Target Markets of Subway, Pizza Hut and Dunkin Donuts
Here are the leaders of their vast markets. The following brands, Dunkin Donuts, Pizza Hut, and Subway have been dominating the severe competition for several years. What is their secret weapon? How do they do that and what are their main target markets? These are the questions I am going to answer in the blog post.

So let’s begin by discussing the target market of Subway.
For understanding the key characteristics of the target customer we should look upon their commercials to understand what kind of people are present there.

Here is a commercial starring a girl and a guy that wants to eat a Subway Sandwich. The name of the commercial on youtube is “Do you want to be my boyfriend”. And the cute girl suggests the guy be her boyfriend if he gave her the sandwich. But after having the sandwich the girl cheats and walks away.
So what kind of person do we see in the commercial? The following segment is called Floaters. Who are they?
Floaters are a segment of people who likes taking care of the family. Home is the absolute center where they can take care of their kids, giving them a sense of fulfillment. They do not care about a lot about their appearances, buying clothes for just comfort, not for style and they think that people should take them as they are.
Floaters like security and control, do not look for new opportunities in life. Preferring to be told what to do, do not want to take responsibility. They are a segment of people who totally respect traditional values, doing the duties is more important than living for their enjoyment.
Floaters have a practical outlook on shopping, always look for special offers and they think about every penny they spend. They would prefer quantity over quality, like to buy from a campaign where they could receive extra quantity, preferring the lowest prices. The following segment adopts new products and brands very late when everybody already uses them.
Now its time to look at their Instagram posts to see their messaging and branding tactics.

Here is a young girl who plays with 2 cookies of Subway. Subway tells us that everyone has their favorite cookies, so what is ours?
The ordinary and friendly kind of messaging of Subways prompts my ideas about their messaging tactics. They are using tactics based on 12 brand archetypes. The following tactics characterize the Everyman brand archetype. What does the Everyman brand archetype represent?
- The desire of the brand archetype is to connect with others.
- The goal of the archetype is to belong, to fit in.
- The strategy of the archetype Is to develop ordinary virtues.
Many famous brands like Budweiser and Wrangler jeans are using the tactics of the following archetype.
The Everyman brand archetype could be a perfect fit for your brand if
- Your product or service helps people to belong or feel belonged.
- If your product has a function that is used commonly every day.
- That wants to differentiate itself from higher-priced products.
Here are some really interesting facts about the Subway.
- Subways serve 5300 sandwiches every hour.
- In 1965, 17-year-old Fred DeLuca created Subway with a $1,000 loan from a family friend.
- Subway has more restaurants than the great Mcdonald’s.
- Subway was sued for selling 11-inch “foot-long” subs.
- You can get free Subway when it rains in Los Angeles.
And now it is time to look upon Dunkin Donuts targeting tactics and reveal their secrets.

In this commercial, Dunkin Donuts promotes the so-called Shark week and the shark man who we see behind the girls is walking in the streets and just sharing drinks and donuts. Whoever takes the donuts can post on Instagram with the hashtag #DDsharkweek. The company targets many segments in reality like the other fast-food companies. But we need to find out their real target markets here. They target young people who are used to visiting Dunkin Donat and now they go a little older and visit there rarely.
So the segment we see in the pic is called Chardonnays. Who are the following segment?
Chardonnay girls are a customer segment who are very “yes “ oriented. They are very active people and their main point is to share life with friends, receive and give interesting emotions. They care about their looks a lot and it is very important for them to seem attractive especially for the opposite sex.
They are very stylish people and think that having a style is very important for a person. Their groups are very diverse and interesting, where he/she likes to hangout. They also like a foreign close friend and their interests are multinational.
Chardonnay girls are people who take great care of their appearances. They like and do shopping a lot and it is one of their favorite pastimes elements. They are very aware of trends and buy what they want and would save money to buy if it is an expensive product. Quality is very important to them and it is seen in their clothing and everything around them. Big billboards and catchy commercials would attract them a lot.
16 Personalities (what is for your business?)
You may be interested, in how did Dunkin Donuts succeed and give so many trends? They just found their ideal persona and concentrated on them. Who is it? It’s Chardonnays’. Dunkin Donuts used its all marketing arsenal to pay Chardonnays’ attention.
And of course the company considered some key features of Chardonnays.
- These people are usually positive-minded. They just want to enjoy life and take part in interesting activities. Body health is also very important for them.
- As I mentioned chardonnay people are interested in a healthy lifestyle such as yoga and swimming classes. Everything that makes them feel young and fresh is always on their horizon.
If they enjoyed your brand or your restaurant, they will definitely share the emotions in the social network. This makes one of the most targetable and useful personas as they make your company popular on a social level.
After you realize the power of Chardonnay girls you may ask now, how can I make my company desirable for them? How to pay attention to advertisements? What are the benefits of their behavior? You can find all the answers to these questions in our ebook called “16 Personalities”. You will also find all the solutions for your marketing problems, which will change your insights about buyer persona.
Of course this is one of the 16 personalities and with this book you will discover all of them. With knowledge of each 16 personalities you will confidently find your ideal buyer persona and change your marketing strategy to achieve new levels. The book also gives you some hints for selling your product and negotiating with your clients.
Now we can look at their messaging and branding tactics.

Dunkin has special offers and gifts for everyone because of the holidays. Buy your gift from Dunkin. What I see here is the vivid pink color a lot of gifts and a cute girl behind the big boxes. The lovely and cute atmosphere with the pink Christmas tree creates a loving and caring mood. The following tactics in branding are called tactics of the Lover brand archetype. What does the Lover brand archetype represent?
- The desire of the brand archetype is to attain intimacy and reach sensual pleasure.
- The goal of the brand archetype is being in a relationship with people.
- The strategy of the brand archetype is being more and more attractive.
Many famous brands like Chanel and Victoria’s secret use the Lover brand archetype for their branding tactics.
The lover brand identity is a perfect fit for your brand if
- The product has a function that helps people to find love and friendship.
- Product or service has a function that fosters beauty, closeness, and communication.
- A product needs to differentiate itself in a better way from low priced products.
Here we can see several facts about Dunkin Donalds.
- Dunkin Donalds is not their first name, at first it is called Open Cattle.
- Dunkin now sells 30 coffees every second.
- After the three months of the debut of croissant Doughnuts, it was sold more than 8.5 million.
It is time to turn to discuss the targeting strategies of Pizza hut.

Here are just one of their commercials I found on YouTube. We see father and daughter who are enjoying their pizzas as the father has prepared a surprise for his children and wife, ordering Pizza hut and waiting for them at home.
What type of man do we see in this pic? He is a perfect husband and father in his family, has permanent work and does his duties very well. The following segment is called Actualaizers. Who are actualizers?
Actualaizers are people who are very successful in anything they do. They are very perfectionist people and so want to have control over everything they do. Family is very important to them and it is the center of their life.
The education of children is very important to them, it is important to them that children should have a healthy lifestyle. They spend their money very carefully and like paying more for a good quality product or service. Financial services are very interesting for them.
Actualizers like using top brands and sometimes they buy something that they do not need actually, just for sake of having it. They like to be up-to-date with the latest trends and like to buy new, trending products. Like planning their shopping and buying everything from one shop. Family needs influence their decision making.
Now it is time to look at their branding and messaging tactics.
Here is an Instagram post of Pizza Hut and their way of messaging is based on jokes and interesting funny thoughts.

And here is one of their jokes about how our heart beats when a pizza comes to our houses. The joking atmosphere of their Instagram page gives us interesting emotions and prompts us about their branding tactics. The following branding is called Jester brand archetype in archetypal branding. What does the Jester brand archetype represent?
- The desire of the archetype is to live the moment with full enjoyment.
- The goal of the archetype is to have a great time and lighten up the world.
- Thes strategy is to play, make jokes and be funny.
Famous brands like M&M’s and Pepsi are using the following brand archetype.
The following brand archetype could be a perfect fit for your product if
- It has a function that helps people to have a great time.
- That helps people to belong or feel belonged.
- Produced or sold by a company with a fun-loving culture.
Here are several interesting facts about the Pizza Hut.
- The company is founded by 2 brothers who were studying in college.
- Pizza Hut had a perfume that existed in reality.
- In 2001 pizza hut delivered pizza to space.
- Pizza hut once offered pizza engagement packages
Your Targeting e-Book.