marketing And Social Media Blog

Fulfillers' Buyer Persona

Fulfillers’ Buyer Persona

Let’s take a look at Fulfillers’ main characteristics and insights Fulfiller is a symbol of success and leadership, his decisions are always risky, sharp and fast. But in the end, they are always justified and lead to...

Market Segmentation of KitKat

Market Segmentation of Kit Kat

What’s something chocolate can’t fix? If enough digging is done, it is probably even scientifically proven that chocolate is a mood booster. Whenever you’re down, or tired, or etc., you know what to do. Ironically, the company...

Revitalizers' Buyer Persona

Revitalizers’ Buyer Persona

Let’s take a look at Revitalizers’ main insights and characteristics Revitalizers are middle-aged people, who are married and even have children. They are charming parents who are very sensitive and attentive to their appearance. They are very...

Target Market of CVS pharmacy

Target Market of Pharmacy CVS

Some things we just can’t live without because they play a huge role in our everyday lives. Take healthcare, for example. A simple headache as a result of a long workday cannot cure itself. So, a pain-relieving...

Balancers' buyer persona

Balancers’ Buyer Persona

Let’s take a look at Balancers’ insights and features. Balancers are open, positive and ambitious people who always try to get the most out of everything. Their vivid idea is how they always try to balance their...

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