40 Search results

For the term "hedonists".
Market Segmentation of iPhone

Market Segmentation of iPhone

Fifteen years ago, all of us were using phones. But then, as the spread of Apple began wider and wider, most of us are using iPhones. And let us be truly honest here: how often have you...

Carpe Diems

Carpe Diems Buyer Persona

This blogpost is dedicated to Carpe Diems a unique buyer persona with fancy lifestyle. To start our exploration journey, firstly let’s take a look at Carpe Diem’s insights and characteristics. Carpe Diems aren’t very sociable people, they...

Positioning strategies of HP and Dell

Positioning Strategies of DELL and HP

In the reality of the 21st century, technology has an incredibly big role. Human beings around the world have at least 2 pieces of technological creations on them throughout the day. One of them is predictably a...

Customer persona examples

Customer persona examples

16 Buyer Personas Every businessman, startup or marketing manager spends most of his working day with his clients, learning about their behavior, developing communication messages addressed to them, holding meetings and negotiations with the latter. For all...

Positioning Strategies of Fanta and Sprite

Positioning Strategies of Fanta and Sprite

Suppose it is a hot summer day. The rays of the Sun are igniting every single thing around you. Probably you feel thirsty and need to drink a beverage that will suit the situation. What will you...

Positioning Strategies of Lay’s and Doritos

Positioning Strategies of Lay’s and Doritos

Lay’s and Doritos are American snack brands that are widely distributed and popular. On the one hand, Lay’s is a brand of potato chip varieties with 200 classical flavors. Doritos, on the other hand, is a brand...

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