Target Market of Pharmacy CVS
Some things we just can’t live without because they play a huge role in our everyday lives. Take healthcare, for example. A simple headache as a result of a long workday cannot cure itself. So, a pain-relieving medicine comes to the rescue. Well, you can probably guess that this backstory is leading to pharmacies. There are obviously lots of them available. One of them being CVS. As of now, it is the largest pharmacy chain in the US. So, what is it that makes this company so successful and special? Well, we are about to find out in this blog.

The following blog is going to consist of a few sections. Let’s introduce the first one where we will discuss a noteworthy campaign of the company.
“Treat yourself well” is how this campaign is called.
Back in 2014, CVS stopped selling cigarettes. There is no secret that smoking is damaging not only for the consumers but also for the people surrounding them. And, it is even weird to realize that a pharmacy used to sell cigarettes.
As a healthcare company, obviously, the biggest mission has to be to keep people safe and healthy. And the company even itself announced that selling tobacco in their stores defeats the purpose. Surprisingly, CVS was also the first drugstore chain to stop the marketing of tobacco.
According to Matthew Myers, the president of the anti-smoking organization, CVS also set an example for other large companies.
Ones such as Walmart, Walgreens, Rite Aid, and others. Myers mentioned that if these companies truly care about improving people’s health, then stopping stocking up on harmful products should be a priority.
There was even a study that revealed that in Boston and San Francisco the purchasing of tobacco declined by 13 percent.
The reason why this was so important for the company is because their executives have suffered great damage from tobacco use. The father of the CEO and the mother of the Pharmacy President died from cancer that originated from tobacco use.
So, in the campaign, at the beginning of the video, we see people simply breathing. Even a little bit of anxiety or different psychological complications can be solved if a person’s breathing is on point.
So, we see people in different conditions focusing on their breathing. The narrator mentions that CVS stopped selling cigarettes a long time ago. Thus, breathing easy should be a great gift that one can treat themselves with.
The second thing we see discussed in the video is skincare. The narrator reveals that CVS sells paraben-free skincare products.
Since the 1920s parabens have been an inseparable ingredient of many beauty products. However, it was until recent years that parabens have been revealed to have undesirable side effects.
Regardless of sex, the body can recognize parabens as estrogen which is a hormone. That can lead to hormonal imbalances. The latter by itself is a whole other story. Hormonal obstacles can be a cause of concern for reproductive activities.
Parabens get absorbed in the body incredibly easily. As simply as through the skin. Applying lotions, moisturizers, and other products directly onto the skin, make the absorbance possibility of parabens pretty high.
Because of that, there is a potential risk of different types of cancer, the most common being breast cancer in women.
And the last challenge that may arise from parabens is allergic reactions. Ones that cause redness, irritation, itchy skin, flaking, hives, and etc.
The last point brought up by the narrator is vitamins and supplements.
Although having a balanced and healthy diet can guarantee good health, some people like to be safe than sorry. Thus, they take different vitamins to contribute to a healthy diet. There are vitamins such as iron, calcium, and vitamin C that our bodies need in order to function properly.
Taking vitamins makes it so people are more energized, have a better short-term memory, slowly improve their hair and skin type, and so on.
There is no harm in making sure to get all the necessary daily nutrients. So, take your vitamins!
All of the products that CVS puts out there are third-party tested. People ought to be less worried about these products and trust the company even more.
These simple everyday activities: breathing, skincare, and taking vitamins can be a part of a good mindset and a healthy lifestyle. This company does whatever it can to help people treat themselves well. That is a great saying if you ask us. Because no matter how many things are out there for you to improve your life, it all starts with you. It is how you prepare your mind to conquer the world, and then take small steps to feel awesome.
The slogan of the campaign is pretty similar to the company’s general slogan.
And that brings us to the next section of our discussion. We are going to look at the company’s slogan.

“For your own good”.
Now, obviously, nothing should be done in an obsessive manner. We should be careful about our health but not overly careful. Every little headache is not a reason to take a med or go see a doctor.
However, the opposite side of the spectrum is also really bad. Not taking care of ourselves enough can be emotionally draining and evidently physically dangerous.
There should always be a healthy balance with every aspect of life. It feels good to sometimes be reminded of that, and be advised to take care of yourself.
What this company does with its slogan is that it lets its consumers know that earning profit is really not the main goal. Of course, it is one of the goals because it is a business after all. However, it is mutually advantageous for the company to sell health-beneficial products. Those not only leave the consumers relieved but the company also gets a lot of favor.
The removal of tobacco selling, the introduction of paraben-free products, and etc. make it apparent that this company really does care about its customers.
After the publicizing of this slogan, people surely showed iconic reactions.
One Twitter user even tweeted, “So now, when you go to CVS, you can feel like you’ve been scolded by your mother”. Which is very hilarious but also extremely relatable.
When we fail to pay attention to our well-being, our moms definitely take the wheel. You come across a problem, you name it, they have a solution, just like CVS does.
The last thing that we will be talking about is the segment that CVS has chosen to target.
Let’s watch this short video to help us do so.
This advertisement, like a lot of ads these days, revolves around the CoronaVirus. In the beginning, we see our character wearing makeup. As a finishing touch, she prepares to put on lipstick. However, after realizing that she is going to be wearing a mask, she decides not to as it would end up ruined anyway.
And then we hear the narrator say that it is okay to do some things halfway these days. Such as not doing a full face of makeup.
But health is still something that should be the first priority. Taking prescribed medicine is very important and it should be done correctly. This company makes prescriptions as affordable as possible.
CVS even offers free shipping which is always an advantage. Small factors like that motivate people to keep purchasing whatever it is that they need. In this case, prescriptions.
CVS offers a free prescription savings review which is yet another strong point.
The idea of being in control and perfectionistic is the biggest takeaway we have from this video. Obviously, the woman in the video is a devoted professional pursuing a career.
The reason behind that assumption is that we see her in front of a laptop during quarantine. And the video call that we see between her and presumably a loved one leads us to only one inference.
The segment that CVS has chosen to target is Actualizers.
So, what do we know about Actualizers?
Lifestyle and values:

As already briefly mentioned, Actualizers are perfectionists. That refers to every single thing that they do. They want to be in control so that the end result is desirable.
This segment is never lost. They know exactly what they want and the steps they need to take to arrive at their destinations.
If you thought you can’t be ambitious yet risk-averse at the same time, then you have not met a representative of this segment.
When pursuing a career, Actualizers make sure that it is not just a means of earning money, but something they are passionate about.
At the same time, a job can’t come between an Actualizer and their family. Family plays a huge role in their lives, and they always make sure to spend enough time with them.
Those who have children, also like to be present while the kids are growing up. This segment will pick up textbooks to help kids study. Also, the children’s health and well-being are incredibly important.
Actualizers truly value health. Junk food and unhealthy options are never present in their households. They like to spend the extra penny on purchasing organic and non-artificial food.
And, of course, an inseparable part of a healthy lifestyle is working out and staying active.
This segment has a deep interest in arts, music, foreign cultures, and international events.
As technology is evolving, Actualizers are definitely keeping up. That explains why they use technological devices and the internet a bit more than the average person.
Actualizers are passionate about solving environmental and social issues. They do their part to reduce problems regarding those areas, for instance, they limit their use of plastic.
When it comes to spending money, Actualizers do it wisely. They do not typically save up but nor do they waste it on unnecessary items.
An important factor that needs to be considered while purchasing clothes is that they are comfortable. The style does not matter that much.
Brand usage:
Actualizers like using premium brands. Most of the time this does not happen, but here and there they will purchase products they do not need.
This segment makes sure to keep up-to-date with new products. Typically, they will purchase goods as soon as they come out.
Actualizers are perfectionists even when it comes to shopping. They do not enjoy wasting time. Thus, they plan their shopping trips ahead so they can get everything from one store.
The consumption of local brands is above average when it comes to this segment.
Other interesting facts:
Actualizers pretty much enjoy every single activity when around family. Whether it be cooking, watching a movie, or going out in nature. They are incredibly family-oriented and typically tend to be amazing parents.
Let’s sum up what we did here. We analyzed America’s biggest pharmacy chain, CVS. We separated this blog into three points. Those were CVS’s campaign, slogan, and the segment that it targets. We constantly post new blogs, so if this one was engaging for you, make sure to check out our main page!