Target markets of Oreo and Chips Ahoy
Which is the first and the impressively flaming dessert that comes to your mind when you want to indulge a piece of sweetness? You’re absolutely right; they are Oreo cookies of two chocolate wafers & sweet filling and Chips Ahoy, crowd with a bunch of small and delightful chocolate balls. Approximately 110 million units of the biscuits are sold each day globally. What do you think led these brands to become so loved and famous throughout the world that made such considerable progressions in the entrepreneurial sphere? The secret is more than an effort-demanding affair: opting right target markets carefully.

Let’s commence with discussing one of the latest Oreo campaign examples.
Mondelez International launched a campaign for Oreo cookies called “Wonderfilled” in New York. The company organized a Christmas resembling event, where a cappella 500 singers enhance the community awareness about the campaign.
The enterprise was aimed to develop positive perspectives and mindset for its consumers. They tell kids are already fulfilled with marvelous ideas and vibes, but it is not actual for adults. Thus, the campaign is established for older generations to make them happy with a portion of delightfully sweet cookies.
The campaign instance reveals consumers about an opportunity for openness and creativity. It promotes life to be beautiful when we own wonder in our hearts and share them with our close ones. In this case, Oreo biscuit cookies are a perfect choice to become “Wonderfilled.”
It’s time to discuss communication strategies of Oreo by analyzing its slogan.

“Milk’s Favorite Cookie” is the slogan of Oreo.
They have more than twenty-five breathtaking flavors and is distributed worldwide in about 100 countries. Advertisers reveal that Oreos are the number one cookies with its highest sales in the US since 1912. One can assume that it is also the most beloved one in many locations.
However, there is a noteworthy aspect that one needs to take into account before devouring in Oreo sandwich cookies: it is to dip the cookie into milk. Slightly hot milk makes the sweet tighter by virtue of its fat and emulsifier combination. Other liquids like water cannot result in the effect. They fit each other perfectly; that is why Oreo sandwich biscuits are called milk’s favorite cookies.
Probably you’ve been waiting to explore the segmentation strategies of Oreo with high curiosity.
Let’s firstly look at this commercial example of the brand.
The commercial starts with a scene of a kid sitting bored and without a sign of excitement. Soon, his father came speaking with the phone, probably about the job. When the conversation finished, he referred to his boy. They started to play different, curious games together, have fun, and make happy moments due to dipping Oreo cookies into milk and devouring them with amusement.
After watching the advertisement, we can assume that the heroes were fun-seeking people, who appreciate things that bring them happiness, positively memorable and cheerful moments.
Also, the factor of man’s business revealed his readiness to take responsibility at work and consider the job as an essential aspect of his daily routine. However, an active lifestyle in terms of enjoying time with loved or close ones is an undebatable fact that highly resembles Hedonists‘ target segment.
Who are Hedonists?
Values and Beliefs of the segment
The tagline of Hedonists is “We Live Once.” This means they live for the moment and try to enjoy them thoroughly by having fun. Frequent team-ups are vital points from their must-to-do list. Hedonists usually pursue opportunities for changes, challenges, and risks.
The target segment is prone to be extrovert because they like crowds, so they will deny visiting a place where is a small number of people. Spending nighttime at clubs, pubs, bars, dancing, and drinking to get drunk is their first hobby.
Shopping Preferences of the segment
Hedonists put forth all their efforts to stand out from the crowd by possessing the latest trends. From their very point of view, it is significant to purchase clothes, cars, and technological devices that are considered fashionable or trendy. The target segment is loyal to brands they adopted; however, they seek more premium ones as they are representatives of the segment’s image.
Usually, they do not organize shopping trips; that’s why sometimes they make spontaneous purchases. Hedonists may prefer quantity above quality in varying goods. They are not against buying local brands if they seem to be stylish and will not affect their reputation somehow negatively.

Other Interesting Facts
- Hedonists frequently get fatigued from their job, friends, or partners. Thus, they are opponents of unfaithful relationships.
- The primary motivational tool that prompts them to work is money only.
- They are used to playing the lottery or other games to compete with friends and prove they are the strongest or luckiest ones. They are slightly interested in radio listening.
16 Personalities (what is for your business?)
As we can see, brands, no matter how similar they are in their activity, have different branding approaches and targeting tactics. The main segment of Oreo is Hedonists. Young people who travel all over the world, enjoy life and spend all nights in pubs. These people are Hedonists. Hedonists are very outgoing and like having as much fun as possible. At mass events, they like standing out and being very active. Going pubs, and drinking alcohol!
Hedonists are just 1 of 16 Personalities that you should recognize by heart. These are the types of customers who may happen in the process of promoting or selling products. From those 16 different characters (16 Personalities), you have to choose the only one, your ideal customer, to whom you have to direct the whole promotional arsenal.
All these types of clients are included in the book named “16 Personalities”. With this book, you will discover the secrets of 16 brand personalities, and how to gain your clients’ attention. You will easily find a target customer that matches your brand perfectly.

It’s time to discuss our next sweetness – most beloved chocolate chip cookies in the US Chips Ahoy.

The brand had launched effective campaigns that helped to enhance its brand awareness and promote people to consume the products. Let’s investigate one of their latest campaigns called “Happy Together.”
Chips Ahoy brand decided to bring back its Chip Chip animated optimistic hero after six years of disappearing gap to introduce the new enterprise. It was about a combination of popular and favorable sweet cookies together to make people happy.
As we know, Chips Ahoy produces chips with granulated morsels of chocolate inside that makes them more appealing and desirable. The campaign was about cooperating with two other companies, known as Hershey’s Milk Chocolate and Reese’s Pieces, to produce distinct cookies with mixed tastes of milk chocolate or peanut butter cups.
The commercial shows a mouthwatering scene of Chip Chip hero resting in the Hershey’s Chocolate Bath and keeping a glass of milk in hand. It depicted its indescribable taste after mixing with Hershey’s Milk Chocolate. The final barcode will be dipping the cookie into a glass of milk. The same is with Reese’s Peanut butter, where two brands also provided consumers with the opportunity of peanut butter experience in Chips Ahoy cookies.
Thus, the brand aimed to establish happiness and interconnectedness among its consumers by introducing two new flavors in the Chip Chip animated hero’s aid.
Let’s discuss communication strategy of Chips Ahoy.

The company established a tagline that corresponds to the mission and function of the chocolate biscuits. It is, “They go fast.”
Chips Ahoy goods are Kraft’s the top-selling cookies. They are produced of simple ingredients, which make the ultimate desire for more of a product keener. The main element that intensifies the “addiction” to the chip cookies is chocolate because when it melts, the cookie becomes more aromatic.
They are much more consumed by children above the age of eight, mainly during breaks. Moms also consider the products as a preferable choice to give their kids. The brand’s top fans usually express their emotions through words of excitement and joy that makes them happy full of bliss. These are the main reasons why Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies are going fast.
It’s time to move to segmentation strategies of Chips Ahoy.
To explore the target segment of the brand and provide crucial points of them we need to watch the commercial example below first.
The advertisement commences with a scene where a chocolate chip cookie’s animated Hero, known as Chip Chip, is walking in a crowd of a big city. It is carefully watching upside and down to people not to be knocked down, as it has an appearance and width of a dwarf among “enormous’ people.
However, it seems Chip Chip is a little bit frightened because there is a peril of being abducted. Suddenly, it meets an alluring lady who starts to open a conversation. They managed to exchange several short phrases.
The animated hero claimed that it is so delicious that whenever she would like to take him for devouring, she will not manage to do that. The hero was right because a giant hand took him so swiftly that the woman did not realize how that happened.
The funny and simultaneously sensibly devised advertisement reveals not only about its high demand facet but also the target segment. The beautifully animated lady seems to have a life of positivity and is prone to be achieve happiness.
She immediately noticed the best product in a crowd and wanted to take it for her. This is because she is ambitious and challenging. The features described above guides us to conclude that the target segment belongs to Actualizers.
So who are Actualizers, and what do we know about them?
Values and Beliefs
Actualizers are perfectionists who exactly know what they want to have and how to achieve it. They are successful in the goal they set ahead. Even though they are happy with their lives and admit mostly every facet of it, they are used to taking complete control of every field that shapes their lives. Approach to job and career is quite critical because Actualizers put forth all their efforts to meet the perspectives.
Even though career advancement plays a significant role in Actualizers life, they do not deny the primary point: family. In their opinion success cannot be measured in money, that’s why they prefer spending their available time with family members and close ones rather than put the stress on earning more money.
The target segment takes responsibility for the family, especially kids’ welfare and security, and takes care of their health. We can assume that they like to organize family activities and friend team-ups to have a memorable time.

Attitude to Shopping
Actualizers usually have a practical look, as they are not much concerned about keeping up with the pace of rapid changes in fashion and the latest trends. They wear what is convenient for them. However, this does not spoil their preference for quality products, as they are ready to pay higher for premium goods.
The target segment is one of the early adopters of newness in terms of devices, gadgets, or any other item. They do not resist to purchase items from local brands if they are proved to be quality driven stores.
Actualizers are used to planning their shopping before going out. They spend money sensibly and rarely squander it for unnecessary goods. It is essential to conduct their children’s requests but only in case of harmless ones.
Other Interesting Facts about Actualizers
- They are interested in topics like the economy, politics, finance, governance, etc. They frequently read articles related to them.
- Persistent visits to the cinema, theater, concerts, or other cultural and entertaining events are from their favorite activities list.
- The target segment is intellectually developed and deals with international and multicultural events. It is also vital for them to master computers and the latest innovative technologies.
- They give much worth and attention to a healthy lifestyle. It is essential to eat organic food and sometimes do sport.
To sum up, we discussed key points of Oreo and Chips Ahoy brands. The communication and segmentation strategies, as well as brand awareness experience by virtue of campaigns and commercials elaborated on their success. We hope this was a useful blog post for you. For more similar posts check out the main page of our website.