Positioning Strategy of Lush
A private limited business with its headquarters in the UK is called Lush Ltd. Co-founders Liz Weir and Mark Constantine, both trichologists and beauty therapists, started it in 1995. Lush has managed to maintain its position as a trustworthy and organic cosmetic brand in the consumer market despite the global trend towards all things natural and green. Want to learn more about Lush from a business standpoint? Let’s begin straight now.

We’ll get the fun started by examining Lush’s target market.
Millions of people viewed a video of a lady articulating softly into a camera. She doesn’t perform any intriguing activities. She only makes melodious murmurs and somewhat haphazard hand motions.
The films and noises cause the autonomous sensory meridian response, which produces a tingling sensation in the brain. The ASMR beauty videos appearing on our feeds are slowly but surely catching the attention of beauty enthusiasts worldwide since self-care was the key to beauty in 2021.
We think the collaboration between Lush Cosmetics and a well-known ASMR YouTuber for a film showing some of the company’s cult-favourite products could be the key to a restful night’s sleep.
One of the most popular ASMR YouTubers is Taylor Darling, often known as ASMR Darling. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response and refers to the sensation that some people get when they hear soft noises like whispering or the tapping of fingernails.
Fans of ASMR find that the noises induce relaxation and aid in sleep. While not everyone feels this, watching videos is hugely calm and soothing.
These Lush items and ASMR go hand in hand since the scent of lavender promotes relaxation. Lush gave Taylor the most famous (and adored) lavender-infused bedtime products to experiment with as she whispered information about the items and her evaluations.
She sprays body spray, puts fizzy goods into the water, and taps her red nails on the different product packaging. It’s fascinating to listen to if you’ve never noticed the noises associated with your face care regimen. Over a million people subscribe to the self-described “Internet brain massage,” and the video has had over a quarter million views in the last two days.
These crucial elements put us in the direction of the target audience that Udemy has selected: Conscious Progressives.
Values and way of life:
Typically, this category is rather intelligent. They are like sponges, constantly seeking new methods to learn new things.
Though it’s exceedingly unusual, Conscious Progressives can occasionally be impulsive. They frequently calculate their choices.
This area must be visually appealing. However, attractiveness contains significantly more depth than physical appearance. What a person keeps inside is what makes them attractive. It reflects their character, outlook, intelligence, and knowledge.
Progressives who are conscious are outgoing. However, they are still able to form meaningful bonds. They love going out with their buddies regularly. It doesn’t matter where the meeting takes place; it might be at a pub, or it could take place at home.
This group considers education to be the key to success. People in this group are either still in school or have just finished. Mindfulness has a significant role in their sense of self-worth.
Of course, a successful career is crucial. However, it must never be at the expense of one’s morals or via making significant sacrifices.
They like a challenge in the workplace. They can advance their careers even further as a result. They work hard to grow the business they work for because it’s a fantastic thing to prosper in something greater than oneself.
The focus of this part is family. The views of the family are what count. Progressives who are conscious of their achievement want their loved ones to know it.
This portion will probably remain in a relationship for the long run. Progressives’ significant other must share certain traits with them.
Approach to shopping:

Ads are something that most Conscious Progressives pay close attention to. Ads ought to be fun to watch. But they also need to increase customer and brand trust.
This audience is more concerned with an item’s performance than with its appearance. Progressives won’t purchase anything, though, if it is not comfy since that means it is also not applicable.
Progressives who are conscious of this fact choose quality over quantity. Sometimes they would even go out of their way to purchase something opulent. However, buying a pricey item would not be for the sole purpose of projecting coolness. It must be something that members of this group would ordinarily utilize.
Other fascinating information!
Progressives are:
- Frequently on the search for anything new and unusual to uncover
- Socially engaged, have an intellectual viewpoint.
- Voracious readers.
- Consumers of above-average media, including radio, read the newspaper to remain current on international events.
Marketing strategy of Lush.

Some Lush stores go even farther with this experience offering by including in-store spas that provide many treatments with Lush goods. Customers may subsequently purchase most of the items utilized to reproduce their experience at home.
The shops also aid in promoting the foods’ and goods’ freshness. Customers may dip in and out of the face masks presented in bowls on ice like a deli counter to test them—lush provides details on various substances on boards placed throughout the store.
One of the most valuable aspects of the Lush brand is its team. They are tremendously passionate about the business and its offerings. This genuine enthusiasm is contagious because it makes you feel like a buddy is sharing a fantastic idea with you. Customers are, therefore, more inclined to purchase Lush products.
Problem Removal.
Lush’s approach strongly emphasizes community, fueled by its loyal brand supporters, or “Lushies,” and its ethical position.
Lush is always attempting to lessen its environmental effect, utilize as many natural ingredients as possible in its products, eliminate packaging (and make it reusable where it is needed), and more. Even the carbon impact it leaves behind is taxed. The corporation frequently collaborates with activists on essential topics and is a significant voice in many ethical discussions involving animal experimentation.
Lush’s channels transmit this messaging, including social media, product packaging, and retail displays. The business utilizes its brand as a platform to interact with the public about significant problems, to enlighten and educate, and to start dialogues. Having an opinion is not a source of fear.
As a result, Lush serves as a gathering place for clients who share the same opinions. They may hang out there and interact with other like-minded individuals. Even casual Lush fans benefit from making ethical purchases, even if fun was what first drew them to the company.
Additionally, Lush supports a variety of charity causes, including its ten-year-old Charity Pot program, which donates the total product price (less VAT) to deserving organizations. Once more, buyers who wish to make wiser purchasing decisions may find this quite appealing. It portrays Lush as a business that cares—about you and the planet.
Social Approval.

For fans of Lush, the business ran its Kitchen program until very recently, where buyers could purchase short-run exclusive or discontinued goods. Although the program is updated, customers may buy unique items through the website.
Customers can also request certain goods to be made available for purchase. Customers believe that the brand values their feedback. Additionally, it promotes fan interaction and sharing of favourite items.
With its yearly Creative Showcase, Lush elevates community by allowing fans to spend an entire day immersed in everything Lush. It’s an immersive brand experience that includes live product production, sneak previews of upcoming products, interactive displays, and product demos.
Few companies have the kind of devoted following that makes consumers eager to spend a whole day with them, but Lush is an exception. It also hosted a two-day Lush Summit this year where buyers could see brand-new, limited-edition items before anybody else. Holding two well-attended events in a single year demonstrates strong brand power.
What can we discover?
Like its bath products, Lush appears to be one thing on the outside, but there’s more going on within. Lush is a playground that people want to explore, whether they are brand enthusiasts who purchase all their cosmetics there or casual customers seeking a fun bath treat.
The brand demonstrates that it’s possible to take a stand and utilize your brand as a platform while still being profitable. It indicates that your employees are your most valuable asset and that humanizing your business is a tremendously efficient way to develop customer relationships. It demonstrates that pleasure and engagement are profitable and that if done well, you can charge more for goods while still providing value to your clients.
Customers are willing to invest in a brand’s knowledge and high-quality goods. The interaction is on what Lush builds its experience, and the firm designs its stores so that customers can get hands-on and explore the products with all of their senses.
You can always tell when you are at a Lush shop or enjoying a Lush product because Lush has successfully integrated all of the many components of its brand strategy.
Lush Cosmetics is the ideal illustration of how to carry out word-of-mouth advertising.
The “ethical cosmetics” brand has grown recently from having a little cult following to being a retail powerhouse. According to the most recent data, the total turnover for the year ending in June 2017 was $1.3 billion.
The greatest thing, in any case?
Lush accomplished everything without investing very little in conventional, mainstream advertising. Instead, to maintain those KPIs consistently going upward, the Lush marketing team relies on a solid content strategy and word-of-mouth advertising.
Positioning of Lush
During this year’s Black Friday shopping weekend, Lush, a bath, body, skin, and hair care product retailer, made a marketing choice that raised some eyebrows. The business decided to discontinue its presence on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat rather than use social media to promote its holiday deals. Many people were surprised by this choice, but various elements help explain it.

According to a press statement from Lush, the influence to stop using social media comes directly from former Facebook workers.
According to a press statement from the firm, “We at Lush don’t want to wait for stricter global rules or for the platforms to create best practice standards while a generation of young people is growing up facing real and permanent harm.” “Now is the moment to develop better connections without endangering our clients.”
Lush sets a boundary by refusing to interact with its clients on social media. “We feel compelled to take our action to protect our consumers from the damage and deception they may suffer while seeking to interact with us on social media,” the press statement reads. Lush asserts that these platforms won’t participate in the harm social media causes until they take something to make their users’ experiences safer, including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat.
Lush’s choice to stop using social media offers the extra advantage of enabling the corporation to give priority to its owned audiences and the ethical reasons for doing so. Following the recent Facebook downtime, many companies have concluded that total control over consumer contact channels is essential.
It’s important to note that Lush isn’t wholly abandoning social media; the brand still maintains a solid strategic presence on platforms like Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube. However, Instagram users seeking out the most recent content from Lush come across a statement with many meanings: What “somewhere else” does Lush want its consumers to be?
The most prominent location is away from social media: either in a bathtub with one of Lush’s renowned bath bombs or on a bench outdoors for fresh air.
However, Lush also uses this chance to drive users to the direct contact channels it oversees. It covers the Lush Times print publication, email newsletters, pop-up gatherings, and community action initiatives of the business.
Lush is the first business to stop using social media in advertising campaigns. At the start of 2021, one of the biggest international fashion labels, Bottega Veneta, took similar action by deleting its Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook profiles in favour of a quarterly digital magazine.
Other companies, like Telfar and Nike, have made less significant adjustments to their marketing plans to emphasise community development and direct customer participation. Lush’s decision to stop using social media indicates a broader move toward more prosperous, more significant client relationships.
Although small businesses with modest audiences may not be able to abandon social media entirely, the growing trends of “zero-party data” and “cookieless marketing” are worthwhile pursuing to support these customer interactions.
Consequently, Lush’s genuine personality shows through the post’s style and description. We may infer from the post’s analysis that the brand fits the Outlaw archetype.
Which traits best describe the Outlaw archetype?
Core aspiration: Redemption or revolution bringing about a shift;
Destroy, disrupt, or surprise as a strategy;
Trap: Choosing the incorrect route might lead to a violent existence;
Values: Isolation from society, challenging the current quo, and a desire for power.
The Outlaw archetype’s message levels are below:
Level 1: Feeling powerless, enraged, and abused;
Level 2: Identifying as an outsider and rejecting societal norms and conventions;
Level 3: Displaying alarming behaviour and
Level 4: Transitioning into a revolutionary or rebel.
The Outlaw archetype might make a good brand if:
It provides items at affordable to moderate prices.
The firm promotes goods that are frequently harmful and, in general, subpar. Buying that sort of thing is frequently a revolt against societal norms.
The product’s purpose is to destroy something, or it has a novel and complicated character.
Customers and workers either feel alienated from society or identify with its principles.
Lush is undoubtedly worthy of special notice because it is one of the largest firms in the world overall. A clever marketing plan, positioning techniques, problem-solving, and societal acceptance are vital factors that can influence a company’s success. Lush was successful in each of these categories, as you might anticipate. I hope this blog has provided you with some understanding of this sophisticated organization.
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