marketing And Social Media Blog

Marketing Strategy and SWOT Analysis of Colgate

Marketing Strategy and SWOT Analysis of Colgate

Attractive appearance and health are closely connected with oral hygiene. People can eat and drink whatever they want if they have healthy and strong teeth. When thinking about products used for maintaining oral hygiene Colgate is probably one of...

Positioning strategies of Flipkart

Positioning strategy of Flipkart

Imagine you have deeply injured your leg and the doctor told you to stay at home for a month. That’s one of the unpleasant feelings in the world, right? So, you decide to order a book and...

Target Markets of Emirates Airlines and Qatar Airways

Target Markets of Emirates Airlines and Qatar Airways

Travelling has become incomparably easy and comfortable nowadays. Airline companies have their role in this and allow traveling long distances just in a couple of hours. Emirate Airlines and Qatar Airways are two powerful, influential, and popular names among all the...

Positioning strategies of Lipton

Positioning strategies of Tea Brands, Lipton

When you think about drinking tea, Lipton is probably one of those names instantly popping up in your mind. The history of this legendary brand dates to 1890. Lipton was founded by Sir Thomas Lipton and was named after...

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