Positioning Strategies of Fanta and Sprite
Suppose it is a hot summer day. The rays of the Sun are igniting every single thing around you. Probably you feel thirsty and need to drink a beverage that will suit the situation. What will you remember about first? A cold carbonated soft drink, for sure. Fanta and Sprite are undoubtedly the best solutions. They are two of the most popular beverages you can find in all countries and cities in the world. We will now discuss the positioning strategies applied by the companies to know more about their method of achieving success.

Targeting Strategies are one of the core essentials that any company gives much attention and worth to.
In order to analyze the target segment of the company I suggest to watch the commercial example below.
The advertisement commences with a scene where the prior hero is a famous musician, rapper Drake. He is trying to rehearse his new disk; however, there is something wrong with him. He cannot start reading the rap because something stops him from doing so. Different parts of his body are being collapsed that resembled a robot consisting of other iron pieces.
The commercial displays more profoundly what is going on “inside him.” Sprite is activating all the cells of his body and helps to recover and function again. After several seconds his body returned to his previous and natural form where the fascinating fact was his voice. It came back and launched to make great raps again.
His enthusiastic approach and welfare after drinking Sprite are undeniable. As the hero represented a member of the group of the target segment of Sprite, we will discuss Peacocks.
Who are Peacocks, and what do we know about them?
Values and Beliefs of the Segment
Peacocks are self-concentrated people and are prone to stand out in the crowd. They want to be noticed by their surroundings, and this is perfectly reflected in the places they are used to go frequently, the clothes they choose to wear, the topics of their interest, and their friends. They want to be perceived as highly confident individuals and do their best to achieve such an impression. As personal success is so vital to them, they will try to engage in a few activities where they can really shine.
Peacocks want to get to the top of their career because they value the status and position’s fame. Leading and guiding others is more resembling to Peacocks. The target segment considers learning and becoming educated as a fundamental point for achieving success through standing out of the crowd, which persists forever. Money is an essential value for a Peacock. It is the measurement of success.
Attitude Towards Shopping

Peacocks are very aware of their looks and how they are perceived. In terms of buying, they need to be seen and, therefore, active when shopping. An above-average number of them think that prominent and luxury brands are the best fitting for their personality, and they do their best to purchase from such markets. They prefer quality above quantity. However, utilizing the opportunities to buy goods at lower prices by virtue of special offers or big discounts also catch their attention.
The target segment is quite brand loyal because they have already experienced and are sure about its quality. Peacocks are exceptionally inspired by the trend and find it essential to stay up to date. They have brands they follow loyally over time, as the brands themselves are a natural reflection of who they are and their development. Peacocks can be influenced by brand loyalty but currently aren’t very loyal.
Marketing Strategies

The prior marketing strategy that the company exerts is one and narrow approach to its product portfolio. One can think it is a drawback of the company in terms of lack of product varieties; however, it is a competitive advantage. They produce lemon and lime flavor carbonated soft drinks.
They have only several types of modified versions of the same beverages: Sprite, Sprite Cranberry, Sprite Tropic Mix, and the Zeroes of them. This gives consumers the sense of uniqueness of the company because when one wants to a like flavored beverage he/she remembers about Sprite because of their specialization.
Sprite elaborates on through promotions and advertisements the opportunity to make numerous varieties of cocktails mixing with Sprite. Sprite is more prevalent in alcohol cocktails that include vodka or white rum. The excellent opportunity for Sprite consumers to make better use of it is the way to attract more purchasers.
Problem Removal
Sprite beverages lack extra colorings, caffeine, and other chemicals compared to other sodas. Of course, Sprite contains a high level of sugar, which indicates the energy the beverage fosters. However, this problem is also solved due to their varieties of drinks with no sugar; I mean the Sprite Zeroes. This is highly motivational for drinking Sprite but has confusion related to its chemicals, sugar, or hazardous ingredients.
Social Acceptance

Sprite is one of the brands owned by Coca Cola. The company of Coca Cola never cease doing their best to have improvements in environmental issues. As most of the packages are in plastic bottles of the Coca Cola company’s beverages, they aim to manage the level of recycling the plastics to 100%. Another point they are highly concerned about and is from their priorities is to provide communities with 100% of water back they have used for the production of their drinks. We can assume that the company achieves social acceptance by avoiding waste as much as possible.
Message Strategy

Here we see an image from the official account of Instagram of Sprite. There are people from different gender, age, and race in the photo; however, one thing connects them. Their readiness for creating newness and enthusiasm. They are not scared of difficulties and will enjoy work to do together as a team. This is something telling about the brand archetype of Sprite. As strength and competence are nouns best describing it, we are prone to think of the Hero’s Brand Archetype.
It stands for courageous actions towards difficulties and challenges. Energy, focus, and ambitions are fundamental points of Hero’s Brand Archetype.
Targeting Strategies
The commercial launches with a scene of a market where everything is in orange color. A young lady is moving towards the refrigerator full of Fanta beverage bottles and takes one of them. She meets a friend there, and they greet each other in a “youngish” way. We hear the sounds of the music that makes the atmosphere friendlier and warmer. They enjoy Fanta drinks together, and the fun continued upon in another place where they rushed along together. As the optimistic and positive energy they spread resembles Hedonists’ target segment, I suggest diving deeper into Hedonists’ typical features.
Values and Beliefs

Every day has to be fun and as much enjoyment as possible in Hedonists’ life. They are prone to make team-ups with their friends, usually in big groups. I prefer large dance clubs mixing up with the big crowd and partying till morning. Family is not in the first stage for Hedonists. However, they have at least one meeting in every week. They are medium career professionals who think the best measurement of success is money one can earn.
Shopping references
Hedonists pay much attention to the label of a brand because it tells much about the quality and fame and reflects its luxury. However, sometimes they value more the quantity over the quality of an item. They like to be trendy and up-to-date, so purchasing from local brands is also probable for the target segment if they offer goods in fashion. They are impulse purchasers and usually do not organize their shopping routine in advance.
Marketing Strategies

When we refer to the marketing solution of Fanta, we see two fundamental aspects that the company gives much worth and attention to. The first one is the facet of the product portfolio, where increasing flavors of new beverages are not ceasing to be manufactured. Moreover, the company considers individual choices of tastes of countries and makes the production according to that. They have more than ten different drinks of flavors of fruits like grapefruit, pineapple, strawberry, peach, grape, etc. This matches not only the individual choice of people but also diversity.
Another vital point we need to elaborate on is the distribution channels of Fanta. They put their efforts into making the beverages available at any single store, denying the range of its output or development level. The company aims to provide customers with a cold drink at any time at any place.
Problem Removal
People who keep a healthy lifestyle usually claim that carbonated soft drinks contain high sugar volume, promoting obesity. It impacts on weight gaining correctly, which is the first indicator of refusing those products. However, Fanta has considered this fact carefully. They came up with a solution to producing a Fanta beverage with no sugar and calories for health-conscious people. This really helps those consumers who are used to purchasing these soft drinks but are against using much sugar.
Social Acceptance

The company of Fanta has done much valuable work for different organizations. One of the most prominent ones is fighting against food and nutrition lack in Kenya and other developing countries. There are three sponsors for the development of food assistance organizations, where Fanta is one of them.
They are dealing with making research of the sphere, strengthening the governance of multisectoral nutrition governance, innovation development, and many other technical functions responsible for management. Taking part and cooperating in such programs increased brand awareness and helped and continues to help impoverished communities.
Fanta Brand Positioning

Fanta has outstanding advertisement methods, which is the image from its official Instagram account. A funny and joyful environment with Fanta beverages is displayed where heroes are lying near the seaside. If you noticed the sea is being filled with Fanta and the nearby people enjoy the sunshine and relax. This type of assessment resembles the Brand Archetype of Jester.
The archetype’s core principle is to live the moment with full enjoyment and lighten up the
world. It stands for cleverness, humor, playfulness, and experience.
To sum up, we discussed positioning strategies of Fanta and Sprite, where targeting, marketing, and message strategies properly elaborated on. We hope this was a useful article where you found out the answers of the questions you were seeking. For more similar posts, check out the main page of our website.