Nesters buyer persona
Let’s take a look at Nesters’ main insights and characteristics.

Nester type customers are very traditional. The most valuable aspect for them is the family and ancient national traditions.
They aren’t selfish at all, they are mainly focused on their family. There is constant accountability to the family in their behavior, they never keep secrets, they share everything with family members.
Nesters avoid doing something or behaving in a way that family members don’t like. These people usually obey either the mother or the father. Nesters just can’t ignore the opinion of the family.
Family, responsibilities, and traditions are paramount in their lives. Therefore they think that they should follow the path of their elders, respect their values.
Nesters appreciate a quiet, stable life, where there won’t be emotional decisions, where traditions, love and solidarity will prevail.
Nesters are young, aged 18-32 years old, conservative people. They like to follow family and national traditions, family comes first in their lives. Life, work and free time are centered around the family.
Nesters are quite passive, they follow the current moment of life, they think that there is not much that they can change in their life.
Weekend family gatherings are very important for Nesters, they like to cook food for their loved ones. The kitchen is often their favourite room. Nesters are considered to be very faithful, very religious people.
They believe in ancestral traditions and values. It is very important to respect traditional customs and beliefs, faith is considered very important in life. They are also faithful in their relationship. They trust people, look for good qualities in them.
Nesters are mainly looking for a long-term relationship, will try to find a life partner who can live in harmony with their family.
They dress “like everyone else” so as not to stand out from the crowd, they put comfort in clothes above style and fashion.
As for events and entertainment, Nesters stay away from mass events, do not like to be in the center of attention, to communicate with many people. Safety is more important than entertainment.
They like to follow a well-organized routine that minimizes any unwanted surprises or improvisations in life.

Nesters are very hardworking, devoted in relationships and sincere. Despite their diligence, they are less demanding of themselves, they do not usually negotiate about wages.
This personality chooses jobs based on sustainability rather than financial gain. No risk is taken, as they can not adjust to losing something. Ethical behavior is expected of everything: organization, workplace, colleagues, family members, friends, etc.
Nesters will prefer to do everyone’s work so that they do not ask questions. If he receives less money, he will be patient and won’t make any demands until the money is raised. They are devoted people.
In terms of education, it is noteworthy that the education they received was not very high quality during their student days. However, they work hard for their self-development, progress.
Many managers appreciate and hire them for their diligence. Nester is a member of a wonderful team, he doesn’t get into conflict, he is responsible, he manages all the deadlines. One of their weaknesses is rhetoric, nice speech, and communication with foreign customers.
They are more of a backend employee than a front, they aren’t able to negotiate good sales, attract new partners for the company, instead they aren’t ambitious, they show themselves wonderfully in internal back teams.
During shopping, Nesters prefer to always consult with family members, providing stability, traditional quality.
They are mainly analytical clients, but family has a great influence on their decision, if we look at it from an emotional point of view. Many things can be done unwillingly, but with consideration for family members.
They are concessive, in case of presenting a wrong offer to them, there is hope that they will buy the same to get rid of that headache and emotional pressure.
Impulsive behavior is not specific to the customer. They prefer to buy an outdated but “tested and proven” technological device than to buy a new model and then find out that it does not work properly or they can not use it. Here is an example of Nesters’ buying behaviour․
Nester will buy a Ford Explorer for the same price, so that the whole family can go to the sea to have a rest. Instead, he did not buy a Porsche, which would give him authority and strength. This customer likes tranquility and security.
They aren’t very strict in terms of brands, they prefer to find a suitable brand – to stay true to that choice, which, by the way, was approved by his family members.
Nesters prefer to watch more soap operas, family programs than movies, and in order to target themselves on the TV platform, it is very important to take this fact into account in order to have a better result.
These customers are present on the online platform, but more from the position of a researcher, they don’t like to post a lot of posts or pictures on social networks. When shopping online, Nesters first look at that seller’s reviews.
Nesters are mainly attracted by Everyman, Caregiver, Innocent, Explorer archetype brands. Jester, Magician, Ruler, Outlaw brands aren’t so interesting for them.
If you are not aware of brand archetypes, you can read more HERE.
Here are some examples of brands that they prefer and are considered loyal buyers of those ones
Why do Nesters like and use the above mentioned brands? As they are mainly brands of Explorer or Creator archetype, which with their messaging promises fully correspond to Nesters’ motivations and preferences, as if they were on both sides of a puzzle.
Let me give you, for instance, a brief description of the Xiaomi brand personality, so that you can better understand what it is all about.
First of all, I want to present Xiaomi’s promise and campaign. “Accelerate Your Life” or “Rise to Power”.
These are quite impressive promises, especially for Nesters. The Xiaomi brand for Nesters is positioned as a brand that will solve the latter’s main emotional problems. One of the emotional gaps of Nesters is the fact that they live with the flow of life, they are quite far from power and from influence.

Xiaomi is trying to speed up the life of Nesters with its solutions, to bring the latter at least slightly closer to power. From this motto it becomes clear that Xiaomi belongs to the Creator archetype, whose character traits, manifestations, and promises completely correspond to the aspirations, and desires of Nesters.
In this context, I suggest watching the following video called #PowerYourCreativity.
Famous Nesters: Rob Lowe, Julianne Moore
You can find complete information about Nesters in the electronic version of the “16 Personalities” creative work book developed by THE SOCIAL GRABBER team, the link to which is placed below. In the book you will find how to attract Nesters. What are the characteristics of their consumer behavior? How to use these insights to engage them in your advertising campaigns? Let me tell you that the book “16 Personalities” describes the detailed revelations of all the secrets that will significantly change the previous perception of every Businessman, Marketer or Startup about Buyer Persona.