The Sage Brand Archetype Revealed!
The sage – The truth will set you free.

The sage brand archetype is one of the 12 Jungian archetypes. As the name prompts us, the following brand personality is about intelligence and wisdom.
The brand identity puts the spell on discovering the truth. Their customers are mainly people who are keen to use their intelligence to analyze and understand the world. The brand’s strategy is to seek out information and knowledge, reveal the truth and represent to their audience. This brand archetype always tries to give it’s customers knowledge and experience. The greatest fear of the Personality is to be dumped and ignored, and moreover, it can study issues forever and never act.
The Sage is a promising identity for many products.
Teaching apps and ebooks.
One of the examples is Rosetta stone. It is an award-winning app that helps people to learn languages intuitively. It teaches us to connect words with images and surroundings, as well as teaches the languages without translation.
Do The Branding Of Your Products On Your Own With The Following Ebook. It Gives You The Following Solutions.
- Find out the archetype of your brand with a 12 question quiz.
- Create a slogan and brand messaging.
- Create the logo, packaging, store appearances.
Complex apps with big data.
This is about engineering and different software apps, such as the Norton antivirus program.

Universities and schools and libraries.
Harvard University – Words are useless over here
Barnes and Noble – This is a well-known book-store. It’s both represented online and offline, offering almost every book that was ever written. Everything is well arranged, so if you want a fiction book with some particularities, you can easily find the book you want.
Everything connected with news. Blogs, daily news, TV broadcasts.
Quora – If you have a question and want to know the truth, ask it in Quora. A lot of people are ready to accept your requests.
Wikipedia– A well known almost legendary website. If there is trustful information on the web, it’s definitely Wiki. It’s always on the first place in google searches.

Bloomberg- this is the most trusted source of business news.
Innovative appliances for better living.
For cars, Audi is blessed to be a Sage car. They know their drivers and do everything to bring them the pleasure of driving.
The Sage in action. 5 life steps of the personality.

- At first, he is confused, he doubts, makes a lot of effort to find the truth.
- Then he searches for objectivity and experts.
- Then he becomes a skeptic, thinks innovative and at last, he becomes an expert.
- The highest level is reached! It’s wisdom and mastery.
- Bad things always happen, the person may become dogmatic and disconnected from reality.
Sage stories for own branding.
Sage brand personality has a unique tone of voice, they are rated for their intelligence and wisdom. And the brands who have covered themselves with Sage know that perfectly. Sage stories are based on facts, universal truths like “Success comes only with hard work”.
Another common way to show the truth is using famous people quotes: “Do a little bit of good where you are, it’s those little bits of goods put together that overwhelm the world”
Desmond Tutu.

National Geographic likes to speak about interesting facts. For instance they emphasize many threats about elephants because many of them are in danger and their population is decreasing. Speaking about the reasons of decrease(such as poaching) are very common sage stories.
Another message of Sage is about putting many facts together and creating interesting time graphics like BBC does. Some veterans are gathered across the old table as they did during the war. They just show the truth about wars.

We can speak about questions that people frequently ask. By asking it at first as Quora do. Then giving the right answers. The issue is clearly mentioned in many website help section or in the section of frequently asked questions.
Sometimes Sage brands like Audi and Barnes & Noble need to guess the future wish of customers and make their experience perfect. Their solutions are perfect examples of revealing messages of Sage brand archetype.

Infographics are another way to engage the audience with remarkable content. A lot of information is gathered in a beautiful picture. Pinterest shows us many beautiful examples of infographics. That’s great.
Now let’s use the personality practically.
Website examples.

When I watch this I Immediately recall newspapers. Yes of course!
Bloomberg made it like a newspaper and there is a lot of information on the first page. What does this mean? It means if you do not have enough information don’t even think about taking Sage identity for your brand. The website consists of 2 colors. Black and white, it is so typical for Sage. No sophistication, nothing to add or to take. You really want to be informed, then visit our website!
Burnes & Noble.

Here we see a lot of information too. Wherever you watch there is something that leads to somewhere. There is a member program or a gift guide. This is a very interesting story, it helps you with purchase and guides you to a final decision.
If you are a teenager then you chose a teen program and it suggests gifts for teens. It seems like You are in a library with every section of interest (fiction, science). The key color of the website is green, this green pattern is very typical for Sage archetype brands.

Quora now is a social media platform. You can ask something interesting or publish an interesting fact. I think it is a great platform to speak about and discuss important issues.
They have done it as Reddit did. When you publish your post gets voted and goes upstairs or downstairs. If you look for valuable information, you can confidently choose. As they say: “A place to share knowledge and have a better understanding of the world”.
How is Sage present on Social media platforms?
Wise Audi is here!

I am really astonished by how competently Audi gives Sage messages. Audi’s cars are designed to be intelligent, so their customers could feel the power of progress. Audi owners have a lot of thoughts like: “leave the outside world where it belongs”.
The description of the first picture tells us that Audi’s vehicles turn every garage into museums. You can only see intelligent and interesting things in museums. Audi knows everything and knowledge gives him preciousness.

Ted is universal. Once it posts about poetry with a beautiful video about someone who has ever lost a loved one. On the other post, there is a smart quote from A.J. Jacob. As I mentioned before Sages like quotes, but only intelligent and a little bit mysterious. In the right picture, there are pics of bacterias. After, Ted describes their beauty. Yes! They are like flowers.

Their Twitter cover is “Facts first!” with an apple. Whoever sees the apple immediately recalls Isaac Newton, when an apple fell on his head. The picture below shows us an intelligent man whose name is Anderson Cooper.
He has a Facebook broadcast named “Full Circle”, which is a totally Sage headline. The interesting thing is that the program is especially made for Facebook Watch. In the Instagram post we can see an interesting fact about the Skyline of Bangkok. It has become a ghost building because of the economic crisis.
Every successful brand has implemented the strategy of 12 brand archetypes. We need to take just 8 steps for completing archetypal branding with the following book.
1. Find out your brand archetype.
2. Create a logo.
3. Do the packaging.
An important NOTE! Sage has its stories and different messages which generalize with one group. The group is called a campaign.
Campaigns help to engage people, make them think about the brand by giving them various games, or something remarkable for recalling the brand. They start to engage and tell everybody about the campaign and become brand loyal customers.
What type of campaigns does the Sage identity need for giving its messages?

Nat geo wild
If I ever thought about engaging people, Nat geo thought it in a better way.
So, you can start your own expedition “The real Sage direction”. If you have passion and want your voice to be heard, Nat Geo suggests you become one of their faces.
And there is the whole story of a journey, Abbie Mcbride made her expedition for more than 1 year and beautifully showed us on the website.
She went to Seabird land (New Zealand ) to save seabirds. Just imagine, for 1 year the girl was engaged in the National Geographic program. I am wondering how much she posted about the event afterwards.
Barnes and Noble

I am shopping for…
Millions of suggestions. For kids, for a better library, for almost everything, this is how the Sage must act. The brand should have many solutions for customers. If they enter, you must immediately know him/her.
And the customer really appreciates that. I explored Barnes & Noble online shop for an hour and bought books that I haven’t heard of before, but I trusted them as I am sure they are Sage and they know what they do!

Audi entered the fashion market like Mercedes Benz or BMW. They suggest an outfit that switches you to permanent drive. The collection is called quattro as it generalizes 4 things. These things are:
- Freedom
- Diversity
- Heritage
- Sport
Wear an Audi T-shirt and you will be intelligent as Audi. Once you wear a t-shirt then everybody sees that and asks you about Audi. Yes. a great campaign idea!
Now let’s think about colors that Sage personality uses.

The colors are mainly from nature, from beautiful plants.
And here are some useful fonts, which are straightforward and rational ones.
Silva style, Garamond, Fscala fonts.

What type of customers like Sage brands? Of course, people who are smart. And who are these types of people? Let’s see.
Conscious progressives. age (18-30).

They are generally smart and intelligent people, who actively search for new impulses and information, and almost 80 % of the progressives say that they are interested in different world cultures. They do not spend money if it is not necessary. They have a practical outlook on life. Their purpose is to be attractive in every possible way.
They do appreciate good careers but won’t sacrifice themselves for higher posts. Progressives are more likely to improve their knowledge and skills, reading a lot and purchasing a lot of informational goods, books and e-books. They like to pursue unique activities. Something that nobody did before, though cycling and football playing would be in the leisure activity routine as well. They are very environmentally conscious as the world matters to them a lot.
They use the media a lot, as well as newspapers, daily news, different kinds of world news. They like smart and entertaining advertising, and while doing shopping it is imperative what is inside the packaging, the functionality rules here.
Actualizers. Age (30-50).

These are people who see themselves as perfectionists. They are successful in life and in a career. Family and security are the most important things for Actualisers. They do sports at least once a week. Therefore they are concerned about their food, which is mostly organic. The following segment is very interested in different cultures and is very concerned about nature.
Their leisure activities involve spending time with family or reading a book.
Attending cinemas, museums or theatre are other activities that they like. Premium brands are their favorite ones. They like to spend their money carefully and choose comfort beyond style. They read a lot of daily news about politics, economics, environment, finance, and business.
There are more than 20 Customer characters which are covered by Thesocialgrabber. You can search and find the ones that suit your brand.
Is Sage your brand archetype?

Next to Sage, there are archetypes like Innocent and Explorer. What they have in general is truth revealing with a wish of experiencing paradise. Each of the archetypes is unique and worth exploring so let’s reveal the others!