The Target market of Rolls Royce and Bentley
The first manufactured car was a huge leap forward in what we know as transportation. Ever since, the industry got bigger and global, creating worldwide competition and exponential progress. However, some companies thought of cars as something bigger than 4-wheel machines. Rolls Royce and Bentley can be proud to be on the list of unicum. Their limitless imagination gifted the most luxurious and status-declaring cars. The creative and impressive marketing campaigns and slogans of Rolls Royce and Bentley will tell us the real story.

Like their cars, Rolls Royce campaigns are jewels of marketing…

The one undeniable fact about Rolls Royce is the uniqueness we mentioned. Even their marketing campaigns follow the same philosophy to make sure they deserve the brand.
Light the Way campaign of Rolls Royce is a perfect fit for the brand. Rolls Royce is among the very few brands that need no detailed introduction of features or performance advantages. They rather tell a story, demonstrate experiences and emphasize that only Rolls Royce can “supply” such emotions.
The campaign features former Formula 1 pilot Jenson Button. Rolls Royce adds a point to their bank here. Formula 1 is the highest echelon of motorsports and the peak of engineering. Eventually, having a former champion is the usage of so-called appeal to authority. Jensen Button surely acts as a figure whose choice can be trusted.
Rolls Royce Wraith featured in the campaign is the trusted adventure companion of our hero. The discovery of new roads and experiences with Wraith is something to dream about.
The combination of power, comfort, and luxury make Rolls Royce the trusted friend of every adventure-lover. Surely, Rolls Royce is a brand affordable to a narrow audience. They make sure the experience is inclusive and unparalleled in the market.
Powerful and memorable Rolls Royce slogans attract necessary audiences.

“Effortless, Everywhere”… This slogan describes Rolls Royce Cullinan – the one-in-its-kind vehicle and a new breath for the company. With Cullinan, Rolls Royce established the bar high in the car market.
The new model of Rolls Royce is the ultimate multipurpose luxury vehicle. It can drive you to a high-class evening event, or get you through off-road obstacles. Moreover, all of this is in a typical Rolls-Royce manner: in style, comfort and class.
The “Effortless” part of the slogan refers to how calmly Rolls Royce faces challenges of the road. The Cullinan model also did not lose its class and is still a Rolls Royce we all know. “Everywhere” describes the major performance advantage of Cullinan over other Rolls Royce models. Cullinan is still a typical luxury vehicle; the buyer just gets more functionality on top. Altogether, this slogan is even an underestimation of what Cullinan can do.
Rolls Royce has earned its customer base via a superior segmentation strategy.
Throughout their existence, Rolls Royce always knew who their customer is. To uncover their ideal buyer persona, let’s watch and analyze the following commercial.
The ad starts with a snowboarding scene in snowy mountains then switches to a rocky off-road. The new Rolls Royce Cullinan carries his owner through off-road difficulties to a smooth mountain road. The next challenge for the Cullinan is the drive on ice, which he handles perfectly in the ad.
Eventually, the evening ends around a glass of whiskey with ice, and a cooling swim in the pool. The closing eye at the end symbolizes the finish of the day of a typical Rolls Royce owner. “One life. Many lifestyles” is a perfect description not only for the commercial’s hero but for the Cullinan as well. It is a car with so many functionalities that complement each other.
The meaning of the commercial is the diversity of experiences that the Cullinan model can handle. It is like a trusted butler that can take care of the master. Regardless of the circumstances and the environment, Cullinan is the real friend who will not disappoint.
Any difficulty is a piece of cake. Behind all the performances is the elegant Rolls Royce that we love and dream about.
The Rolls Royce commercial shows that the company cherishes the balance of functionality and luxury. Thus, we can conclude that they target the Balancers.
Target audience: Breakouts.
Lifestyle and values: The name of the segment already tells us a lot about their lifestyle and values. Every action of a Balancer is a step towards reaching balance in life. The Balance refers to the one between family, career and friends.
Representatives of this segment always make sure that their time and mind are equally devoted to all of the above-mentioned.
Family is of much importance for Balancers. Because they are “balancers”, they give importance to a career as well, because it affects their family life greatly. To take care of the family, they need finances, thus a successful career.
Work is a career and not merely a job. They try to balance their involvement in decision-making as well. Sometimes they are self-focused, in other cases, they share responsibilities with the teams. This makes them loved and respected by colleagues.
Balancers are open to challenges and new things in life, and they value diversity a lot. The commercial of Roll Royce has shown that typical owners have a diverse lifestyle. Consequently, they need a car with diverse functionalities.
Attitude to shopping: Balancers value the importance of high-quality products. If they know what they are paying for, they are ready to pay extra for a product. We cannot surely say that they are among early adopters. They are open to new things, but they must have some information on the product. Additionally, the time to attract a Balancer is very limited, so it must hit them immediately to spark interest.
Balancers are brand loyal. If they find a brand that they are comfortable with, they tend to stick with it. They do not seek brands as much, and special deals attract them as well. With household shopping, they feel responsible to shop with family at least once a week. This is a perfect chance of spending time with family and committing to the household.

Interesting facts about Balancers:
- Balancers mostly consume traditional media like TV, radio, and newspapers.
- Sports is one of the preferred topics while reading newspapers and magazines.
- Internet is the primary source of information to stay up to do date. Additionally, it can be helpful for business life.
- The information they consume must be useful for their lives and career.
- Balancers tend to spoil their children, sometimes for compensating their absence because of work.
- Balancers are patriotic, and they think that everything they do must contribute to the country, be it small or large.
Bentley wings are ready to flap again….
Bentley shines with their exceptional and classy methods of dealing with progress. The company walks with the trend, leads the trends and manages to maintain its style on the way.
Lead the Charge is a modern campaign that combines the history of Bentley with the future. Bentley launches the hybrid versions of their models. The advertisement demonstrated Bentley cars in their full beauty.
Their new inner construction does not disturb the Bentley image we have all know for years. Bentley is still a living home of crafts and modern in harmony.
The ad shows how the new solutions work in complex with a mobile app. Bentley owners can track their car charge level and access all the relevant information on the vehicle. Accessibility became one of the primary conditions for products.
Leading the Charge is the analogy of “Leading the Change”. Bentley wants to emphasize that they are at the forefront of the changes in the industry. Moreover, they are more than ready to adapt. With more than 100 years of history, Bentley still faces changes with pride.
Bentley cars were usually armed with powerful and massive combustion engines. The switch towards eco-friendly electric solutions is smooth and expected.
All major brands realize the importance of capturing their share of the future. Electric cars tend to become the main type of transportation in the next decade. Consequently, starting from hybrids is a smart move from Bentley.
Even the shortest slogans build the best communication strategies…
“Bentley. The silent sports car”

Real car enthusiasts know that Bentley has a clear positioning in the market. They are not simply a high-class vehicle brand. The wings on the logo are not just for beauty. Instead, they signify that Bentley cars fly when the owners want them to do so.
At first glance, Bentley cars seem “too luxury” to spread their wings. This is the case when the first glance is deceiving. Bentley cars stood out with their performance edge over others from day one. Currently, the company prefers to advertise luxury and style, but speed and performance are right behind. Every car carries exceptional solutions perfected through decades by Bentley’s engineers.
Despite being the perfect choice for comfort and class, Bentley is in the conversation of performance as well. “Calm beast” is a suitable description to use when talking about Bentley. Bentley cars can charm with their looks, but they can open their wings and fly at any moment.
More century-long traditions lie behind Bentley’s Segmentation strategy
Bentley has been building cars perfectly designed to fit a certain segment. We will learn more about that segment if we dig into this commercial.
Nothing unusual here: a chauffeur drives his boss in a classy Bentley Mulsanne. The slick design of the car shines under the beams of the sun. The atmosphere in the car is completely different. The owner has everything in the car to relax before and after tiring work.
Bentley’s atmosphere isolates the owner from the outside world. The problems surrounding the car do not bother him. For the time of commuting from point A to B, he is free and relaxed.
The car serves the owner as an escape from everyday stress. No sense of rush, no sense of urgency. The owner enjoys his time in the backseat of the car, sipping cold champagne and busy with work.
By analyzing the commercial, the hero and the lifestyle he follows, we can conclude that Bentley targets the Fulfillers.
Target Audience: Fulfillers
Lifestyle and values: The whole life of Fulfillers revolves around a career. It is not simply a job, but rather a means of self-actualization. Fulfillers prioritize their career, and they expect surrounding people to accept them. They love taking challenges and risks. This explains their business mindset. Family members must accept their concentration on work.
As much as they love their career, they seek recognition for their success from others. Their results and achievements are equally important to their family recognizing the latter. Fulfillers love social life, are modern and follow the digital trends to stay up to date.
They love being out more than staying at home. They rarely eat at home, because they do not have time for cooking. Travelling is preferred leisure; 2-3 times a year is an average frequency.
Attitude to shopping: Similar to Balancers, Fulfillers prefer high-quality products as well. The price does not matter as long as they know the value they get for the purchase. They consume a variety of brands, mainly premium ones, because of the quality reasons mentioned above. For Fulfillers, impulse buying is sometimes possible.
Fulfillers love trying new things, and this concerns shopping as well. However, they are brand loyal and tend to come back to preferred brands quickly. Shopping is not only a necessity but an activity as well. Spending money during shopping improves their mood. Shopping is also good for improving appearance, which is also important for an image of a successful person.

Interesting facts about Fulfillers:
- Fulfillers are actively seeking for information to stay up to date.
- Newspapers and magazines on news, entertainment and sports are the most preferred.
- Technology is one of the emerging topics. It, computing, and machines are the top preferences.
- As Fulfillers pay attention to their appearance, they care about health and fitness. They consume media on these topics as well and regularly go to the gym to stay in shape.
- Internet is the primary source of information, but mainly on business, finances, and banking topics.
With all the class and smell of luxury, Bentley and Rolls Royce are the diamonds of roads. There are brands, which usually stay on the dream list, as only a few can afford them. Affordability is one of the factors that make Bentley and Rolls Royce such an exclusive accessories. Despite the differences, the two brands have common things together: history and traditions.
By unifying craftsmanship with modern solutions, Bentley and Rolls Royce have been making astonishing “museums” with wheels. Surely, building those cars is only half of the work; the other crucial half is their marketing strategy.
Today’s journey was all about how they nailed their job in marketing. Now, they have earned the right to enjoy the love of customers for more than a century. That is it, be sure to check out more posts like this on our website.