Target Markets of Dairy Products, Danone and Activia
Danone and Activia are two strong representatives of the food processing industry. Both these brands belong to the Groupe Danone and are focused on the production of dairy products. These brands offer a wide range of products with diverse tastes that are known for their quality and benefits for the human body. The products of both Danone and Activia are popular and demanded all around the world. Each of these brands has loyal customers and a unique place in the market. So, let’s discuss these strong brands separately to understand what target markets the two chose and why.

Overall target market analysis of dairy products
The food processing industry is severely competitive. The competition is remarkably high in the dairy product market as well. The number of companies producing dairy products is extremely high. When it comes to the production of dairy products the most important thing is the quality and freshness of the products and ingredients used.
Companies in this industry most importantly deal with people’s health and must be incredibly careful with their products and ingredients used. At the same time, to be visible in the market dairy product producers must find some differentiating points and aspects in their business to highlight. By focusing on important highlights of the business, dairy product producers will successfully manage to target the desired audience, create a loyal customer base, and as a result find their unique place in the market.
Let’s start with Danone go through through one of its campaign examples.

Throughout the years Danone was presenting new and high-quality products to the market with different tastes and differences. The brand was always allowing a customer to find something corresponding to his/her taste and preference. Danone was always among the most renowned and leading companies in the market.
The commercials and the overall advertisements of Danone are quite popular in different media. An effective way that the brand uses for promoting its products are campaigns. For example, Danone came up with the “Light and Free Ink” campaign to promote its new “Light and Free” yogurts.
Now, let’s watch and discuss a video describing the “Light and Free Ink” campaign.
The campaign video is very bright, interesting, and active. It is full of details and eye-catching colors. The video features various people having different lives, genders, body shapes, and tastes. One thing that is in common between these people is that they enjoy the “Light and Free” yogurts by Danone. There is some type of artistic side of this video. Danone teamed up with Spotify and four artists from different spheres to make this campaign appealing and attractive for young people.
The brand worked with graphic artist Neil Stevens, designer Morag Myerscough, illustrator, and lettering artist Justin Poulter, and street artist Nerone each of whom have taken part in creating the packaging of the new products. At the same time, all of them curated a Spotify playlist that could be accessed by scanning a code on the yogurt packaging. The overall “Light and Free Ink” stands for creativity in every person, for self-expression and inclusion.
It’s time to go through the communication strategy of Danone.

Throughout the years the logo of Danone carried different changes but overall maintained its initial components. From the very beginning, the focus of the logo was the wordmark of the brand, and to this day it remains a central part of the logo. The initial color of Danone’s logo was purply-blue, but with time the color was changed to blue. The recent logo is a rich blue rectangle with rounded corners and upper and lower sides. The wordmark of the brand in white color is in the center of the shape and has a modern typeface.
Underneath the wordmark, we can see a red curved line. This line stands for a smile and thanks to its color stands out and catches the attention of the viewer. The overall logo gives a sense of trustworthiness, heritage, and quality. It is simple, compact, and well associated with the brand in general.
The logo of Danone shows that the brand keeps up with time still valuing its past and background. Danone wants its customers to see that it will continuously improve itself and come up with better and new offerings for the market with time. Anyways the core high quality and the beliefs with which the products of the brand were initially created will always be there.
Moving on, let’s identify the target audience of Danone.
To do so let’s discuss the following commercial of Danone
The commercial has fast-changing scenes and is dynamic. The colors of the video are comparably bright and eye-catching. We can see a male teenager featured in the video. He tastes a yogurt called “Crush” at the beginning of the video and starts pushing everything like that yogurt.
The teenager seems happy, calm, and comfortable in all the spaces where he is depicted. We can mainly see him at home, or at least in places that are seemingly familiar to him. He has a considerably basic daily routine, without any experiments, adventures.
Home seems a safe place for him to spend his day. We can conclude from the video that the teenager gives preference to activities that are familiar to him and make him comfortable. The small change that took place in his life by trying a new product influenced his whole day and all the activities in his daily routine.
He needs time to adapt to a new experience. Danone chose this teenager as a character representing the target market that the brand wants to attract. All the discussed details show that Danone wants to focus on the Naysayers segment.
Who are Naysayers?
Lifestyle and Values:
People belonging to the Naysayers target market practical and simplistic people who enjoy a peaceful life. They want to have good living conditions and a secure future. These people tend to avoid changes, novelties, and technologies.
They don’t like experimenting and trying new things. Their career is not important for them as they are not ambitious and don’t seek recognition from friends, family, etc. Naysayers are very often insecure and tentative. Representatives of this segment are not driven to new trends, and overall, they don’t bother about their appearance.
These people tend to focus on their family much to make sure they have predictable and secure relationships. Naysayers are value-directed people and spend their lives according to them. They understand very well that every person needs to work to get what he/she wants and that you won’t get anything for free.
These people view work only as a means of getting money. Naysayers prefer to be led by someone else as they can’t handle responsibility. They don’t consider intellect important and don’t carry much about self-improvement and sophistication.
Attitude to Shopping:
Naysayers value comfort above everything and their buying habits heavily rely on this. They tend to choose comfort over trends. These people don’t go after popular and famous brands, but mainly prefer down market brands. People belonging to the Naysayers target segment usually don’t have much money to spend, thus they think carefully before buying anything.
Naysayers are bargain hunters and try to get the best deals for their low budget. Representatives of this segment would rather buy much from products that don’t have high quality rather than buying expensive and high-quality products in small units.

Some interesting facts about Naysayers
- These people like spending much time at home as they consider this space a center of their lives. They would choose to stay at home than go to social events.
- Naysayers avoid sports and only talk about it. They prefer having a good daily walk. Also, they are not interested in arts and culture.
- They are not active media users. This is related to both traditional and modern media.
16 Personalities (what is for your business?)
Danone succeeded in becoming one of the most recognizable names on dairy product shelves. Their customers know what they get, and the companies know for whom they design both their products and marketing activities. After analyzing their target segment, we found that it matches the segment of Naysayers.
Let’s discuss some key qualities of Naysayers.
- They have a simplistic and practical approach to life. A static life is the most preferable variant, without drastic changes and nuances.
- Appearance is of less importance, they do not try to dress in style and think that looks do not represent the person.
- Naysayers are hard workers and prefer having a secure and predictable life with
Danone owes their worldwide success to not only its well-designed product but also to its segmentation strategy. Who is our customer? What must we do to satisfy them? How can we earn their trust in our business? Danone has found the answers to these questions.
Want to discover more on the topic of segmentation? Check out our book of 16 Personalities, where you will surely find the life preferences and values of your ideal customer, and learn more about others. Moreover, you can find other marketing and negotiation tips in the book as well.

16 Personalities (Which one is for your business?)
Danone and Activia succeeded in becoming one of the most recognisable names on the dairy product shelves. Their customers know what they get, and the companies know for whom they design both their products and marketing activities.
After analyzing their target segment, we found that it matches the segment of Naysayers.
Let’s discuss some key qualities of Naysayers.
- They have a simplistic and practical approach to life. Static life is the most preferable variant, without drastic changes and nuances.
- Appearance is of less importance, they do not try to dress in style and think that looks do not represent the person.
- Naysayers are hard workers, and prefer having a secure and predictable life with a safe future.

Danone and Activia owe their worldwide success to not only their well-designed product, but also to the segmentation strategy. Who is our customer? What must we do to satisfy them? How can we earn their trust in our business?
Danone and Activia have found the answers to these questions. Want to discover more on the topic of segmentation?
Check out our book of 16 Personalities, where you will surely find the life preferences and values of your ideal customer, and learn more about others. Moreover, you can find other marketing and negotiation tips in the book as well.
Moving on to Activia, let’s discuss one of its campaign examples.
From the very beginning, Activia wanted to help people stay healthy and be able to lead an active and comfortable life. All the products of the brand were aiming to have benefits for the human body and promote the health of gut health.
Activia was always promoting its products using different media channels. Among all, the commercials of Activia are especially interesting and popular. Recently, Activia came up with the “A to Z” campaign which was presented using a series of videos. The campaign aims to raise awareness about the importance of gut health.
Let’s watch and discuss a video from the “A to Z” campaign series presented by the company.
This video of the “A to Z” campaign is very dynamic, active, bright, and full of fast-changing scenes. There is so much combined in this short video. We can see different details and diverse characters, with different body shapes, and lifestyles.
Throughout the video a female voice names different benefits, emotions, and feelings starting with all the letters from A to Z that come with the health of the gut. The brand also created a tagline for this campaign which is “Your Gut is Where it All Begins. Start with Activia”.
With this campaign, Activia wants to show how important is your gut health and how much can be different if you are healthy and feeling good. All the “Alphabetic” feelings and emotions are bridged to the inner well-being of the body. During the video some characters of the video use products of the brand. Activia shows that a wide range of their products can be the solution to a healthy gut and as a result feeling great, happy, and ready to act and enjoy life.
Now, let’s have a look at the communication strategy of Activia.

Activia has made many changes to its logo thought years. Some details remained the same, but many others were changed or modified. The most important thing that remained unchanged is the colors of the logo. The brand has kept the three colors that were initially used on their first logo. These colors are green, yellow, and white.
All of them were modified, but overall remained the same. Activia uses the recent logo in green on its products sometimes adding other details in the other two colors. Talking about the recent logo of the brand, it is the name of the brand with a modern typeface, as you can see below.
The letters have a curvy shape, look smooth and precise. The typeface is very relaxing and calming. It gives you a sense of trust and reliability along with the green color which symbolizes nature and health. It brings new spirit and association with it but still speaks about the value that heritage has for this brand.
The logo shows that Activia stays true to its initial beliefs but still keeps up with time. The evolvement of Activia’s logo is a perfect representation of how old can be combined with new. The logo is simple, unique, and perfectly suitable for Activia as it reflects the brand very well.
Let’s understand the segmentation strategy of Activia.
To do so chose to focus on by discussing the following commercial of the brand.
The commercial is very dynamic, active, and full of details. We can see changing scenes that are similar and different at the same time. The active music on the background engages the viewer even more. The video features a diverse range of people. The interesting thing is that we mainly see the abdomen of these people. As we know this is the part of the human body that the products of Activia are aiming to benefit. We can see that the people in the video are different in their shapes, body proportions, etc.
One thing that makes that they share is the energy and the enjoyment of life. They are moving actively and seem quite healthy. In some parts of the commercial, we can see the faces of some of the people featured in the video. They look happy, satisfied with life and it seems like nothing bothers them.
The commercial likes their feelings about consuming products from Activia. All these people collectively represent the target market that Activia wants to attract. After discussing the commercial we can say that Activia focuses on the Conscious Progressives segment.
Who are Conscious Progressives?
Lifestyle and Values:
Representatives of Conscious Progressive target segment are knowledgeable and intellectual people with an open outlook towards life. They tend to make decisions for making their lives better, and constantly strive to get knowledge and information to become more skilled.
These people don’t spend money if there is no need to do so and usually have a practical mindset in everything. Conscious Progressives give big importance to honesty and try to show honesty to others as well. They like looking good and put together and tend to have a casual style.\
On the other hand, their appearance is not in the first place for them. These people like organizing gatherings and spending time with friends. People belonging to this segment rely on their knowledge in any situation in life.
That’s the reason why they value self-improvement and knowledge very much. Conscious Progressives strive to have a successful career that they want to obtain without sacrificing themselves and their values. These people are remarkably adventurous and curious. They lead an active social life.
Attitude to Shopping:
Emotional reasons stand behind the shopping decision of Conscious Progressives. Anyways, these people are comparably more demanding. They are very attentive and not only look at the packaging of the product but try to get as much information about the products and its functionality as much as possible. People belonging to the Conscious Progressives target market value quality of the products they buy above everything. When shopping for clothing, they tend to prefer more casual things. At the same time, Conscious Progressives value the comfort of the products.

Some interesting facts about Conscious Progressives
- People from this segment like taking part in debates on popular topics related to the social, political, and environmental issues in the world.
- Conscious Progressives are known as loyal people who tend to dedicate themselves to every relationship. Their relationships are usually long-term deep, and strong.
- The Internet is an inseparable part of their lives. This their main source of information, a platform to communicate and keep in touch with friends. They use this platform as a way to keep their minds open and informed.
Summing up, Danone and Activia are two leaders in the dairy product market. Without any doubt, these strong and popular brands will continuously maintain their place in the market with their dedication, improvements, and continuous innovations. Indeed, these two brands will always have their loyal customers base thanks to the high quality, taste, and variety of their products. That is all for Danone and Activia and their strategies. Check out the main page of our website for more posts like this.
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