The Jester Brand Archetype Revealed
Jester brand archetype is one of the 12 Jungian brand archetypes․ How can we differ it from other archetypes? Jester archetype tries to spend every moment with full enjoyment. It wants to fill the customers’ life with happiness and joviality. The strategy of the archetype is to play, make jokes. The fear of it is about the customers being bored. With its gifts of joy the jester values fun, playfulness, humor.

Let’s take a look at products which are more likely to join Jester’s party.
The sweets themselves are directly connected to brighten colors and joy. If I want to lighten up my moments I just try some sweets, then my world seems more friendly and kind. And many brands position themselves as Jesters to give people fun, like M&M’s, Ben and Jerry’s. Especially children like these brands, the bright and colorful atmosphere they create.
Self-Care measures.
Here jester comes again to take us out of boredom and do our self-care with pleasure. These products raise the mood of people, like the sprays of Old Spice, or Dollar Shave Club commercials. They guessed that people need some joy while doing this kind of stuff.
Apps and websites.
Many apps like to lighten up the world of customers. They make fun of every little action that people make. Sometimes when jester doesn’t know how to use the app, he just makes fun of himself instead of showing signs of confusion. The famous Jester examples are MailChimp and
Drinks. Soft and alcoholic.

Drinks serve for the same purpose. They cheer up, raise the mood. The drink brands like Fanta, Pepsi, or Miller light do the same thing for customers. Just the posters and emblems on the drinks give the atmosphere to have a better time.
Do The Branding Of Your Products On Your Own With The Following Ebook. It Gives You The Solutions below.
- Find out the archetype of your brand with a 12 question quiz.
- Create a slogan and brand messaging.
- Create the logo, packaging, store appearances.
Now We can discuss Jester’s messaging features. What are its typical stories?
Talking about flavors.
The sweet flavor of drinks can embellish every person’s day. And when jester tells a story, it’s directly about sweet flavors of ice cream, or a drink. Fanta asks us to find out our favorite flavor, whether it is orange or strawberry, or multifruit.
Funny macho stories.
Funny stories are the base of Jesters’ storytelling. And the main character of the brand “Old Spice” is a macho man who advertises the product by doing funny things. These famous commercials are starring famous actor Terry Crews.
Funny way of product usage.
Ben and Jerry’s has created a funny quiz about eating their ice-creams. The example is described below. Somebody left a half-eaten pint in your freezer, but they’ve eaten all the chunks out of it! What are your actions? Here are the answers.
- Eat it without chunks.
- Give it to a friend.
- Add your own chunks.
- And some more questions.
Just a joke, a funny story with cartoon characters.

Jester is about fun and jokes. Everything connected with jokes is also related to Jester archetype. The topics of jokes can be whatever you can imagine. Funny stories are told by many brands like Tic-Tac and M&M’s. They both have created interesting cartoon characters who entertain us and make us wait impatiently for other episodes.
The Jester as a personality does these 5 steps in life alternately.

- At first, he is bored and is in ennui.
- Then it thinks that life is a funny game.
- He becomes more clever to trick others, get out of troubles, finding ways to overcome obstacles.
- The 4th step is living in the moment, by,by fully appreciating the moments of today.
- At the end of the day, he becomes irresponsible, self-indulgent
Jester brands have specific kinds of websites. They have more bright colors and pleasant atmosphere. Here they are.
1.MailChimp website.

MailChimp website has taken yellow as its main color. Yellow color raises the mood and is the most cheerful color in the world. Their website is full of funny pictures in order to keep people away from stress. The man in the pic is the main example of my thoughts.
2.Fanta website.

Fanta hasn’t done much on their website, just bright colors and 4 types of packaging. 4 different colors and huge fonts are written with more than one flavor. This is their slogan, a jester type of slogan. Here, letters are very big and readable. No deep information, just fun! Like Fanta does.
3.Old spice website.

Old Spice has gone further, they have an eccentric type of humor and use animals for their advertising. Here are 2 animals which are the faces of old spice. The site says that the products have a smell of sea creatures. Is it even possible? No way, the creature has no smell in reality, but the brand has created the smell. A classic Jester type of marketing.
Social media appearances of the brands. Facebook Instagram photos and descriptions.
Fanta’s Instagram appearances.

We see here the 4 colors of Fanta. The tropical one, juicy, fruity and classic. Here you can pick your Fanta. The guy with the red boots prefers red Fanta as red is his style. The orange girl is an obvious yellow Fanta fan, she also has orange glasses and the clothes are full of orange.
M&M’s instagram, Facebook appereances.

Here is another funny and colorful ambiance full of M&M’s characters’ joy. All of them have a specific type of lifestyle. One is very fast, another is calmer. In M&M’s Instagram page I see a skeleton created by candies, also a torn up sheet of paper and under that we see M&M’s letter.
Mailchimp’s social media appearances.

Now we have reached the MailChimp illustration. They have made ice-cream and sweets out of an old school MailChimp logo . Also beneath the yellow illustrations, we see a man who carries a letter for a customer. Here are several characters also created by an animator. All of them are somehow connected with mailing, old styled mailing.
Every successful brand has implemented the strategy of 12 brand archetypes. We need to take just 8 steps for completing archetypal branding with the following book.
1. Find out your brand archetype.
2. Create a logo.
3. Do the packaging.
Campaign examples of Jester archetype. Here are 3 of them.
Old spice, collection examples.
Old Spice has created schentes for wild people, for hard workers. These are collections with decoders. In these particular examples we see wild nature, and they were inspired by smooth and sophisticated scents.
They are maybe spicier and, instead of writing spicy, they have chosen to write wild. Just a Jester type of approach.
McDonalds. A family tent.

Mcdonald’s is a brand which has thousands of advertising campaigns, and one of them is the Family pavilion tent. They have created a fun world, which is adored by children and everybody else. Here we can see several shows, shops, also some concerts, and everything is connected with fun, because Jester means fun!
M&M’s – Nascar cup.

M&M’s sponsored Nascar cup, which isn’t considered to be so professional, but a lot of people like watching it. All the cars are painted by joyous colors of M&M’s. The crew uniform is also stylish. The tires, people and cars are all in style. And all the people who watch the cup must have fun as Jester is fun!
Now let’s take a look at the color gamma that Jester archetype provides. Here are bright and joyous colors of Jester.

Here are fonts of Jester, they also have the same joyous and fun atmosphere․

Now let’s see what kind of people prefer Jester archetype brands. Here are 2 customer segments who are more likely to buy products made by Jesters.
Hedonists (age 16-30). A customer segment․

Hedonists are a kind of segment who like to have fun all the time, as much joy as possible.
They like having fun in front of everyone, jumping on the stage of a concert or any action like that.They like going out very much, hanging out in shopping centers, or just spending time at a friend’s place. They like changing everything all the time.
It refers to friends, workplaces. Like unfaithful short relationships. They also tend to buy the latest things, gadgets. They like being in tune with attest fashion, standing out in the crowd.
Like keeping control of everything at work. Money is their main motivation while working, not for career growth. They have rather a traditional attitude. The point of drinking is to get drunk, the woman’s place is at home.
They do not like spending much time with family. Hedonists play computer games, go to pubs. Visiting exhibitions for interests. For example, car and motor shows. Like legal and illegal racing.
The brand and media usage of Hedonists.
The mainstream brands are very required by them. Buying authentic goods whenever you can. They are rather impulsed purchasers, not organizing their shopping trips. They also might buy domestic brands only if they are in fashion.
They are not active media users, and if they do, they only watch entertainment and fun programs. The topics like cars, men’s titles, sports, interest them a lot. Rarely watching tv programs, watching reality shows. Using the internet to interact and have fun, like buying something on the web.
Sharers, age 30-45 ( a customer segment).

Sharers like enjoying every single moment of life. Like being adventurous and think about themselves as adventurers. They fill their ordinary life with enjoyment from everyday tasks. Regular shopping and visiting shopping centers provide them great pleasure.
They work both for ambitions and money. Also, they like staying at home as here they enjoy time with family and friends. They like cooking and for them, the kitchen is the most important room at home.
They like to take care of their look and health, dressing fashionably, buying high-end brands, if there is a chance. Spending time at home, fixing things and taking care of the garden.
Brand and media usage.
Despite they do not live that well, they use premium brands whenever it is possible. They are mostly followers in adopting new products and services. Enjoy shopping as it’s their way of fulfillment. Enjoy discovering new products, fashion, trends. Though sometimes families need to guide their decisions.
They use media only for escaping to another world, reading about entertainment, celebrities, lifestyle topics, especially health and beauty, home and garden, clothing and fashion, film and traveling videos.
They are very strong Tv viewers as TV compensates the limitations of everyday reality. Like watching opera, theater, ballet performances. They don’t use the Internet much as technology confuses them a lot.
Jester archetype is only one of 12. Next to Jester, there are the Everyman and Lover archetypes. Everyman is associated with ordinary living and everyday tasks, while Lover is related to intimacy and close relations. You can check out all 12 archetypes by viewing our blogs.
Is Jester your brand archetype?