Target Markets of Greenwich Pizza and Yellow Cab Pizza
Everyone knows as a fact that Italy is the home of the most famous and popular pizzas. Despite this, two Philippines based restaurant chains showed that pizza doesn’t need to be Italian to be good. Greenwich Pizza and Yellow Cab Pizza are two popular and renowned restaurant chains that offer pizza and much more. These two companies have locations in different countries around the world. Their range of pizzas is truly extensive, with different toppings, sizes, etc. Dedication and excellence helped them attract customers and become strong and successful. So, let’s go through these companies to find what target markets they have chosen to focus on.

Let’s begin with Greenwich Pizza and discuss one of its marketing campaigns.
There are different strategies that companies use to market their products. In the case of Greenwich Pizza, the company used diverse methods to effectively communicate the benefits that it brings to the customers. This company is known for using a vast amount of outdoor advertising materials. Greenwich pizza has been engaged in the merchandising collaterals that helped the company raise awareness and knowledge about its offering. Also, the company has come up with various campaigns to reach better brand recognition.
Now, let’s have a look at the following video from the “Sobrang cheesy” campaign and analyze it.
The video is romantic and funny at the same time. It depicts two lovers in a boat on a lake having a romantic conversation. They are destructed by their friends in another boat who are making jokes about their conversation by calling it “cheesy” and comparing it to a pizza from Greenwich Pizza.
The company features young people in the scope of this campaign presenting them as friends. The reason for this is that company is quite confident that pizza is very often shared among friends. All the videos from this campaign have a similar plot and have a concrete aim.
This campaign comes to introduce people to the cheesiness of new Greenwich Pizzas. The company had noticed that the customers of Greenwich in the Philippines were valuing the quantity of cheese in the pizza above everything. Thus, the company has decided to increase the amount of cheese on new pizzas as well as to come up with new variations containing several types of cheese.
The “Sobrang cheesy” campaign was created for the market in the Philippines and successfully managed to accomplish its goal. Greenwich pizza showed that it responded to the needs of its customers, brought a wider selection into its offering, and made sure that people are aware of this with the help of the campaign.
Let’s move on to discuss the slogan of Greenwich Pizza to understand their communication strategy.

When thinking about a slogan for a restaurant chain, it is expected to be attractive, triggering, and rousing appetite. A slogan for such a company must not only be memorable but should evoke a sense of curiosity and actual desire to go and try the food of the restaurant. This is the exact case when it comes to the slogan of Greenwich Pizza.
“Discover Delicious”
The slogan of this restaurant chain is noticeably short, precise, simple, and memorable. It consists of just two words that start with the letter “D” and make it even easier to memorize the slogan. It may seem that just two words aren’t enough to communicate some meaning, information, and message to the customers. However, the slogan of Greenwich Pizza comes to prove the right opposite. It has lots of thought and meaning to it.
The slogan makes the reader think, guess, and get curious. Every person has his/her taste and has personal associations with the word delicious. Thus, after reading the slogan a person would probably get interested to find out what Greenwich Pizza means when saying delicious.
Now, it’s time to get insight into the target market of the company.
Let’s watch and discus a commercial presented by Greenwich Pizza.
The commercial is bright, dynamic, energetic, and colorful. The video is full of details and characters. Pizza is the center of the commercial. Greenwich Pizza is specifically targeting its Hawaiian market with this commercial. The video features three main characters who sing the song that plays throughout the video. The quality, detailing, and dynamism of the commercial remind of a typical song video. It seems like there is an immense effort and works put into this video.
The whole commercial is a celebration of pizza and the overall process of enjoying it. The three characters of the video are young, attractive, and good-looking. They seem to enjoy an active, adventurous life and like being surrounded by a crowd. It looks like these people like hanging out, meeting new people, experiencing new things, and having fun.
They like taking care of the way they look as all of them seem pretty much put together. These three characters collectively represent the people that Greenwich Pizza wants to attract. All the discussed details and characteristics of these young people show that they are representatives of the target segment called Hedonists.
Who are Hedonists?
Lifestyle and Values of the buyer persona.
People representing the Hedonists’ target segment love being surrounded by big crowds and enjoy communication. They are extremely outgoing and tend to be quite spontaneous about their every-day activities and decisions. These people do everything to have as much fun as they can. Their life motto is “We only live once”, which describes their attitudes towards life perfectly.
Representatives of this target segment are not stability seekers and always look for novelties and changes in their environment, occupation, and activities. Hedonists enjoy meeting new people and always bring a refreshing energy to those surrounding them. Their self is the number one priority for them.
These people mostly focus on taking care of the way they look. Their appearance is crucial for them and they always find time to make sure they look put together and proper. Also, Hedonists like partying and hanging out. You can often find them in clubs, pubs where there are loud music and big groups of people.

Attitude to Shopping:
Hedonists usually give their preference 0to the mainstream brands. They directly associate and connect the image of the person with the brand label that he/she is wearing. The reason for it is that these people highly appreciate “real” things when doing shopping.
Hedonists very often give preference to clothing items that help them look different and stand out from the crowd. They are typically impulsive buyers. People from this target segment don’t plan their shopping and don’t typically make shopping lists. Hedonists want to get instant attention with their appearance, loom good and strive to keep up with the trends.
Some interesting facts about Hedonists
- Overall, they don’t like watching TV. If they watch it, they would choose anything mainstream it is interesting for them.
- These people enjoy challenges and any sorts of entertaining activities. They enjoy playing on gambling machines, as well as playing video games and the lottery.
- Hedonists are known as active Internet users. They use this platform for communication, chatting with friends as well as receiving information about social events, parties gatherings, and news.
16 Personalities (Which one is for your business?)
What can be better than a delicious pie for a Friday evening with friends? Greenwich Pizza and Yellow Cab Pizza know how to be a part of your special moments. Accurate targeting and marketing strategy explain their widespread popularity.
They target the Hedonists, the most outgoing segment with the life motto “We only live once” as their philosophy in life.
Hedonists love hanging out with friends, mostly visiting pubs, bars and active places. Their life is full of unexpected changes and spontaneous decisions, trying new things and discovery is their passion.

Targeting Hedonists explains the whole marketing strategy of Greenwich Pizza and Yellow Cab Pizza. They have perfectly executed their targeting strategy, the turn is yours! Learn more on hedonists and many other buyer personas in the book 16 Personalities.
You will find detailed information about 16 buyer personalities, their qualities, attitudes and preferences in life. The book will help you create the perfect formula to conquer the hearts of your customers.
16 Personalities (ebook)Original price was: $26.99.$9.99Current price is: $9.99.
Now, let’s move on to Yellow Cab Pizza by discussing a campaign example presented by the company.
For every company, it is crucial to choose the right marketing strategies to successfully communicate information about itself and its offering. Yellow Cab Pizza uses different ways and strategies for marketing its products. This restaurant chain actively uses both conventional and unconventional marketing and does this quite successfully. At the same time, an interesting way used by Yellow Cab Pizza for marketing its products is campaigns.
Let’s watch and analyze a video out of series from the “#SmallWins” campaign of the company.
The video is funny and engaging. It depicts two friends or sisters who spend time with each other and are having fun. One of the females tries to cut the hair of the other one, but because of an accidental mistake, she fails. The female cuts her hair identically to match and to get away without getting upset. They decide to celebrate this new change by ordering pizza from Yellow Cab Pizza. The video is just right for our present-day reality.
The “#SmallWins” campaign was created by Yellow Cab Pizza as an upgrade and continuation of the “YouDoYou” campaign. The “YouDoYou” campaign was originally all about encouraging you to be you. But with the COVID and global pandemic the company needed to adapt to the current situation in the market and make some adjustments to keep up with time.
The video is shot in an apartment and the atmosphere is quite familiar to anyone in lockdown. With this upgraded campaign, the company wants to encourage everyone to move forward, have fun, and go after new passions no matter what.
To understand the strategies that Yellow Cab uses for communication let’s go through the slogan of the company.
As a restaurant chain, Yellow Cab Pizza needs to have an attractive, catchy, and meaningful slogan. At the same time, the slogan needs to have all the criteria to intrigue and make the reader desire of tasting the offering by the restaurant.

“We Fuel the Hungry”
The slogan of Yellow Cab Pizza is not wordy or complicated. It is precise and short. The idea and meaning of the logo that the company wants to communicate is simple. Yellow Cab Pizza takes the role and responsibility to feed everyone feeling hungry and desiring food. The pizza or overall food of the company is presented as fuel in the slogan, and this perfectly describes the importance of the food in a person’s life.
Every person needs food to be able to operate, act, do something. Food is a source of energy and strength for people as well as something that can bring enjoyment. The reader can feel the confidence of Yellow Cab Pizza from its logo. The company is confident about its role, goal, power, and overall place in the market. The slogan perfectly sums what the company strives for.
Now, let’s find out the target markets of Yellow Cab.
To do so, let’s analyze a commercial presented by the company.
This commercial is remarkably dynamic, energetic, and engaging. All the actions are developing mainly around pizza and food. We can see different fast-changing scenes and characters who are from different backgrounds.
One thing that brings them all together in the food and mainly pizza from Yellow Cab Pizza. We can hear the voice of a man talking throughout the video. It encourages them to behave the way they want and feels comfortable about everything they are engaged in.
With the enjoyment that you get from their food, they want to encourage you to do what you want, to act how you like, and just be your true self. All the characters featured in the commercial are young and different from each other by their occupation, activities, and appearance, etc. All of them look good and put together.
They are active, like to socialize and have fun. Despite being different, all these young people have common characteristics that define them as a target market whom Yellow Cab Pizza tries to attract. Their characteristics and behavioral patterns in the video show that they belong to Breakouts’ segment.
Who are Breakouts?
Lifestyle and Values:
People belonging to the Breakouts’ target segment always go after material goods and are quite status-oriented. They want to be successful and acquire a high standard of living. Thus, these people are more than ready for sacrifices to get what they want and get ahead. Breakouts measure their success by the amount of money they dispose of. This is the reason why they tend to prioritize and choose money over personal fulfillment when it comes to a career.
Representatives of this segment use their appearance to stand out in the crowd and sometimes even to compensate for the lack of education. Also, they use it to showcase what they have achieved. Breakouts are usually self-absorbed and always seek personal enjoyment and adventurous experiences. They judge people by the car they own and drive. At the same time, these people are typically bad at saving money and typically enjoy spending it.
Attitude to Shopping:
Representatives of the Breakout target segment tend to switch between brands quite often and are not brand loyal. They are easily attracted and driven to anything trendy and new. They will hop on buying items when they become affordable.
These people mainly shop for clothing and most of the time they buy items just to own them. Breakouts highly value the quality of the products they buy. However, often they can’t afford expensive and high-quality goods and thus usually choose a trendy mainstream brand.

Some interesting facts about Breakouts
- They are always there for gatherings with friends in pubs and cafes for leisure. On the other hand, they don’t like traveling, doing sports, and attending cultural events.
- Breakouts are using media mainly for entertainment. They actively watch TV and from time to time read press on funny and interesting topics.
- These people don’t worry much about environmental issues and keeping a healthy lifestyle. They eat what they want and often don’t care about pollution.
Summing up, Greenwich and Yellow Cab are two big names that are directly associated with tasty pizza. These two continue to maintain their strength and popularity in the market thanks to continuous improvements and product expansions. To this day they stay true to their initial values but move forward with doing everything to keep up with time.
Greenwich and Yellow Cab are well aware of how to attract new customers and always stay on track thanks to their experience in the market and openness for novelties. Without any doubt, both these companies will maintain their success and place in the industry. That was all for Greenwich and Yellow Cab and their strategies. Check out the main page of our website for more posts like this.
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