Target Market of Weetabix
Don’t we all love having something delicious for breakfast? Some people are breakfast people, and some are not. But it seems to be the perfect kick start of your day. It gives you energy, boosts your mood, and assures a great remainder of the day. Cereal is one of the most known foods that people eat. It comes in so many shapes and flavors that everybody can surely find their preference. There is a unique British cereal brand that has been around since the 1930s. You guessed it! Weetabix is the cereal brand that we are going to be discussing today.

To begin with, we are going to take a look at one of the campaigns of Weetabix.
The campaign that we are going to discuss was considered the best campaign of 2021. Weetabix collaborated with Heinz. I know. That seems like such a weird combination at first… cereal with beans, sweet and savory combo. But this idea blew up the whole internet, Twitter in specific.
There are many unusual food combinations that people like. The exceptional assortment of baked beans and cereal definitely became a conversation topic for many. The idea is that Weetabix can be a healthier and more delicious alternative for bread. Hence, the name of the campaign is ‘Beans on Bix’.
Soon after, lots of breakfast fanatics took over their Twitter accounts, speaking about their opinions. Even incredibly famous shows such as This Morning and Good Morning Britain discussed this post.
Weetabix was pretty brave to put this idea out there. Who said that something bold and crazy should not be shared? This brand is here to prove all of us wrong and encourage people to voice their weird opinions more. The company spent approximately only £5000.
Thirty-seven thousand people took it upon themselves to retweet this post. Sixty-eight thousand eight hundred people quoted it. And overall, about one hundred and thirty-one thousand people liked the post.

This was such a smart marketing move because the company’s brand awareness raised by 40%. Lots of people decided to recreate and try out this breakfast idea for themselves. On Valentine’s weekend, the brand’s sales grew by 15%.
Another thing worth mentioning is that Weetabix received the 2021 Marketing Week Masters award for ‘Best Use of a Small Budget’.
When people were judging the idea, the employees responsible for the social media of Weetabix utilized their sense of humor. For instance, one reply to a harsh comment was that the limit of breakfast is as high as the sky.
Even brands like Domino’s Pizza reacted. Everybody knows about the controversy of pineapple on pizza. Some people adore it, and some absolutely hate it. Domino’s mentioned how pineapple on pizza is a pretty debatable food. But then Weetabix comes along and says, ‘hold my spoon’.
Another awesome way that Weetabix responded to people’s tweets is that “Sometimes the people we like don’t like us back, and there’s nothing you can do about it. No hard feelings…”
The marketing lead of Heinz Beans also reacted to the idea. He let everybody know that beans on bix is a quite protein-filled meal that will give people the energy they need to start their day.
That goes to show that people can have their preferences with things, and those should never be limited. Whether it be pineapple on pizza, chips dipped in Nutella, or baked beans on top of Weetabix, all of them can be delicious. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So, let it be something mouth-watering for your taste. There is no wrong way to food. It all depends on the person eating it.
Next up, we are going to look at the communication strategy of Weetabix.
The slogan of Weetabix is the following.
“Have you had your Weetabix?”
At first, it seems to be a primitive slogan. However, if we take a second to think about it, we get exactly what the brand is trying to do here. The idea is that having Weetabix should become a routine. It should become something normal that people do every day.
So that, when you go to work, somebody asks you if you have had your Weetabix, instead of whether you have had your breakfast. Weetabix should be everybody’s go-to option for breakfast at all times.
As we have already mentioned a million times, a good breakfast is a right start to anyone’s day.

The Head of Brand of Weetabix has had a few words to say about this slogan. He has spoken about how the strapline has been an inseparable and distinguishing asset for the brand. It is still pretty relevant among the people that eat Weetabix and even the new consumers that are just getting to it.
There are lots of cereal brands with sophisticated designs on their packaging. Thus, it makes it difficult for people to make a choice from the diversity. A recent rebranding that Weetabix has done is that it has simplified its packaging format.
So now, when people go to the complex cereal aisle, they can easily find the one item that they need. Also, even if they do not go in searching for Weetabix, it will still catch their eye. Because it looks different from every other cereal brand.
There is another clever strapline on the Weetabix packaging. “Have you had yours?” is what is written. It can act as a hidden message between fellow consumers that are well-aware of the initial slogan of Weetabix. The approach of Weetabix has even made sure that the brand is called ‘Nation’s favorite cereal’.
The logo of the brand also greatly resembles it. It is pretty simple but also pretty awesome. We see Weetabix written in blue. Then around it there is a shape of Weetabix in beige and orange. In some cases, we see a little wheat piece on the side.
Cereal brands do not typically need to make an extra well-thought-out logo. Instead, something simple that well-explains your brand to consumers that are familiar or unfamiliar with it will be perfectly fine.
Other than cereal, this brand also makes mini versions of the cereal, oatmeal, muesli, and bars. There are different ways to eat all of these foods. You can pair them with fruits, yogurt, berries, and syrup.
These meals are highly nutritious and incredibly tasty. So they will keep you full, energized, and in a good mood until your next meal.
Healthy eating does not have to mean restriction to a point where you do not enjoy your meals. It can mean pairing all the nutritious deliciousness to a point where your meals are a result of goodness.
The last topic that we are going to be touching upon is the segment that Weetabix has chosen to target.
But first, we are going to watch the following video.
This video is accompanied by a comedy version of the song ‘I Will Survive’. We are following the routine of a driving instructor. Now, driving is a tricky activity, and not everybody gets it right on the first try. And that is something that our instructor in the video knows pretty well, hence his sigh right at the beginning.
First, he gets in the car for the test of a woman who has failed ten times. And, of course, she fails it for the eleventh time, running over things she should not.
Then we witness other testers. One of them hits cars, one of them has absolutely no idea what to do, one of them does not know how to use the breaks correctly, etc.
And the lyrics are pretty much making fun of the situations and how the instructor is not ready to lose his life like that. All he needs is some Weetabix, and he will survive. It will give him the energy to survive the horrific driving experiences that he is facing. Weetabix is a tool that gives you energy. Once you have it, you are never going to be able to get rid of it.
Now, what can we infer from this ad?
The first clue that we get is danger. It sounds funny, but a driving instructor’s job is pretty dangerous and risky. You never know if the driver is going to get things right and not make mistakes that can potentially be threatening.
Secondly, he tries to enjoy his job, which is also his daily activity. With his great sense of humor, he makes the best of his job. That is an approach that everybody should take.
And lastly, we clearly distinguish brand orientation. He loves Weetabix, and the latter is an inseparable part of his day. In fact, maybe it is the only thing he needs to ensure a great remainder of the day.
It becomes apparent at this point that the segment that Weetabix has chosen to target is Sharers.
Lifestyle and values:
This segment wants to make sure that all moments in their life are enjoyable. They try to be as adventurous as possible. They even intentionally fill their days with challenges and risks because it takes away from the boredom of everyday tasks.
Sharers take on duties and make sure those are well-fulfilled. They take good care of their loved ones and their home. And it is essential for them that their family acknowledges their efforts.
Sharers are pretty good at managing their finances. They gain lots of enjoyment and delight when going on shopping trips. Generally, they do not waste any money. However, they have a bad tendency to make a purchase if they find something they like regardless of quality or price.
This segment tries to incorporate diverse activities into their daily routines. This allows them to run to a different reality here and there.
For example, they really enjoy reading magazines and watching movies. This is how they follow celebrities or ‘unreal people’ that are having the time of their lives.
Brand usage:

Sharers are loyal to the brands that they discover and like. Even though their standard of living is lower, they still utilize luxury brands whenever they can. They make sure that their home products are of good quality.
This segment also enjoys discovering new products and brands. Before buying things, Sharers like to do their research. For example, they look for product samples in magazines.
Sometimes they just feel like trying something new. That is when they change brands out of curiosity.
Shopping is one of the favorite pass times for Sharers. They find lots of enjoyment in it. They even like going to shopping centers with loved ones. The opinions of their family matter even when it comes to the way they dress or the products they use.
Still, with this obsession of shopping, Sharers have to make sure they are managing their finances well. Hence why they search for discounts and special offers for the items that they want to purchase.
Other interesting facts:
Sharers love spending a considerable amount of time at home adopting all sorts of activities. Sometimes, they go out to cafes, bars, or shopping centers. This segment consumes media for escaping the real world. They are average radio listeners and are not as proficient with the internet.
And that was all the information we needed to understand the awesomeness of Weetabix. This company always makes innovations and comes up with new and unique ideas for advertising its products. For more fascinating discoveries like this, make sure to visit our main website. We like to dive into different brands to unravel their backstory of success.