The Outlaw Brand Archetype Revealed!
The outlaw brand archetype is one of the 12 Jungian archetypes. How is Outlaw different from others? What are the Benefits of the outlaw?

The outlaw brands spread ideas like revenge and revolution. Tension points of their customers are being powerless and weakened. The brands encourage them to destroy what is not working. The strategy of the archetype is to destroy and shock. With its gifts of agitation and radical freedom the archetype values disregarding general standards and experiencing power.
Outlaw brand archetype can be a perfect personality for several products.
New revolutionary web services.
Outlaw put spell on revolution, on people thinking. The examples of these kinds of brands are Pay Pal or E-trade.
Pay pal is totally out of common traditions which are credit cards, they have created their own road and evoke changes in people’s thinkings.
Something that is against society.
The products are those ones that the society denies and the owner seeks experience power due to the product. Harley Davidson is the most common example. Diesel jeans is another example of a disaffiliation of the community.

Energetic drinks.
What values give us the kind of drinks. Braking laws and fell super. The famous outlaw brand is Redbull. Redbull is for crazy people who like doing whatever they think worth yo do. They like riskful situations like parachute jumping or skate riding.
Video and computer games.
Many games are disregarding accepted standards, they are wether very strange and revolutionary or brutal like Mortal Kombat. The scary game is the favorite one for many gamers. The frighting heroes of the games are accepted by many players.

Newsmakers, media.
Here we can read and see the news that is not accepted with society. Society has banned them and so the newsmakers seem more aggressive and more attractive. These kinds of brand examples are Virgin and MTV. MTV used to show videos that people use to dislike, so they were perfect newsmakers. Because of them and others, different strange cultures are accepted nowadays.
Do The Branding Of Your Products On Your Own With The Following Ebook. It Gives You The Following Solutions.
- Find out the archetype of your brand with a 12 question quiz.
- Create a slogan and brand messaging.
- Create the logo, packaging, store appearances.
Outlaw brand personality has vivid characteristic traits with 5 story grades.

1. At first, the person feels angry and mistreated as if it has no power.
2. Identified as an outsider as social morals are different from the personality understandings.
3. It becomes behaving in a shocking and ruinous way.
4. It eventually becomes a revolutionary or rebel.
5. Sometimes it can be trapped because of manipulations or criminal behavior.
Outlaw brands give specific and interesting messages which reveal the depth of the archetypes. Here are some examples.
Outlaw archetypes give various messages and tell us interesting stories, one of them is about extreme sports or some strange sports. These are skateboard, motorsports, jumping from high rocks and many others. The stories are about brave and free people who dare to do the impossible.
Reality show.
These stories are about life secrets that nobody wants to reveal. MTV Tv-Shows us many tv series of interesting and motivated people who are once on an island having nothing to eat, another time with luxurious cars in high-class clubs.
Iconic products, bikes, electric guitars.
Some outlaw brands are icons for their users. These are Harley Davidson or famous electric guitar brands. Only speaking about their appearances or their stories. How they are made, who has made gives a real value to customers.
People who are disaffiliated from society, these people make tattoos, walk with groups. Like parties and street life, Diesel gives us a clear example of the kind of people. They are free as they think so, do whatever they want and sometimes they do evil things.
Rap or Rock singing.
The styles are clearly associated with outlaw behavior. Both of the song genres do not like society standards and they want to destroy some taboos. Sometimes this kind of music and lyrics are shadowed because it passes the boundaries of consciousness.

This is about gossiping about famous people. About the latest party where everybody was gathered. What they wore, what stylish clothes are in trend. What stars have married lately and why the movie star does charity activities. All of these stories are Outlaw style messaging.
Chile pepper.
The vegetable is clearly associated with Outlaw behavior. The lovers of the plant are the people who like breaking rules and a lot of brands use Chile for their branding, for Outlaw branding.
Using the archetype practically. Websites, Social media appearances, colors and fonts, Campaign ideas of the Outlaw.
Harley – Davidson.

The website is unique as the background color is totally black. This is out of accepted standards.
Big billboards of the iconic bikes are all around the website. The video clip is on the first strip. Moto riders are riding across country roads. They are a group of bikers. The website seems to be a dream exhibition for brand lovers.

The newsmaker site has distinctive design approaches. The carbon style background is extremely eye-catching and the news banners are simply stylish. I have never seen a Newsmaker website with such kind of stylish approach. The news topics are mainly about famous people’s opinions or some recommendation articles.
Red Bull.

This is the 3rd example of a website. The red bull website is full of various events. And events are all displayed with videos. I see here a lot of crazy people with energetic and strange hobbies. Extreme sports are the favorite activities of the kind of people. Everything is flavored with great banners. Videos, great banners, red and yellow colors are the main appearances of the Outlaw brand websites.
Social media platforms’ appearances (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter).

The main topic that MTV provides is gossiping. A wide range of Tv series and reality shows are on the broadcasts of the channel. The post on Instagram is about Ariana Grande’s blond hair and it is called a great transformation. Other people on the photos are so-called good living and successful people. MTV shows how this kind of person lives and their customers are so curious about it.

Diesel is the presentation of the street style. All their wear are for different moods on the street, Here we do not see any celebrity, here everything is as usual. People are daring, they like to follow the paths they have created. Their latest campaign was (Fashion is dead). A very shocking title. These types of titles are very characteristical for Outlaw archetypal brands.
Red Bull.

As I already mentioned red bull is for sports. The Outlaw likes doing sports, especially the extremal ones. Here, in 3 photos each of them is a special sportsman. Red bull also creates sports events. The brand sponsors many sports events and sportspeople. These people are from very different areas of sports. From skiing to skateboarding in the air. Jumping from 100 meters. Do extreme with Red Bull. Drink Red Bull and be out of Law!
Every successful brand has implemented the strategy of 12 brand archetypes. We need to take just 8 steps for completing archetypal branding with the following book.
1. Find out your brand archetype.
2. Create a logo.
3. Do the packaging.
Outlaw brand archetype presents us with various stories to tell customers. The stories and messages combined are called campaigns. Here are some campaign ideas for Outlaw brand personality.
Red bull.

Red Bull has one of the biggest Youtube channels. How they achieved that kind of success?
Firstly they post really engaging videos. That is about different kinds of extreme sports. These guys try the most dangerous things, they fall, they fail, but in the end they succeed.
They create and edit the videos and send them to the Red bull channel. Then they see how Red bull shares the videos. Isn’t it astonishing to see your crazy video on the Youtube channel? And see how thousands are watching you and becoming your followers. The campaign idea sounds really great.

Anyone who wears Diesel appreciates the brand. They are the dedicated ones and really enjoy being inside Diesel. On their website, I noticed a loyalty program (G:code) which they call (loyalty thing). If you submit to it they give you code and you become a member of the community. Now you have benefits which are (Personalised birthday gifts, members-only promotion, an invitation to exclusive parties, etc). I see here that Diesel put spell on customer loyalty. Outlaw brand customers are loyal and the brand knows that perfectly well.

The black-colored website is really interesting at first sight. Here I find a bunch of videos describing many aspects of Harley-Davidson. Here I see a button (learn to ride).
And the page is full of riding lessons. The bike company gives you an opportunity to ride it and feel Harley Davidson. You become engaged and learn better riding. They try to help you with everything with frequently asked questions like( is this a training program? is it safe and so on?).
Teaching is a kind of interesting campaign strategy for Outlaw brand customers.
The outlaw brand archetype has its specific colors and here are they.

The outlaw has its own fonts styles.

Outlaw brand archetype has its specific customer segments. The customer characteristics are revealed by the Garrison Group. Let’s see 2 of these segments.
Breakouts customer segment (age 16-30).

The type of segment likes to have a high status and they want to move up in life. They want to gain respect and seek control over various resources. Breakouts show their success level through their chic outfit. The education level of the group is relatively low.
They like enjoying risky situations and adventures and worry about themselves a lot and their future. The following segment likes to spend leisure time with friends’ places or pubs and discos.
Do not like going abroad for traveling, do not do any sports.
Breakouts are basically spontaneous shoppers, like to spend a lot on clothing, exploring and trying new brands. They like using Tv and the Internet for entertainment and Tv is their main source of information. They prefer topics like star gossip, cars, motorcycles, horoscopes. Very low internet users.
Revitilisers customer segment (age 30-50).

Revitalises is the segment of people who are worried about their look a lot and think that life is moving past to them. They are not satisfied with the way they are, taking care a lot about their outfit and going to the gym very regularly. Keeping a diet and thinking about the calories they eat.
They work a lot and are true careerists. Like getting ahead in a career with sacrificing family time and values. Revitilisers prefer enjoying life without thinking about tomorrow.
Friends are an important part of their life, spending with them dinner time or visiting pubs in the evening.
While talking about shopping, they like to buy the lowest priced goods. Like to be seen as a premium brand user and are loyal to brands. Revitalizers like adopting new brands and are not good at saving as they are spontaneous decision-makers.
Tv is the way they are engaged, watching tv series and gossip news. They do not spend a lot of time surfing on the web. Gossip, cars, media, marketing are their main favorite topics.
Is outlaw your brand archetype?

The outlaw brand archetype sometimes is a perfect match for your product or brand. Near the outlaw brand, there are Hero and Magician. What hero likes is to prove himself with difficult acts. Brands like Nike and Duracell are hero archetype. The magician is about making magic come true. Something unreal can become a part of our life, our dreams and wishes. What is your brand archetype? Explore all the 12 of them with The Social Grabber.