Top 6 Market Positioning Strategy Examples
Before introducing a brand, one has to understand how he wants his brand to be perceived. There should be a clear understanding of the latter because there are ways to communicate that. In two words, that concept is called market positioning. Market positioning is a robust method that business people utilize to set up the image of a brand or item in a consumer’s mind. This is often accomplished through promotion, price, place, and product. The more point-by-point your positioning strategy characterizes those concepts, the more viable the process will be. This blog will take a look at top market positioning strategy examples.

Stitch Fix, established in 2011, has developed to $1.7B in yearly income by combining computer science and human judgment to convey attire, shoes, and adornments best suited to customers’ personalized tastes, ways of life, and budgets.
The company’s exciting brand positioning strategy of bringing personalization and adaptation to the shopping involvement in a world tormented with standardized shopping encounters has driven some people to great desires.
After you walk into an attire store, you are displayed with several things that are unsuitable for you. Whether it be the off-base size, a design you would never wear, or a cut in which you do not look best. There is a lot of “noise” in your way of finding things that you really like.
When the client is unsure what they are seeking, there is an opportunity to supply a much more enlightening involvement.
Stitch Fix points to supply an involvement that effectively makes a difference in individuals discovering the dress that will be a bliss for them to wear.
They do so by making a shopping experience where each thing on its “clothing rack” is not solely your size but also offers the styles, fits, and textures you will adore.
Stitch Fix at first began with a little “clothing rack.” The company sends you five things in a shipment called a “fix.” The latter is based on a fashion profile and the stylist’s picks.
Keep what you like, and return what you do not while giving specific feedback.
Stitch Fix has moreover started to extend its “clothing rack” through advertising called Direct Purchase, a more enormous, advanced clothing rack to look through.
Clients can effortlessly browse through curated things with the likelihood that they will cherish them.
With an understanding of the clothes a client likes, the company matches them with stock accessible, and the input circle starts once more. Persistently the company is building and refining an agent to demonstrate the client preferences.
Stitch Fix leverages this client information in two ways: (1) utilizing it to illuminate what dress to buy from attire companies and (2) coordinating clients with accessible stock.
The on-demand nourishment conveyance segment is developing by the hour, and the number of businesses making a passage within the industry is evolving.
This diligent fascination that the space is seeing has come about within the expectation that the food conveyance market is set to reach $16.61 billion by 2023. Grubhub holds 32.7% of the entire food conveyance app industry and has been the foremost curious case ponder of the thriving industry.
Grubhub is a web nourishment conveyance benefit stage that permits clients to order food from any place within the city.
They have a vast client base of 14 million and collaborate with 80,000 eateries.
Commerce is dynamic in 1,600 cities in the USA and UK. The Grubhub income comes to 68.32 crores USD as of 2017.
Grubhub could be a startup that has succeeded in getting to an IPO. The Grubhub online nourishment requesting commerce show works on serving two fragments: Clients and Restaurants.
Grubhub for commerce would be a helpful thought since the Grub center commerce show has demonstrated exceedingly fruitful so far.
Any company sticks out because of its striking highlights and extraordinary quality of work which is the case with Grubhub’s online nourishment delivery service.
Indeed after the competition rose when huge names like Amazon and Uber entered the showcase, Grubhub could preserve a great position within the market.
Grubhub has an extraordinary versatile application which has been the most grounded figure for its victory. The application has each highlight that any eatery app advancement office incorporates in its best applications. The execution of the app made the conveyance preparation glitch-free.
The chief objective of Grubhub’s marketing positioning strategy is to make food ordering and delivery simple. They are fundamentally interfacing the food joints within the city with the clients to form online nourishment requesting an alternative for clients.
They are doing this with the assistance of the most recent innovation in portable applications.

The unique positioning strategy of Airbnb comprises a set of ensuing exercises that isolate clients into diverse groups and recognize particular groups to be focused on. The settlement and encounter commercial center position its administrations in a way that best offers to the wants and needs of individuals of this group.
The worldwide lodging company employs a multi-segment positioning focusing on more than one fragment with various benefits.
For instance, the company records cost-effective lofts for lease for the cost-conscious client section. However, the Airbnb Plus package targets clients who esteem progressed quality and plan and are open to paying more.
Recently, Airbnb propelled its Airbnb Luxe line of premium flats that has been situated as ‘extraordinary homes with five-star everything’ focusing on the premium client fragment.
Airbnb utilizes expectant positioning, propelling administrations for a market portion that has low turnover with the expectation that the turnover will increment in the future.
Experiences services such as ‘Around the World in 80 Days’ and encounters of “Becoming a Beekeeper” can be said to illustrate Airbnb administrations with expectant positioning.
Airbnb is available in over 191 countries, including 100000 cities. It is widely available in both urban and rural areas. The age range of customers of Airbnb is as wide as 18-60.
The market positioning of Airbnb makes it so that the company has loyal consumers and keeps gaining new ones.
The “Belong Anywhere” tagline makes Airbnb an innovative company that breaks the stereotypes of only staying at hotels while traveling.
The unique positioning strategy that makes Venmo stand out is that the latter is a platform for sending and receiving money and a social network.
Venmo’s advertising strategy rests on the thought that they need individuals to share uncommon minutes, recollections, and clever stories through the channel of sending cash over the cloud.
The company accepts that the companions you Venmo are your genuine companions, those you hang out with, comprising a much more intimate group than your associations on social networks like Facebook and Instagram.
92% of individuals lean toward brand proposals from companions over notices. Indeed superior, word of mouth produces two times more deals than a paid promotion campaign.
With a virtuoso setup, the whole Venmo program is set up to capitalize on word of mouth as its fundamental development promoting motor.
Imagine you are at lunch, and a co-worker says, “I will cover the charge. You all can solely Venmo me.” In case you are not a Venmo client yet, you will confront the social mock of paying up with old-fashioned physical cash.
Otherwise, you can download Venmo and become a part of it. This makes a perpetual circle of referrals from colleagues, co-workers, companions, and family.
Venmo does not spend much money on conventional promotion, but they have tested with some buzz-generating open-air campaigns.
One of them is the “Blank Me” campaign. All of the diverse advertisements center around excitement, sports, travel, nourishment, drink, and college subcultures, which are drivers of the app’s utilization.

Everybody has undoubtedly heard of McDonald’s. It is not only the go-to restaurant for traveling but also an excellent option for any time you are unsure of what to have for dinner.
McDonald’s has taken numerous positioning strategy steps for reaching the success that we know of today.
Within the 1930s, the ‘fast food’ concept was starting to get more popular. A parcel of drive-in eateries sprouted in numerous places.
The fast-food menu was spinning around Grill Beef, Pork, and Chicken. In this situation, in 1937, two brothers, Maurice and Richard McDonald began their possession of a fast-food restaurant in San Bernardino.
The business soon pulled in a part of young people and proceeded to develop quickly.
After world war II, the brothers felt they were not making sufficient benefits. They figured out that one of the reasons was that they were offering simply the same items as competitors. Their assets were extended to the limits, influencing the quality and the timely benefit.
McDonald brothers watched the clients who visited their places at different times and attempted to understand their critical needs and why they visit their restaurants.
It was because McDonald’s is fast and efficient, the food ordering process is comparatively lean, and the food has good quality.
As you know, the beginning item of Tesla Motors is an elevated execution electric sports car called the Tesla Roadster.
Be that as it may, a few readers may not be mindful of the truth that their long-term plan is to construct an exhaustive run of models.
The advantages of the market positioning of Tesla include affordably estimated family cars. This can be since the overarching purpose of Tesla Engines is to assist in speeding up the move from a mine-and-burn hydrocarbon economy toward a sun-powered electric economy.
More than a car company, Tesla could be an innovation company building alteration stages. Wagering on Tesla innovation is wagering on innovation.
The company not only offers cars but has too built the framework vital to bolster the operation of those cars.
It has built the arrangement of superchargers, battery swap stations, and service stations.
Tesla is on track to convey full independent driving capability before numerous cars are fabricated by leveraging the billions of miles worth of driving information that Tesla has been gathering.
Tesla appears to be differentiating its commerce and entering the Sun-oriented roof tiles market because it complements the trade of rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. The latter gives the capacity of sun-powered captured vitality.
And there you have the “Top 6 Market Positioning Strategy Examples” blog. We first defined the concept of market positioning. In short, it is how a company initiates the way that consumers perceive it. We later gave examples of market positioning strategy examples of well-known companies. Those companies were StitchFix, Grubhub, Airbnb, Venmo, McDonald’s, and Tesla. We are more than sure that you loved this blog. Hence why, make sure to check out our main page. There, we constantly come up with new content that is informative, educational, and fun to read.