Marketing of Ketchup, Heinz and French’s.
In this blog post, I am going to discuss some marketing strategies of ketchup brands and also give interesting marketing tricks for ketchup products promotion. We would look through ketchup famous brands’ Heinz, French’s marketing tactics and product lines, as well as their success stories.

First of all, I want to mention that nowadays people mostly like to choose organic ketchup and that’s why brands are presenting their organic products to people. Product lines of Heinz Ketchups are also different, from Chile to organic, from less sugar to halapino products. Instead French’s provides us barbeque sauces, which are different from the name Ketchup.
Heinz ketchup marketing strategy.
General tactics of the ketchup brand.
Heinz’s slogan says “Nothing else tastes like Heinz”. The slogan wants to tell us that the ketchup company is the leader in the competition and they boast of their quality. Leader based on quality. While surfing their facebook photos I noticed a hashtag #ifyouarehappy. The brand tells us always to be happy. The fun we see everywhere with Heinz, in their social media posts, in their commercials and so on.
Lately, Ed Sheeran has joined Heinz for advertising. And we find him in funny circumstances with the Ketchup. Engaging a celebrity is a common tactic used by many brands.
Video marketing, commercial examples.

Here we see the pop star, Edd Sheeran. The ketchup company has turned to celebrities to reach their marketing goals. In the commercial we see Ed Sheeran entering a luxury and classical style restaurant where a common French dish is served and he takes out Heinz ketchup from a bag and adds to the dish.
The funny style commercial is very common for Heinz ketchup.

Ketchup is a lot used for fats food making, hot dogs, burgers and so on. And the following funny commercial is about dogs that have become hotdogs and running towards big, people shaped ketchup and sauces. We see that the Ketchup company puts spell on fun things and actions that were out of people’s imagination.
Social media appearances of Heinz.

The fun is everywhere when we look at Heinz social media appearances. The ketchup shaped people are training in the gym and having fun. Heinz promotes this kind of emotions and shows us some extraordinary conditions where people appear.

This ethereal picture melts our hearts and puts smiles on our faces. The extraordinary style of advertising is very interesting. They do not show their product line, just yellow mustard, and Tomato Ketchup. Be extraordinary and happy with Heinz ketchup.
2 brilliant examples of marekting campaigns.
Just 2 ways to grow your business.
Brand personality (archetype) of the ketchup brand.
After looking through their main commercials and social media posts of the product Heinz I guessed the brand personality of Heinz. They do interesting and funny commercials. The main example is the dog running which is, in reality, a Hot Dog. There are 12 brand archetypes, the Hero, the Outlaw, the Jester and other 9 archetypes.
The brand archetype (personality) of the Heinz is Jester brand archetype. What does the Jester archetype represent?
The goal of the archetype is to live life with full enjoyment. The aim of the archetype is to have a great time and lighten up the world. The Jester archetype has a strategy to play, make jokes and be funny.
The Jester brand archetype communicates with people in a unique way. Here are some steps for communication. The Jester archetype shows that life is as a game and fun. Next, it tells us that people can be clever and trick to get out of bad situations. And finally, they show that we can experience life in a moment.
Every successful brand has implemented the strategy of 12 brand archetypes. We need to take just 8 steps for completing archetypal branding with the following book.
1. Find out your brand archetype.
2. Create a logo.
3. Do the packaging.

Target market of the ketchup Heinz.
Ketchup is a product that is very much used for fast foods and such kind of food. How can we find out what is their main target market? The answer is very simple, we should look what kind of people are in their adds.

Here we see 2 teenagers who are lovers. And they are trying to have a deep connection. We see that one of their main target groups are late teenagers who have an active life. They like to dress well and live a happy and beautiful life. Want to have a good career and like trendy brands.

In this add Heinz targets all kind of people, whether they are police officers or a bride or a guitar player. All of them like hitting the bottom of the Heinz bottle when it’s almost empty. Heinz is made for everybody as Ketchup is a product that is used every day and every time.
French’s marketing strategy.
A General description
French’s like to speak about everyday actions and deeds as their products are also used for everyday purposes. They put spell that they are Canadian company not French and are in severe competition with Heinz which is USA based company.

The following post tells us a joke and wants to entertain us with ordinary and interesting facts. This is the whole philosophy of the brand, based on the curiosity of everyday living.
French’s is more famous for its mustards and this is their winning product, but it is also competing with Heinz with its ketchups. There are several videos on youtube about which ketchup is better, French’s or Heinz.
Commercial examples of Frenchie’s.

The commercial asks us “do you French”. The lady is sitting in the park and a handsome guy asks her while eating fried potatoes if she frenches. So they suggest us a new verb (to French) and this must be used when we add the ketchup to fries.

The commercial is not about the ketchup of French’s. This is about the mustard as I could not find another ketchup commercial on youtube. The mustard comes and adds itself on the hotdog in the hands of the boy then it makes fun of him and people near him by drawing a mustard mustache and such kind of things.
Social media appearances of Heinz.

I see here an ordinary style of advertising. Only some Halloween style tomatoes, as well as fried potatoes with the shape of a spider and also the net, did with ketchup.

Her is Another blog post of the ketchup brand just written by mustard and ketchup that you are awesome. Here are 2 sausages which are done a hot dog. The french’s is like your friend and somebody who cares and loves you.
Now let’s discuss the brand personality of the ketchup and mustard French’s.
Just exploring their social media posts and video commercials I notice that they put spell on people relations and everyday circumstances. SO the personality (archetype) of the French’s is Everyman.
What does Everyman represent?
The archetype desires to connect to others. The goal of the brand archetype is to belong and fit in. Their values are affiliation, group identity, and democracy.
Brands like Chevrolet, Budweiser and wrangler Jeans have everyman archetype.
The archetype communicates with customers in a specific way. It puts spell on loneliness and alienation and helps people to get along with people. They also encourage them to connect and to fit in, accept love and friendship. The brand archetype even tells us to be humanitarian and to help others.
The target market of the ketchup French’s.

Here I also take the tactic to explore their social media posts and find out who are people that appear in their advertising.’
From this photo, I can tell a lot about who is their target market. Here I see an ordinary family who are attending a football game and all of them are eating a hot dog. The add begins with a boy eating a hot dog and it seems that they also target children as their products are done mainly for adding on fast food.
Overall here in the blog post, we found out key marketing tactics of 2 giant ketchup producers use for advancing and selling their products more and more. Ketchup is a product that is used on everyday basics and giving the right messages will make users buy more. You can also check out the marketing strategies of other products in the category page.