Target Market of Mountain Dew
Ever heard of the word “moonshine? Would it be a surprise if you heard that Mountain Dew is the slang same for “moonshine”. Worldwide famous soft drink brand and illegally made corn whiskey on the same page. The company has now grown into a global brand. Certainly, moonshine is one of the last things associated with Mountain Dew today. The company has carved their way to earning the trust and loyalty of its customers. Behind their story of conquering the world, there is a rocky road of strong dedication and continuous improvement. Not to bore you more, let us dig deep into Mountain Dew’s success and superior marketing strategy.

Our story’s first page is Mountain Dew’s overall marketing strategy…
Mountain Dew products are at the point of enjoying the long-lasting love and trust of their customers. This achievement cost decades of hard work and investments. Therefore, failing customers in such harsh competition is not an option.
With the brand being part of Pepsi Co. portfolio, it promotes maintaining sustainable growth and serving customers at their best. For building up to such high standards for a global brand, Mountain Dew invests itself in every small step.
For a soft drink to be enjoyable, it needs to be cool in every meaning of that word. Product development is only half of the work; another challenge is how they promote it to the public.
The example of Mountain Dew is astonishing. The brand looks incomparably harmonious with cybersports events and popular gamers. Mountain Dew’s contemporary marketing strategy is spot on.
With a sharp and colorful brand book design, Mountain Dew is a partner of major gaming industry events. Brand ambassadors featured on the company’s website are famous gamers who serve as perfect faces for Mountain Dew’s product line.
The Game Fuel product line promotes soft drinks as an indivisible part of gamer’s life. The caffeine and theanine ingredients serve for keeping e-gaming athletes in shape. Moreover, their packaging has features specifically designed for real gamers to appreciate.
Marketing Campaigns of Mountain Dew honorably represent their values…
Genuine marketing strategy gives birth to accurately targeted and perfectly designed marketing campaigns. Mountain Dew has certain goals to accomplish and concrete segments to capture. Logically, they waste no effort to make sure every campaign serves their long-term marketing strategy.
When it comes to product promotion, Mountain Dew links their product offerings to events and individuals. They market their product as a necessity in a certain situation. To elaborate more, they advertise the products as solutions for common problems of a certain segment.
We talked quite a bit about the gaming industry and ambassador notable figures. Our further analysis will continue the same storyline. For a more detailed explanation, the following commercial will serve us well.
We meet our already familiar Game Fuel in the commercial. Our heroes are famous cybersports representatives Yassuo and Courage. The story tells us about a “rage quitter” Yassuo who is about to break his keyboard after another defeat. For all non-gamers, “rage quit” is when a player quits the game in anger because of a loss.
Just before the keyboard is about to get shattered, Courage breaks the wall to save his friend. As the “rage quit relief”, courage brings Mountain Dew’s Game fuel for Yassuo. The new ingredients improve the accuracy and alertness of players and decrease the possibility of failing again.
Besides the new ingredients, which give a performance edge to consumers, the ad demonstrates other product features. Resealable can and tactile grip are the functional advantages of the new design. It is amazing how Mountain Dew succeeded to show the problem and present Game Fuel as an immediate solution. The phrase “we can create a rage-quit free future” makes people believe in how effective the drink is.
Finally, the commercial comes to a culmination with a catchy slogan “Victory in a can”. Our heroes fist bump each other for Yassuo’s victory, indicating that Game Fuel helped avoid the defeat.
There are a few crucial points in the commercial that we need to address. First, the usage of famous e-sports gamers as brand ambassadors creates authority appeal among potential customers. Second, the atmosphere in the studio gives that cool gaming vibe to the viewer. It is important for making viewers believe the story to an extent it makes them want Game Fuel.
Third, besides the emotional side, the ad emphasizes the functional advantages of the product and its composition. Finally, the commercial persuades the viewers that Game Fuel gives a competitive edge and is a necessity in some cases.
The combination of all of these aspects makes this short ad a perfect example of a successful targeted campaign. Mountain Dew knows how to present their products’ advantages and what linkages will bring to a multiplication effect.
Mountain Dew slogans bring communication strategy tricks up to the surface…
The common truth about slogans is that they need to be catchy and reflect the company’s marketing strategy. Such short, but memorable phrases need to provoke thoughts in the minds of customers.

Therefore, global companies make sure their slogans communicate the intended idea. Mountain Dew’s communication strategy is fun and cool in every aspect, and accurately represents the company’s voice.
The “Do the Dew” slogan is probably the most iconic slogan of Mountain Dew in the last decade. Such a simple slogan is a short, but clear demonstration of how their communication strategy works. Moreover, it is the slogan for the first global campaign of Mountain Dew.
The campaign directed by legendary Hollywood director Justin Lin is truly exceptional. It explains the slogan “Do the Dew” as a call for authenticity, uniqueness and originality. By the words of Pepsi Co. President Brad Jakeman, it means doing what makes you happy and making sure to have a good time doing it.
The word “Dew” is already Mountain Dew’s trademark. “Dew” is an essential part of every campaign, every communication channel and every detail that represents the company’s face. The company often rhymes it in a fun way, used as a replacement of similar-sounding words.
At Mountain Dew, they make sure to have maximum fun. Want to get a taste of that? Mountain Dew suggests signing up to their DEWsletter for any relevant Dews!
Finally, who are the “prey” of Mountain Dew’s segmentation strategy?
Eventually, we have come to the point when we need to determine the ideal buyer persona for Mountain Dew. The product development process for Mountain Dew is agile. They value customer loyalty and seek to satisfy them at their best. Therefore, serving their customers gives them bonus insight into the characteristics and preferences of an ideal customer.
Companies need to know their customer to build the perfect product. When it comes to segmentation strategy, companies face a serious challenge adjusting offerings to the dynamic needs of customers. In Mountain Dew, years of research lie under every product offering. Talking so much about buyer personas triggers our curiosity. We might better quickly get to know the ideal customer of Mountain Dew. The Dew Ice commercial will help us doing so.
This ad is everything Mountain Dew is all about. Freshness, icy bottles, citrus green colors, and youngsters enjoying all of these. Actions take place in an ice cave, where a Dew-colored fridge drops from nowhere. Our hero singer James Reid finds the new lemon lime-flavored Mountain Dew Ice in the fridge.
Tasting the ice-cold soft drink make his neck glow in Dew colors and cold breath coming out. This shows how it freshens your body with just a little sip. James shares the drink with friends, and they start singing a cool rap about Mountain Dew Ice. A small detail worth mentioning – the singers use the famous phrase “Do the Dew” in the song. This is a perfect format for quoting the worldwide famous slogan.
Analyzing the commercial’s characters and the ad in its all leave us concluding that Mountain Dew targets the Breakouts.
Target audience: Breakouts.
Lifestyle and Values: Representatives of this segment consider money and recognition as success measures. They want to climb up the life and are willing to sacrifice anything along the way to get ahead. With success coming from wealth, material goods are not an exception.
Their belongings serve as an indication of achieving success in life and career. However, despite considering it the best measure of success, Breakouts are not managing money well. Saving is not their strongest ability and they are reckless in spending money.
Personal enjoyment is primary for Breakouts. Their life is full of adventures and risky situations, which bring joy and excitement. They are concerned about themselves and their future self as well. With their egocentric lifestyle, they are not concerned about environmental care. Taking care of health is not typical as well, as they tend to enjoy food without thinking of long-term health issues.
The lion’s share of their time goes to hanging out with friends at home or other active places. Discos and pubs are the most suitable destinations to visit, have fun and get drunk. Speaking of the devil, light alcohol is not for them, they prefer the real deal.
Breakouts are not travelers; they prefer passive stay-at-home leisure with drinking, eating and sunbathing. As you might have guessed, they are not interested in cultural events and have low participation in sports.

Attitude to shopping: The above-mentioned values form the shopping behaviors of Breakout. Their lifestyle dictates their preferences in buying, and the characteristics they pay the most attention to.
As appearance is a factor in determining success, Breakouts take care of their looks. Spontaneous shopping is a logical continuation of this key characteristic. They tend to purchase items just for the sake of having them. These are mostly appearance items that are not expensive but contribute to building an image.
They might judge people by the cars they drive, so every appearance piece is a contributor to an image. Therefore, they spend a lot on clothing. They hunt mostly for mainstream brands, prefer quality clothing, but cannot afford premium brands.
Breakouts are typically in the early majority of buyers. When items lose their hype and become more affordable, Breakouts are ready to purchase. They are brand-oriented, but not brand-loyal.
Interesting facts about Breakouts:
- Breakouts rely on TV as their primary source of information. Turning on the TV is one of the first things they do when getting home. They might not always watch the TV, but it often works in the background.
- TV shows, music, sports and movies are the most preferred type of media they consume.
- They use media primarily for entertainment, rarely for news and information.
- Breakouts are average readers, mostly rad interesting topics on sports, cars, stars, shopping and fashion.
- They have a “macho” attitude: a man should be a man, a real man does not cry.
At the very end, we have smoothly covered the chapters of Mountain Dew’s inner story. Our journey through the specifics of their strategies explained how the company is at its place right now. We have analyzed the backstory of this worldwide brand and dug into the smallest details of marketing.
Mountain Dew succeeded in forming clear associations and linkages with its target audiences. In return, they enjoy the long-lasting loyalty and trust of every customer. We have covered a lot, but undoubtedly, getting the drink of the shelves and sipping it is much easier. That is all for today, be sure to check out our website for more posts like this.