a foreign-sounding name.
When Reuben Mattus founded Haagen-Dazs, his mission was to create the most spectacular ice cream the world had ever tasted, a spoonful of luxury to escape the commonplace. And to get there, he only employed high-quality, carefully chosen ingredients.
To make silky, smooth, creamy, and luxurious ice cream, they committed to using only the best ingredients available. These components were initially combined and prepared in Mattus’ Brooklyn Heights kitchen. The firm began with only three flavors: vanilla, chocolate, and coffee, and has now expanded to over 45 flavors in various shapes and sizes.
Reuben Mattus has been making ice cream since he was nine years old. His vision is to create a silky, smooth, and creamy texture with unique flavors.
Haagen-Dazs has established a high standard for what constitutes premium ice cream. Standard overflow is one of the most important requirements for membership in this select club of ice creams, and it permits companies like Haagen-Dazs to charge a high premium for their products. If you want to join the super-premium ice cream clique, your overrun should be less than 50%. Why is the overrun ratio important? Said lower overrun ratios mean fewer ice crystals, resulting in a thicker, creamier, richer texture and taste. Super-premium ice cream has less air and more product.
Positioning Strategy of Haagen-Dazs
But first, let’s look at this Instagram post.
With spring and summer ahead of us, we can only conclude that we are approaching peak ice cream season. This is when it is time to try something new and unique! Richer, more luxurious flavors (like dark chocolate with fudgy brownie bits) for light, fruity ones. (Don’t worry; regular chocolate and vanilla are suitable for any season.) It’s also ideal for new tastes and styles to appear in freezer cases. That is precisely what Häagen-Dazs accomplished with their latest creation, the Butter Cookie Cone.
The cones come in four primary flavors: chocolate, coffee, strawberry, and vanilla. Each is topped with various sauces, cookie crumbs, and chocolate curls (except for the coffee butter cookie cone, which replaces curls with roasted almond pieces). But the key feature—and what the majority of customers prefer to talk about—is the cone.
This cone is thick.
There was no need to use a ruler to measure it, but simply glancing at it (and then biting into it) revealed that it’s at least half the thickness of the standard store-bought ice cream cones we all grew up with. It’s a “crunchy cookie cone” lined with chocolate. It indeed creates a different ice cream-eating experience. This is a perfect refreshing snack for meeting friends and hanging out together!
Considering these considerations, we might deduce that Haagen-Dazs has picked Chardonnays as its target category.
What do we know about Chardonnays?
Lifestyle and Values:
Chardonnays are idealistic and upbeat people. They adore going out and about. That is because while they go out, they may spend much time with people who are important to them and create lasting memories with them.
This part must guarantee that they are visually appealing. They try to look gorgeous in various ways, including their excellent fashion sense. They continuously seek fresh, exciting, unusual, and stylish looks.
Chardonnays are profoundly committed to the idea that something greater than us exists in the cosmos, making them otherworldly. They like gathering knowledge about diverse civilizations. The latter is similar to theirs in that it is a technique of staying up to speed on current events in the surrounding world.
Another critical aspect of the Chardonnay lifestyle is finding a profession that allows people to express their individuality. For example, it may be a career that takes much imagination, and Chardonnays will help them make the most of it.
Attitude towards shopping:
Chardonnays, as previously said, place a high value on appearance. The latter means that they pay much attention to shopping. It is also critical that they keep up with all the current trends they face.
We also said that Chardonnays spend a lot of money and effort, forcing them to rely on their paychecks. As a result, people tend to prefer high-quality products. Purchasing high-quality things requires a significant financial investment.
Chardonnays wants to buy fewer goods while ensuring they are all high quality.
To attract Chardonnays, marketers must put more care into their commercials (Haagen-Dazs is relatively successful at it, as we can tell!). For example, the advertising should have Chardonnay-friendly characters. So, the Chardonnay purchasing process begins after one sees the advertisement. If the latter is entertaining and piques the interest of Chardonnays, they will almost certainly make a buy.
One thing to be mindful of!
We recommend reading “8 Steps to Complete Archetypal Branding” to see how it may help you improve your messaging.
After reading the book, you will have complete answers to the following branding questions.
To begin, you will learn how to communicate a distinct and clear message to your target audience by understanding your product’s and brand’s mood. What is the essence of your intended message expression?
Create all of your brand elements based on archetypes. What precisely do I mean? The archetypes’ flowing story served as inspiration for the slogan, logo, packaging, and retail designs.
In the digital age, we must do this by putting everything into motion. How should I interact with my clients? How to use the 12 archetypes to meet corporate goals and generate revenues.
The primary goal is to become a hero, with the secondary purpose of gaining experience. We can combine these principles and use archetype-based communication to make the message more impactful.
SWOT analysis of Haagen-Dazs
Haagen Dazs is an internationally famous US-based ice cream company for its desserts and ice creams.
Since its establishment in 1960, Haagen Dazs has maintained significant brand equity in the market.
The brand exists in numerous countries, including Canada, the UK, India, Hong Kong, Singapore, and other European nations.
The brand invests in innovative marketing through TV commercials, print ads, web advertisements, and digital marketing.
Haagen Dazs has begun using natural ingredients to manufacture its culinary goods.
Its website allows users to buy online based on the serviced areas.
Extensive rivalry between established businesses and local ice cream producers means restricted market share growth.
Despite being a good product, Haagen Dazs has lower global recognition than some competitors.
New tastes and honoring holidays with diverse sweets might enhance its business by appealing to clients.
Opening franchise stores can boost its market reach in existing regions while expanding its business into additional areas.
Diversifying the brand into different areas will help Haagen Dazs grow its company.
Haagen Dazs’ company may suffer due to increased competition in the premium category and local markets.
Food restrictions, international legislation, and economic recessions can all affect its operation.
Segmentation strategy of Haagen-Dazs.
We shall start with a short commercial.
The 30-second TV commercial compares ‘The House of Häagen-Dazs’ to designer labels like ‘House of Chanel’. The place the team chose for advertisement was an 18th-century Baroque mansion in Prague. It starts with Cooper entering an opulent ballroom setting and catching the eye of the gorgeous Perez as he scoops ice cream from a Häagen-Dazs tub.
Perez then follows him into a private area to have some ice cream. She then confines herself in another room, tormenting Cooper as she eats the last dessert. Shorter five-second unbranded teaser trailers will run from May 31 to June 2, ahead of the official debut on June 3. The global advertising campaign has already begun in America.
The commercial’s job is to convey extravagance, sophistication, and elegance to underline the brand’s position as a premium ice cream, with “crafted to captivate” as the core concept.
Patricia Stevens, a senior planner at UM London, stated that “we’ll be supporting the TV activity with Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter activity as we take Häagen-Dazs further into the luxury space.”
Saatchi & Saatchi NY was the creative firm behind the commercial. Chris Graves was the creative director, and Allen Hughes, the filmmaker of ‘Broken City’, directed the film.
Along with television and digital media, Häagen-Dazs will be the primary sponsor of the Luna Cinema, which will provide open-air film screenings throughout the summer at venues such as Kew Gardens, Warwick Castle, and Ascot Racecourse.
Ed Culf, General Mills’ marketing director, stated, “Bradley Cooper is the first star to participate in a Häagen-Dazs campaign and is a beautiful complement for the brand, epitomizing class and flair.
“The new House of Häagen-Dazs campaign will reassert the pioneering, quality credentials of the brand and highlight our pure captivation and craftsmanship.”
These elements led us to conclude that the Haagen-Dazs represents the Everyman archetype.
The archetype desires interpersonal interactions.
The archetype seeks to connect with people and blend in.
The archetype develops universal, meaningful ideals that are unique to fit in.
The archetype depicts people wanting companionship since everyone feels alienated and alone.
People of this archetype;
May feel they belong or believe they belong because of the service offered.
The cost ranges from modest to inexpensive.
It was created or promoted by an organization with a traditional management style.
It strives to set itself apart from more expensive competitors.
Haagen-Dazs has been in business for nearly a century and undeniably deserves particular recognition. This article explored factors contributing to the company’s success in this competitive market. This essay discussed Haagen-Dazs’ marketing strategies, SWOT analysis, and target market. We hope it helps you find answers to your questions on this subject. Visit our home page to learn more about the continued growth of other well-known businesses.